UC Law Environmental Journal
Volume 24, Number 2 (2018)
Hope is a Song in a Weary Throat: An Interview with Julia Olson
Olivia Molodanof and Jessica Durney
An Introduction to the Student Pieces
Hadar Aviram and David Takacs
Towers, Trees, and Transmission Lines: The Fight Between Property Rights, Power, and Profit
Meredyth Merrow
Accountability for Pesticide Poisoning of Undocumented Farmworkers
Elizabeth Lincoln
Crafting a Standard: Environmental Crimes as Crimes Against Humanity Under the International
Criminal Court
Jessica Durney
Compacts of Free Association-type Agreements: A Life Preserver for Small Island Sovereignty in an
Era of Climate Change?
Philip G. Dabbagh
The Breathers of Bayview Hill: Redevelopment and Environmental Justice in Southeast San Francisco
Lindsey Dillon
Fertilizers and Nitrates in Drinking Water: State Water Board Tackles the Public Health Threat of
Contaminated Groundwater
Emel G. Wadhwani
The True Cost of “Cheap” Seafood: An Analysis of Environmental and Human Exploitation in the
Seafood Industry
Tiffany T. V. Duong