"State Taxes."


State Taxes.

Proposition Summary

STATE TAXES. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Increases state tax rates for top personal income taxpayers. • Temporarily suspends indexing on top personal income tax brackets. • Increases income tax rates for corporations and premium tax rates on insurers. • Defines corporate income to include specified excess employee compensation. • Increases tax liability of banks and corporations doing business within and outside California. • Provides for reappraisal of most business-owned real property upon specified change in ownership interests. • Imposes new oil severance tax. • Changes tax rules related to oil and gas production. • Repeals 1991 sales tax increases. • Provides for renters' tax credits. Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact: • Increases state tax revenues by roughly $340 million in 1992-93, and $210 million annually through 1995-96. Additional annual revenue increases of roughly $1 billion beginning in 1996-97. • Replaces state expenditures on schools with increased local property tax revenue of $350 million to $700 million annually beginning in 1993-94. • Increases property tax revenue to local governments by $750 million to $1.4 billion annually, beginning in 1993-94. Reduces sales tax revenue to local governments by about $95 million in 1992-93 and $200 million annually thereafter. • The actual fiscal impact could differ significantly from these estimates, depending on how individuals and businesses respond to the measure's tax changes.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Popular Vote Results

Y: 4293460; A: 41.16; N: 6136895; B: 58.84

Election Type

General Election

Proposition Type

Initiative statute

For Author

Lenny Goldberg, Executive Director, California Tax Reform Association; Howard Owens, President, Congress of California Seniors; Dan Terry, President, California Professional Firefighters

Against Author

Jane A. Armstrong, State Vice Chairman, Alliance of California Taxpayers and Involved Voters (ACTIV); Lynne Choy Uyeda, President, Federation of Minority Business Associations; Larry Lutz, Former Chair, California Commission on Aging

Rebuttal Author

Gene Penne, Chair, Small Business Committee, California Chamber of Commerce; Larry McCarthy, President, California Taxpayers Association; Peter D. Kelly III, Former Chair, California Democratic Party

Rebuttal Against Author

Jerry Cremins, President, State Building & Construction Trades Council of California; Mary Bergan, President, California Federation of Teachers; Howard Owens, President, California Congress of Seniors
