Content Posted in 2025
Academic Village Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Notice and Agenda 12/06/2024, UC Law SF
Academic Village Finance Authority Board of Directors Meeting - Open Session Book 12/06/2024, UC Law SF
Administrative Law, Dorit Reiss
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
A Legal Herstory of WWII ‘Comfort Women’— Chapters: Past, Present, and Beyond, Linny Kit Tong Ng
Artificial Intelligence and Cracks in the Foundation of Intellectual Property, Robin Feldman
Bankruptcy, John Fiero
Black Migrants and Black Lives Matter: Voices of Tension, Racism, Pan- Africanism, and Prospects for Collaboration, Bill Ong Hing
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Notice and Agenda 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Notice and Agenda 12/06/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(1) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book 12/06/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(2) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(3) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(4) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(5) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting - Open Session Book(6) 09/13/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Special Meeting - Notice and Agenda 10/22/2024, UC Law SF
Board of Directors Special Meeting - Open Session Book 10/22/2024, UC Law SF
Business Associations with feedback memo, John Crawford
CA Community Property: Law & Process, Lois Schwartz
Children & The Law, Lois Weithorn
Chopping Block, Alexis Pena Tomasetti
Civil Procedure II, James Wagstaffe
Civil Procedure with feedback memo and example exam, Zachary Price
Civil Procedure with memo, Richard Marcus
Civil Procedure with model answer, Scott Dodson
Communique (Winter 2025), UC Law SF Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Community Care, Eva Minh-Châu Liebovitz
Community Property, John Myers
Constitutional History Race with answer memo, Reuel Schiller
Constitutional Law II, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law I with feedback memo, Jodi Short
Copyright, Ben Depoorter
Criminal Law, Jonathan Abel
Criminal Law, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Aaron Rappaport
Debt End: The “Texas Two-Step” and the Constitution, Kirk Rider
Defining Pacifism: Article 9’s Role in Japan’s National Defense and Global Commitments, Dylan Kaito Fackler
Editorial Forward, Emily C. Taing
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice and Agenda 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Open Session Book 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
Elder Abuse Litigation with model answer, Ed Dudensing
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Roger Park
Evidence, Mai Linh Spencer
Evidence: Law & Process, Tori Timmons
Evidence with memo and model answer, Emily Murphy
Family Law, Michael Bishay
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice and Agenda 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
Finance Committee Meeting - Open Session Book 11/21/2024, UC Law SF
Foreword, Skyelar Mcintyre
Free the Market: How We Can Save Capitalism from the Capitalists, Mark A. Lemley
Fundamentals of Torts, Lois Schwartz
Girl on Fire, Amelia Fisher
Healthcare Providers Law, George Horvath
“HIPPO” Law Law and the Biodiversity Crisis of Habitat Loss, Invasive Species, Pollution, Population, and Overharvesting, Andrew W. Torrance and Bill Tomlinson
Immigration Law, Richard Boswell
International Human Rights with answer memo, Blaine Bookey
International Law, Moria Paz
Introduction to Law LLM, Lois Schwartz
Introduction to Law MSL with model answer, Morgan Wells
I Thought We Grew, Skyelar McIntyre
Labor Law with answer memo, Reuel Schiller
Legal Ethics: Practice of Law, Abraham Cable
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 10/21/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Notice and Agenda 12/16/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 10/21/2024, UC Law SF
Meeting of the Executive Committee - Open Session Book 12/16/2024, UC Law SF
Patent Infringement, Private Law, and Liability Standards, Robert P. Merges
Patent Law, Robert McFarlane
Pension Employee Benefits, Theda Haber
“Prisoners of the Union”: Emporium Capwell and the Decline of Concerted Activity against Racial Discrimination, Andrew Hull
Product Counseling, John Didday
Professional Responsibility, Michael Colatrella
Racial Capitalism and the Proliferation of Charter Schools in Oakland, Julie Mendoza
Remedies Advanced Sack, Margaret Greer and Lois Schwartz
Remedies for Decades of HBCU Underfunding: Can Coalition v. Maryland Serve as a Model, or is Government “Persuasion” Needed?, John K. Pierre and Gail S. Stephenson
Slow but Steady Wins the Race: The Rise and Rise of Euroscepticism., Katy Rotzin
Startup Legal Garage: Corporate, Abraham Cable
Startup Legal Garage: Patent with model answers, Robin Feldman and Caroline Yuen
STAT: Public Health Law with memo, comments, student answers, Dorit Reiss
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Notice and Agenda 10/15/2024, UC Law SF
Subcommittee on Audit Meeting – Open Session Book 10/15/2024, UC Law SF
Survival: Two Masked Women, Eva Minh-Châu Liebovitz
Taking the Name Brown in Vain: Separate But Equal, Brown and the Harvard Case, Matthew Coles
Targeted and Ticketed: Student Ticketing and the Perpetuation of the School-to- Prison Pipeline, Jasmine Richardson-Rushin, Angelica Jimenez, Gwendolyn Walker, and Hannah Benton Eidsath
The Federal Rules of Constitutional Procedure, Ramon Feldbrin
Torts, Jennifer Freeland
Torts, William Gallagher
US Privacy Law, Richard Marcus