Most Recent Additions*
Aligning United States Law with International Norms Would Remove Major Barriers to Protection in Gender Claims
Karen B. Musalo Prof.
With Fear, Favor, and Flawed Analysis: Decision-Making in U.S. Immigration Courts
Karen B. Musalo Prof.
Executive Power and Patronage: Lessons from Puerto Rico
Stephen A. Plass and Naomy M. Rivera
The Unbearable Inevitability of Content Regulation
Jerome O’callaghan
The Ninth Circuit’s RFRA Standard of “Substantial Burden” as Applied to Native American Sacred Sites
Erik Renner
Advancing Academic Freedom Through State Constitutional Protections
Karlie M. Bischoff
Editor-in-Chief’s Forward
Megan Stupi
Offsetting a Roth Conversion with a Charitable Donation
William KS Wang
Truth in Advertising for Environmental Sustainability
Robin Mercedes Rotman and Aidan David-Pennington
Pipe Dream: Rethinking CO2 Pipeline Subsidies
Julia Weiss and Taylor Stonerock
The Australian Experience with Environmental Offsets: An Illusory Tool for Addressing Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change?
Robert J. Fowler, Phillipa C. McCormack, Alexandra S. Wawryk, Margaret Castles, and Emily Whenan
Implementing Armenia’s New Climate Law: Navigating Energy Independence and Geopolitical Tensions in the South Caucasus
Ilona Evelina Mantachian
Toxic Minimalism on the “Yolo” Court: The Supreme Court’s Dangerous Muddle In First Amendment and Speech-Adjacent Law
Matthew D. Bunker and Emily Erickson
Impossibility of Artificial Inventors
Matt Blaszczyk
*Updated as of 12/21/24.