Proposition Summary

NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS--INITIATIVE STATUTE. After one year, prohibits nuclear power plant construction and operation of existing plants at more than 60% of original licensed core power level unless federal liability limits are removed or waived by operators and full compensation assured. After five years, requires derating of existing plants 10% annually unless Legislature, by two-thirds vote, confirms effectiveness of safety and waste storage and disposal systems. Permits small-scale medical or experimental nuclear reactors. Appropriates $800,000 for expenses of public hearings by advisory group and Legislature. Requires Governor to publish and annually review evacuation plans specified in licensing of plants. Financial impact: Ultimate advisory group cost may exceed amount appropriated. If Legislature requires testing in addition to federal government testing, costs may be several million dollars. Utility districts may experience loss in investment. Cost of electricity may rise. Extent of state liability, if any, to compensate for public or private loss of investment is unclear. Effect on local property tax revenues indeterminable.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Popular Vote Results

Y: 1950430; A: 32.5; N: 4048355; B: 67.5

Election Type


Proposition Type

Initiative statute

For Author

Harold C. Urey, Nobel Laureate, Physics; Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego; John Knezevich, President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO Local #1969; Kent Gill, President, The Sierra Club

Against Author

Dr. Robert Hofstadter, Nobel Laureate, Physics; Stanford University; Dr. Ruth P. Yaffe, Professor of Chemistry, San Jose State University; Dr. Jack Edward McKee, Professor of Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology

Rebuttal Author

Dr. Robert Hofstadter, Nobel Laureate, Physics; Stanford University; Dr. Ruth P. Yaffe, Professor of Chemistry, San Jose State University; Dr. Jack Edward McKee, Professor of Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology

Rebuttal Against Author

Harold C. Urey, Nobel Laureate, Physics; Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego; John Knezevich, President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers AFL-CIO Local #1969; Kent Gill, President, The Sierra Club
