Content Posted in 2024
Academic Village Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Notice and Agenda 06/07/2024, UC Law SF
A Critical Race Theory Analysis: The Role of Racialization, the White Racial Frame, and Institutional Power in California Eugenics Sterilizations, Nicole Sequeira Tashovski
A Cross-Clinic Collaboration: How an Amicus Brief Helped Create Judicial Recognition of Adultification Bias in Juvenile Sentencing, Jessica Levin
Administrative Constitutionalism and the History of the Administrative State, Reuel E. Schiller
Administrative Law: In Search of the Public Interest, Jodi L. Short
Administrative Law with memo, Reue Schiller
Administrative Law with memo, comments, and model answers, Dorit Reiss
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/09/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 05/11/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 05/19/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/24/2023, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/25/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 11/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancing Academic Freedom Through State Constitutional Protections, Karlie M. Bischoff
Advancing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Haiti, Kate E. Bloch, Ariel Chéry, Marie Gerda Dorcy, Roxane Edmond Dimanche, Yvon Janvier, Maxo Mezilas, and Benjamin Trouille
After the Demise of Affirmative Action, Ensuring Equitable Access to Educational Opportunities, Anna Gorman-Huang and Peter Henry Huang
A Government Branch of Its Own: Reining in the Power of the Regents of the University of California, Veronica Gray
Aligning United States Law with International Norms Would Remove Major Barriers to Protection in Gender Claims, Karen B. Musalo Prof.
Amazon’s Algorithmic Rents: The economics of information on Amazon, Ilan Strauss, Tim O’Reilly, and Mariana Mazzucato
Antitrust, Zach Abrahamson, Thomas Greene, and Ausra Deluard
A Path Toward Race-Conscious Standards for Youth: Translating Adultification Bias Theory into Doctrinal Interventions in Criminal Court, Jessica Levin
Appendix A Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, UC Law SF
Appendix B Conceptual Mixed-Use Development Design, UC Law SF
Appendix C Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Modeling, UC Law SF
Appendix D Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, UC Law SF
Appendix E Geotechnical Report, UC Law SF
Appendix F Noise and Vibration Assessment, UC Law SF
Appendix G Shadow Analysis, UC Law SF
Appendix H Transportation, UC Law SF
Appendix I Wind Assessment, UC Law SF
Appendix J Structural Integrity Memo, UC Law SF
Appendix K Comment Letters On the Draft EIR, UC Law SF
Appendix L Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, UC Law SF
are we sure, Hailey Clawson
Arizona v. Navajo Nation and the Fight for Natural Resources in Indian Country, Katherine Hanson
Artificial Authorship on the Big Screen: Regulating Ai in Scriptwriting, Cassie Larson
Aspirational Laws in Action: A Field Experiment, Ben Depoorter and Stephan Tontrup
A Trip to the Border: Legal History and APA Originalism, Reuel E. Schiller
Autonomy and Free Thought in Brain- Computer Interactions: Review of Legal Precedent for Precautionary Regulation of Consumer Products, Sadia Khan, Daniel Cole, and Hamid Ekbia
Bankruptcy, John Fiero
Big Capital & the Carceral State, Laura I. Appleman
Black Equal Citizenship and Residential Segregation in the Supreme Court’s Race Jurisprudence, Gabriel J. Chin
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Notice and Agenda 03/15/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Notice and Agenda 06/07/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Notice and Agenda 12/01/2023, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book 03/15/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book 06/07/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book 12/01/2023, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 03/02/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 03/10/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 06/09/2023, Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 09/08/2023, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 09/09/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 12/02/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Special Meeting - Notice and Agenda 05/14/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Special Meeting - Notice and Agenda 05/31/2024, UC Law SF
BORN TO EQUALITY: Minor Children, Equal Protection, and State Laws Targeting LGBTQ+ Youth, Nicholas Serafin
Bowling with Bumper Rails: How Firearms Examiners Have Duped the Courts and Generated Low Error Rates Only by Avoiding Challenging Comparisons, Richard E. Gutierrez
Breaking Bias: A Singular Chapter Solution For Racial Equity In Consumer Bankruptcy, Jerron Wheeler
Business Associations, Abraham Cable
Business Associations, Abraham Cable
Business Associations, Emily Strauss
Business Associations with memo, John Crawford
