Attorney General No.
Secretary of State No.
NUCLEAR POWER. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Extends statutory preconditions, currently applicable to new operation of any nuclear powerpiant, to existing Diablo Canyon and San OnofTe plants. Before further electricity production at these plants, requires California Energy Commission to find federal government has approved technology for pennane"t disposal of high-level nuclear waste. For nuclear powerplants requiring reprocessing of fuel rods, requires Commission to find federal government has approved technology for nuclear fuel rod reprocessing plants. Both findings are subject to Legislature's rejection. Further requires Commission to find on case·by·case basis facilities will be available with adequate capacity to reprocess or store powerplant's fuel rods. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Potentially major impacts on state and local finances in tbe ncar term in tbe form of decreased revenues and increased costs due to near·term disruptions in the state's electricity system and electricity price increases. Tbe magnitude of tbese impacts would depend on tbe time to develop replacement power, tbe frequency and duration of rolling blackouts, and various related factors, sucb as electricity demand and weather conditions. Potential avoidance of major future state and local government costs and lost revenues in the rare event of a major nuclear plant incident. (12-0016)
Ben Davis, Jr. (916) 833-7894
Document Type
Failed to Qualify
Recommended Citation
Nuclear Power. Initiative Statute. California Initiative 1589 (2013).