Attorney General No.
Secretary of State No.
TERMS OF OFFICE. LEGISLATORS RETIREMENT. LEGISLATIVE OPERATING COSTS. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Commencing with persons elected or appointed after November 6, 1990, limits persons holding offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Controller, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Senators, and members, Board of Equalization, to two terms, members of the Assembly to three terms, as specified. Requires legislators elected or serving after November 1, 1990, to participate in federal Social Security program and precludes accrual of other pension and retirement benefits resulting from legislative service, except vested rights. Limits expenditures of Legislature for compensation and operating costs and equipment, to specified amount. Summary of estimate of Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: This measure would reduce state General Fund costs by an amount in excess of $60 million in 1991-92 and by unknown amounts annually thereafter resulting from the limitations placed on legislative expenditures. Also, General Fund savings of approximately $800,000 annually would result from terminating current members and prohibiting new members of the Legislature from earning specified retirement benefits in the future.
Peter F. Schabarum, 1134 South Shasta Drive, West Covina, Ca 91791; J.G. Ford, Jr., 23 Cielo Drive, Greenbrae, Ca 94904; Lewis K. Uhler, 7330 Moringside Drive, Loomis, Ca 95650
Document Type
Failed to Qualify
Recommended Citation
Terms Of Office. Legislators Retirement. Legislative Operating Costs. California Initiative 497 (1990).