Attorney General No.
Secretary of State No.
CANNABIS (MARIJUANA) LEGALIZATION. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Authorizes and directs Legislature, Governor and Attorney General to provide, within reasonable standards, for use and possession of cannabis/marijuana for persons aged 21 and over, including use in public places of recreation, and to determine reasonable standard of impairment for purpose of prohibiting as unsafe commission of certain public acts while under the influence of cannabis/marijuana. Would make it a misdemeanor to expose minors and non-consenting adults to intoxicating cannabis/marijuana. Authorizes research into the beneficial uses of cannabis/marijuana. Requires the deletion or expunction of contrary laws or policies. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Given the uncertainties with regard to how the measure would be implemented, a precise estimate is impossible at this time; however, the measure would probably result in annual net savings in tens of millions of dollars statewide.
Eurica Califorrniaa, 330 Deneve Drive, Los Angeles, Ca 90024 (310) 794-5480
Document Type
Failed to Qualify
Recommended Citation
Cannabis (Marijuana) Legalization. California Initiative 644 (1994).