By the Neck Until Dead: A Look Back at a 70 Year Search for Justice, Clark Freshman
Calculating the Harms of Political Use of Popular Music, Jake Linford and Aaron Perzanowski
California Civil Procedure, James Wagstaffe
California Community Property Law & Process, Lois Schwartz
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Notice and Agenda 04/17/2024, UC Law SF
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Notice and Agenda 12/01/2023, UC Law SF
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Book 04/17/2024, UC Law SF
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Book 12/01/2023, UC Law SF
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/01/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Packet 04/28/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Packet 05/11/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Campus Housing Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/24/2023, UC Law SF
Care and Custody in Federal Bank Robbery, Victor Qiu
CCPA/CPRA: Consumers Bear the Burden as Companies Bear the Crown, Jacklin Lee
Chancellor and Dean Reappointment Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 01/12/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Chancellor and Dean Reappointment Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 01/31/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Chancellor and Dean Reappointment Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 03/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Children & the Law, Lois Weithorn
Ciudadanos Sin Derechos: The Plight of Puerto Rican Prisoners, Maylee Carbajal
Civil Procedure, Scott Dodson
Civil Procedure: Class-Settlement Distribution and Accounting, Scott Dodson
Civil Procedure II, James Wagstaffe
Civil Procedure II with Memo, Richard Marcus
Civil Procedure: Rule 4 and Personal Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
Civil Procedure: Why In-State Plaintiffs Invoke Diversity Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
Civil Procedure with memo, Matthew Coles and James Higa
Civil Procedure with memo, Richard Marcus
Communique (Winter 2024), UC Law SF Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Community Energy Exit, Sharon Jacobs and Dave Owen
Community Property, John Myers
Comparing Reasons for Hate Crime Reporting Using Racialized Legal Status, Pamela Ho
Compliance & Risk Management, Jodi Short
Conflict of Laws with Model Answer, Scott Dodson
Constitutional Law: Faithful Execution in the Fifty States, Zachary S. Price
Constitutional Law I, Yvette Lindgren
Constitutional Law I, Yvette Lindgren
Constitutional Law I, Jodi Short
Constitutional Law II, Yvette Lindgren
Constitutional Law II, Michael Flynn
Constitutional Law II, Christina Koningisor
Constitutional Law II Law & Process, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law II Law & Process, James Higa
Constitutional Law II with memo, Matthew Coles
Constitutional Law I Law & Process, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law I Law & Process, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law I with Memo, Zachary Price
Contemporary American Litigation with Memo, Richard Marcus
Contracts with memo, Jeffrey Lefstin
Contracts with memo, model answer, student answer, Emily Murphy
Copyright, Jake Linford
Corporate Crimes, Kirstin Ault
Corporate Law: Suing SPACs, Emily Strauss
Creating Compliance Climates, Craig Cowie
Criminalizing Race: How Direct And Indirect Criminalization Of Racial “Status” Constitutes Cruel And Unusual Punishment, Delphine Brisson-Burns
Criminal Law, Jonathan Abel
Criminal Law, John Myers and Tori Timmons
Criminal Law, Aaron Rappaport and Tori Timmons
Criminal Law, Rory Little
Criminal Law, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Hadar Aviram
Criminal Procedure, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Hadar Aviram
Criminal Procedure, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Meredith Osborn and Victor Hwang
Criminal Procedure Adjudicative Process, Hadar Aviram
Criminal Procedure Law & Process, James Higa
Cryptocurrency — Legally Navigating The “Highway to Climate Hell”, Steven Ferrey
DACA’s Stratified Tracks for Economic Mobility and Lessons for Addressing Immigrants’ Long-Term Inequality, Els De Graauw and Shannon Gleeson
Demon Cat, Davíd Briceño
Dirty Secret: The Laundering of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Charles H. Brower II
Domestic Supply (A Feminist Proposal), Jennifer Hendricks
Domestic Violence Law, Kelly Weisberg
Draft_UCCollegeofLaw_LRCP_EIR_CertificationHearings_082224, UC Law SF
E-discovery, Mathea Bulander
Editorial Forward, Executive Board
Editor-in-Chief’s Foreword, Megan Stupi
Editor-in-Chief’s Forward, Zoë Grimaldi
Editor-in-Chief’s Forward, Zoë Grimaldi
Editor-in-Chief’s Forward, Zoë Grimaldi
Editor-in-Chief’s Forward, Zoë Grimaldi
Editors’ Foreword, Ivan Ditmars and Gaby Salazar Kitner
