Attorney General No.
Secretary of State No.
REPEAL OF PAROLE AND PROBATION LAWS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Eliminates parole and adult probation systems. Requires savings to be used for construction and operation of state prisons and minimum security jails. Adjusts savings for changes in Consumer Price Index. Prohibits sentence reductions and early release of felony prisoners. Establishes minimum security jails, confining inmates up to three years and emphasizing vocational rehabilitation. Provides punishment for offenses committed at minimum security jails. Prohibits impeding implementation of portions of initiative. Requires education on criminal justice system and directs Department of Education to establish task force, to develop criminal justice education curriculum. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: The measure would result in major net costs (billions of dollars) for construction and incarceration to the state and local government, with counties bearing the largest share of these increased costs.
E. Andrew Schooler, Esq., 1020 Prospect Street, Suite 306, La Jolla, Ca 92037 (619) 454-3305; John S. Kitchin, M.D., 8880 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 1040, San Diego, Ca 92108-1644 (619) 298-6090
Document Type
Failed to Qualify
Recommended Citation
Repeal Of Parole And Probation Laws. California Initiative 594 (1993).