"MARIJUANA - Removal of Penalty for Personal Use"

Proposition Summary

Initiative. Removes state penalties for personal use. Proposes a statute which would provide that no person eighteen years or older shall be punished criminally or denied any right or privilege because of his planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying, processing, otherwise preparing, transporting, possessing or using marijuana. Does not repeal existing, or limit future, legislation prohibiting persons under the influence of marijuana from engaging in conduct that endangers others. Financial impact: None.

Proposition Number




Document Type




Popular Vote Results

Y: 2733120; A: 33.5; N: 5433393; B: 66.5

Election Type

General Election

Proposition Type

Initiative statu.

For Author

Joel Fort, M.D., Public Health Specialist and Criminologist; former Consultant on Drug Abuse for the World Health Organization; Mary Jane Fernandez, Educator; Gordon S. Brownell, J.D., Former Member of White House Staff (1969-1970)

Against Author

H. L. Richardson, State Senator, 19th District; Dr. Harden Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology; Asst. Director of Donner Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley

Rebuttal Author

H. L. Richardson, State Senator, 19th District; Dr. Harden Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology; Asst. Director of Donner Laboratory, U. C. Berkeley

Rebuttal Against Author

Joel Fort, M.D., Public Health Specialist and Criminologist; former Consultant on Drug Abuse for the World Health Organization; Mary Jane Fernandez, Educator; Gordon S. Brownell, J.D., Former Member of White House Staff (1969-1970)