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice and Agenda 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice and Agenda 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice and Agenda 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice and Agenda 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Book 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Book 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Book 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Book 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 02/09/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 02/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 05/11/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 05/19/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 08/24/2023, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 08/25/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Packet 11/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Ego, Hailey Clawson
Emojis: An Approach to Interpretation, Patricia Vilma Graham
Empowering Victims of Grand Corruption: an Emerging Trend, Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Environmental Impact Report – 201 to 247 Golden Gate Ave. – CEQA Review, UC Law SF
Environmental Law: The Negotiable Implementation of Environmental Law, Dave Owen
Environmental Law: Wolf Law, Jesse Honig and David Takacs
Epilogue: UC Law Journal – RICE Symposium, Ming H. Chen
Equal Recognition for Artistic Labor: Needle Arts Are Fine Arts, Margie Alsbrook
Estate Planning Seminar, Harry Maring
Evidence, Emily Murphy
Evidence, Roger Park
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Roger Park
Evidence Law & Process, Tori Timmons
Evolutionary, Tazeen Hussain
Executive Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 01/12/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/09/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/10/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 11/09/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 12/15/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Executive Power and Patronage: Lessons from Puerto Rico, Stephen A. Plass and Naomy M. Rivera
Facial Recognition Technology in the Market: What Consumers Need to Know to Protect Their Rights, Liubov Kirzhakova
Fallout and Fiduciary Duty, Russell Powell
False Conscience: Sustainability and Smart Evolution—Between Law and Power, Ugo Mattei
Federal Courts with Model Answer, Scott Dodson
Federal Criminal Law, Ross Mazer
Federal Nonenforcement at a Crossroads, Zachary Price
Fiery, Fierce, and Fit, TheDocArts LLC
Final Form, Ellen M. Slatkin
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 02/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 05/16/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (1) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 11/09/2023, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (2) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (3) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (4) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (5) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book (6) 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/09/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 02/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 05/11/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 05/19/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/24/2023, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 08/25/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Packet 11/17/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
First Amendment Disequilibrium, Christina Koningisor and Lyrissa Lidsky
Fit Fusion Femme, TheDocArts LLC
Fluidity and Ambiguity in the Virgin River, Emily Sunflower Thompson
Forced Pooling: The Unconstitutional Taking of Private Property, Kevin J. Lynch
Foreword, Emily Montalvo and Natalie Tantisirirat
Foreword, Madeline Frank and Mackenzie Murphy
Foreword, Edward M. Chen
Foreword, Jonathan Luciano and Ju Lee
Foundations of Privacy Law, Julian Schneider
From Data Co-opting To Data Co-oping: Using New Corporate Structures, Data Corporate-hood, And Data Personhood To Prioritize Data Privacy, Jonathan Askin
From the Editor-in-Chief, Jacklin Lee
From UC Hastings to UC Law SF: An Examination of the Renaming Process and Analysis of Institutional Identity, Oliver Cheng
Fundamentals of Civil Procedure, Lois Schwartz
Gender. Identity. Property?, Eliot T. Tracz
Getting Off Off-Duty: The Impact of Dobbs on Police Officers’ Private Sexual Lives, Joshua Arrayales
Going Federal, Staying Stateside: Felons, Firearms, and the ‘Federalization’ of Crime, Jonathan Abel
Golden Poppy, Sydney Cross
Has AI Art Generated the Next Napster? Analyzing Civil and Criminal Liability for Prompt Marketplace Participants, Tyler Larson
Healthcare Providers & Law, Kathleen Boozang
Honoring Indigenous Sovereignty and Consent: Legal Frameworks for Addressing Indigenous Displacement Due to Climate Change, Margaret Von Rotz
Housing Law In Public Interest, Leah Simon-Weisberg
How American Society and Law Continue to Undermine People with Disabilities Seeking Education and Employment, Angelica Guevara
