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News Article

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"Fingers Crossed on Press Council," Editor & Publisher; "In the Small Print, An Official Secrecy Act," The New York Times; "The Talk of the Town," The New Yorker; "Second Thoughts of George McGovern," The New York Times Magazine; "Council the Press," The Washington Post; "News Council Head Defends Project and Suggests Critics are Shortsighted," The New York Times; "Public TV Challenges FCC," San Francisco Chronicle; "Newsreel of the People," San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle; "Nowhere to Go But Up," Forbes; "The Trouble With Press Council," The Washington Post; "Making it Kristol Clear," San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle; "Reporting on Reporting," Forbes; "Traynor Sees Council As Press Credibility Aid," The Sacramento Bee; "Breakdown in Confidence," San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle; "Limitations of TV News," San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle; "Watchdog Lurking in the Publicity Shadows," San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle
