"Toll Roads and Highways."

Proposition Summary

TOLL ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. • Provides that any toll road or toll highway owned by the state and leased to a private entity shall be permanently toll free upon the expiration of the lease or after tolls have been collected for a total of 35 years, whichever occurs first. • Legislature may suspend the application of the foregoing provision to any toll roads or toll highways by a statute passed in each house by a two-thirds vote of membership. Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact: • This measure would result in the potential loss of a revenue source for highway maintenance and operations, beginning no earlier than the year 2030. • Potential loss could be tens of millions of dollars annually.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Legislative Vote Results

Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on SCA 27 (Proposition 157) Assembly -- Ayes, 55; Noes, 21 -- Senate -- Ayes, 27; Noes, 8

Popular Vote Results

Y: 2850426; A: 28.16; N: 7272907; B: 71.84

Election Type

General Election

Proposition Type

Senate Constitutional Amendment

For Author

Bill Lockyer, State Senator; Brian Hill, President, California State Automobile Association

Against Author

Katharine M. Thompson, Executive Director, California Transit League; Richard Tolmach, President, Modern Transit Society, Sacramento Chapter

Rebuttal Author

Richard Tolmach, President, Modern Transit Society; Katharine M. Thompson, Executive Director, California Transit League

Rebuttal Against Author

Bill Lockyer, State Senator; Brian Hill, President, California State Automobile Association