How European Human Rights Law Will Reshape U.S. Business, Rachel Chambers and David Birchall
Immigration Law, Richard Boswell
Implementing Armenia’s New Climate Law: Navigating Energy Independence and Geopolitical Tensions in the South Caucasus, Ilona Evelina Mantachian
Impossibility of Artificial Inventors, Matt Blaszczyk
Injustice Anywhere: A Comparative Law Analysis of Saudi Arabia’s Criminal Justice System, Cooper C. Millhouse
Insurance Law, Jeremy Lawrence
Intellectual Property: Patents as Property for the Takings, Robin Feldman
International Human Rights with memo, Blaine Bookey
Intro to Law (LLM), Lois Schwartz
Intro To Law (MSL) with model answer, Morgan Wells, Jessica Vapnek, and Lois Schwartz
Investment Management, Theda Haber
IP State Law Trade Secrets, Charles Graves
I Spy with My Many Eyes: The Government’s Unbridled Use of Your Surveillance Cameras, Brian A. Weikel
“It’s Like I’ve Got This Music in My Mind”: Protecting Human Authorship in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Justine Magowan
“It’s Not Ok to Not Be Ok”: Suicide, California’s Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, and The Constitution, Christina Strohmann
Justice, a Photo Series, Emily Sunflower Thompson
Labor Law’s Preemption Problem: Glacier Northwest and What the Fate of Garmon Means for American Workers, Alexander S. Whistler
Leading With the Trailing Edge: Facilitating Patient Choice for Insulin Products, Robin Feldman
Legal Ethics Law & Process, Margaret Greer
Legal Ethics Practice Of Law, Abraham Cable
Legal Ethics Practice of Law, Beth Ribet
Legal Ethics Practice Of Law with memo, Paul Belonick
Litigating the Future of Youth’s Access to Gender-Affirming Care, Sophia Ureta-Fulan
Major Questions about Presidentialism: Untangling the 'Chain of Dependence' Across Administrative Law, Jodi L. Short and Jed H. Shugerman
Making Social Security Progressive, Manoj Viswanathan
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 01/16/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 02/15/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 04/15/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 06/17/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 07/08/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 07/15/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 07/26/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 08/01/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 08/19/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 09/05/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 11/20/2023, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 01/11/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 01/16/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 02/08/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 02/15/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 03/27/2023, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 04/15/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 04/17/2023, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 05/15/2023, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 06/17/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 07/08/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 07/17/2023, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 08/01/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 08/19/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 08/21/2023, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 09/05/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 11/20/2023, UC Law SF
Misinformation and COVID-19, Dorit Rubenstein Reiss
Monopolization by Exploiting People’s Inertia? On the DOJ’s 2020 Complaint Against Google and Revenue Sharing Agreements as Non-Compete Arrangements, Omar Vasquez Duque
More T in ESG: Tax as a Crucial Component of ESG, Lisa Chen
Negotiating Pluralism: Dilemmas of Decentralization in the Middle East, Asli Ü. Bâli and Omar M. Dajani
Oculus, Anonymous
Offsetting a Roth Conversion with a Charitable Donation, William KS Wang
Old Wine in a New Bottle? – An Empirical Evaluation of the Judicial Reforms in China in the 2010s, Peter C.H. Chan
One Nation, Under Dobbs: How Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Impacts Data Privacy for All, Mikayla Domingo
Pacha Mama, Savanah Carter
Pack Your Bags…We’re Moving to the Public Domain: The Expiration of Copyright Terms and Its Implications on Future Protection, Sophie Ganion
Patent Law, Robert McFarlane
Patent Term Extensions and the Last Man Standing, Robin Feldman
Paucity of intellectual property rights information in the US biologics system a decade after passage of the Biosimilars Act, Robin Feldman
Paying the Penultimate Price: Compensating Predeath Pain and Suffering in California, Daniel Cassee
Pension & Employee Benefits, Theda Haber
Pipe Dream: Rethinking CO2 Pipeline Subsidies, Julia Weiss and Taylor Stonerock
Political Representation and Economic Rights in the Shadows of Citizenship, Allison Brownell Tirres
