New Pleading in the Twenty-First Century: Slamming the Federal Courthouse Doors?


New Pleading in the Twenty-First Century: Slamming the Federal Courthouse Doors?



"The first book to comprehensively analyze, critique, and provide solutions for the new pleading regime in U.S. federal courts. In two recent recent decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court dramatically altered the pleadings landscape by imposing a new version of fact pleading and merits screening - what Scott Dodson calls 'New Pleading.' The result of this abrupt regime change is a broad, significant, and adverse effect on the civil-justice system. But because of its nascence, no scholar has provided a comprehensive, doctrinal, theoretical, and prospective look at what it means for U.S. federal civil procedure, both at home and in the larger global community. This book takes on that task. It aims to synthesize a theoretical account of New Pleading, argue that New Pleading is inconsistent with a system of procedural justice, provide two distinct solutions for rectifying the inconsistency - return to Old Pleading or adopt 'New Discovery' - and, finally, situate New Pleading and its remedies in a global comparative context"



Publication Date



Oxford University Press


New York

New Pleading in the Twenty-First Century: Slamming the Federal Courthouse Doors?