Politicians the Founders Warned You About, Neil Fulton
Pop Culture Depictions of Diversity in Business – Mad Men, Super Store, and Barbie, Akshaya Kamalnath
Pricing Corporate Governance, Albert H. Choi
Privacy Law: Police Secrecy Exceptionalism, Christina Koningisor
Privacy Mismanagement: Privacy Harms, Digital Market Monopolies, and Antitrust Law, Kristie Lam
Proactive International Law, Michal Saliternik and Sivan Shlomo Agon
Procedural Pluralism: A Model for Enforcing Internal Administrative Law, Daniel Epstein
Professional Responsibility, Michael Colatrella
Professional Responsibility, Michael Colatrella
Property, Paul Belonick
Property, Jo Carrillo
Property with memo, John Crawford
Protecting Worker Health Data Privacy From The Inside Out, Elizabeth A. Brown
Proving Actionable Racial Disparity Under the California Racial Justice Act, Colleen V. Chien, W. David Ball, and William A. Sundstrom
Public Enforcement and Disability: A United States-South Korea Comparison, Joonghan (Joseph) Jo
Public Health Law with memo, comments, and model answers, Dorit Reiss
Public Lands and Native Americans: A Guide to Current Issues, John d. Leshy
Public Sector Labor Law, Jeffrey Sloan
Punk Parenting, Hailey Clawson
Racial and Gender Bias in Child Maltreatment Reporting Decisions: Results of a Randomized Vignette Experiment, Ian Ayres, Sonia Qin, and Pranjal Drall
Re(de)fining Patent Eligibility, Lauren Hong
Regulatory Managerialism as Gaslighting Government, Jodi L. Short
Reinventing the Silver Screen… Again: the Copyright Licensing Implications of Using Video Game Technology for Virtual Production On Film and TV Sets, Nicholas M. Medellin
Remedies, Lois Schwartz
Remedies Law & Process, David Jung
Remedies with memo, David Levine
Repaving the Path for the Immigrant Investor, Nathan Quach
Restorative Justice Diversion as a Structural Health Intervention in the Criminal Legal System the Criminal Legal System, Thalia Gonzalez
Restoring Reasonable Expectations to Privacy at Work in the Face of Modern Electronic Monitoring Practices, Rafi Bortnick
Restraining ChatGPT, Roee Sarel
Rethinking the Fundamentals: Applying The Evolving Standards of Decency Test To The Court’s Evaluation of Fundamental Rights., Nick Wolfram
Rewarding Failure with Patents, Robin Feldman
rose colored flags, Hailey Clawson
Rule 4 and Personal Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
Saving the Permit Streamlining Act: The California Supreme Court Must Depart from Horn v. County of Ventura, Milene Minassians
Scientific Guidelines for Evaluating the Validity of Forensic Feature-Comparison Methods, David L. Faigman, Nicholas Scurich, and Thomas D. Albright
Securities Regulation with memo, John Crawford
Singing the Force of the Imagination: How to Wonder About the Emotional-Reportage in Immigration Advocacy, Joshua J. Schroeder
Social Enterprise Governance Post-SOX, Alina Ball
Special Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 06/22/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 07/27/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Packet 10/25/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Committee on Litigation Meeting - Open Session Packet 09/27/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Committee on Litigation Meeting - Open Session Packet 10/13/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Committee on Litigation Meeting - Open Session Packet 10/20/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Committee on Litigation Meeting - Open Session Packet 11/04/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Special Committee on Litigation Meeting - Open Session Packet 12/09/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Standards in Assessing Notice of Reasonable Security Measures in Trade Secret Law, Tazeen Hussain
Startup Legal Garage Corprt, Abraham Cable, Derek Schwede, and Michael Winton
Startup Legal Garage Patent with model answer, Robin Feldman
Stat Environmental Law, David Takacs
Stat Legislation & Administrative Regulation, Dave Owen
Stock-Based Compensation in Startups: Employee Implications & Potential Solutions, Alec Galustian
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Notice and Agenda 02/29/2024, UC Law SF
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Open Session Book 02/29/2024, UC Law SF
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Open Session Packet 04/20/2023, UC Law SF
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Open Session Packet 04/21/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Open Session Packet 10/18/2022, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Suing SPACs, Emily Strauss
Surgical Couture, Facets of Color, & Hues of Friendship, TheDocArts LLC
Tax Enforcement by the Private Sector: Deputizing Tax Insurers, Heather M. Field
Tax Family Wealth Transfers, Laurence Blau
The Australian Experience with Environmental Offsets: An Illusory Tool for Addressing Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change?, Robert J. Fowler, Phillipa C. McCormack, Alexandra S. Wawryk, Margaret Castles, and Emily Whenan
The Business of Abortion: Access to Capital Post Dobbs, Itay Ravid and Jonathan Zandberg
The Case for Downsizing the Corporate Attorney-Client Privilege, Elise Bernlohr Maizel
The Cycle of Delegitimization: Lessons From Dred Scott on the Relationship Between the Supreme Court and the Nation, Jonathon J. Booth
The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Looking for Techno-Libertarian Ideology in a Decade of Public Discourse about Big Tech Regulation, Jodi L. Short; Reuel E, Schiller; Susan Sibley; Noah Jones; Babak Hammatian; and Lee Anna Bowman-Carpio
The Duty to Diversify and the Logic of Indexing, Richard A. Booth
The Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence, Justice Gordon Goodman
The Impact of Bruen and Its Expansion of the “Right to Carry” on Terry as a Law Enforcement Tool, Kshitij Mehta
The Importance of Counting All Immigrants for Apportionment and Redistricting, Tye Rush, Samuel Hall, and Matt A. Barreto
The Inadmissibility of Victim Impact Evidence, Fernanda Gonzalez
The KKK, Immigration Law and Policy, and Donald Trump, Kevin Johnson
The Legal Metaverse and Comparative Taxonomy: A Reappraisal, Ugo Mattei
The Magnetic Pull of American Discovery: Second Thoughts About American Exceptionalism?, Richard L. Marcus
The Myth of DNA Trade Secrecy, Jacob S. Sherkow
The Myth of Slavery Abolition, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
The Ninth Circuit’s RFRA Standard of “Substantial Burden” as Applied to Native American Sacred Sites, Erik Renner
The Origins and Future of International Data Privacy Law, Julian Schneider
The Professional Employer Organization Regulatory Regime, Ursula Ramsey
The Purpose and Practice of Precedent: What the Decade Long Debate Over Stare Decisis Teaches Us About the New Roberts Court, Russell A. Miller
The Racial Triangulation of Asian American Achievement, Vinay Harpalani
The Road Not Taken: A Critical Juncture in Racial Preferences for Naturalized Citizenship, Ming Hsu Chen
The Spy in Your Pocket: Montana’s TikTok Ban and the Federalism Limits of State-level Foreign Policy, Wei Luo
The Tragedy of the AI Anticommons, Shelby Ponton
The Unbearable Inevitability of Content Regulation, Jerome O’callaghan
The Undignified First Amendment, Douglas E. Edlin
The “Wholesale Failure” of the Sec’s Approach To Chief Compliance Officer Liability, David B. Lourie
Today’s Pirates: Biopiracy, biotech, and the international frameworks that are not up to the challenge., Katy Rotzin
Torn Between the Two: Practicing Law or Religion, Amna Qamer
Torts, Jennifer Freeland
Torts, Shanin Specter
Torts with memo and model answer, Naomi Roht-Arriaza and James Higa
Torts with memo, comments, best exams, Dorit Reiss
Torts with model answer, Williams Gallagher
Towards Responsible Quantum Technology: Safeguarding, Engaging and Advancing Quantum R&D, Mauritz Kop, Mateo Aboy, Eline De Jong, Urs Gasser, Timo Minssen, I. Glenn Cohen, Mark Brongersma, Teresa Quintel, Luciano Floridi, and Raymond Laflamme
Toxic Minimalism on the “Yolo” Court: The Supreme Court’s Dangerous Muddle In First Amendment and Speech-Adjacent Law, Matthew D. Bunker and Emily Erickson
Trickle-Down Compliance: How Codifying the Mandatory Presidential Audit Can Improve Tax Morale and Tax Compliance, Emma Braden
Truth in Advertising for Environmental Sustainability, Robin Mercedes Rotman and Aidan David-Pennington
UCLawSF_LRCP_GoldenGate_ActionItemFindingsMMRP, UC Law SF
UCLawSF_LRCP_GoldenGate_ActionItemFindingsMMRP BOD 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
UCLawSF_LRCP_GoldenGate_Final_EIR, UC Law SF
UCLawSF_LRCP_GoldenGate_Final_EIR BOD 08/22/2024, UC Law SF
UCLEJ Indigenous People Recognition, UCLE
Untitled, Savanah Carter
U.S. Privacy Law, John LoForese and Kelly Cooke
Vaccination Mandates—An Old Public Health Tool Faces New Challenges, Dorit Rubenstein Reiss, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Michelle M. Mello
WarWilding: A Weapon and a Shield in the Midst of Conflict, Lynn Ma
Washington Cares: Other States Should Too, Evelyn Wynn
Weep the People, Leti Volpp
“Whale Wars” — Are the Japanese whaling just because they can? A testament of failed international whaling policy, Katy Rotzin
What Practitioners Can Do for Law Students and What Law Students Can Do for Practitioners, Shanin Specter
What's The Beef With Tax Credits? Feeding California’s Animal Production Industry, Stephanie Don
When Debt Gets a Makeover, Taxes Follow, Doron Narotzki
Wills & Trusts, Kelly Weisberg
Wills & Trusts, Lois Schwartz
Will the New Roberts Court Revive a Formalist Approach to Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence?, Roger Antonio Tejada
With Fear, Favor, and Flawed Analysis: Decision-Making in U.S. Immigration Courts, Karen B. Musalo Prof.
Wolf Law, David Takacs
Would a Successful FTC Noncompete Ban Reduce Lawsuits Against Employees Who Change Jobs?, Charles Tait Graves
You’ve Got to Speak Out Against the Madness: The Myth of Tax Neutrality, Leo P. Martinez