UC Law Journal
Mandatory Collective Bargaining
Charles H. Woods
The Legal Aid Clinic Commodity
John S. Bradway
The New Look in Social Security--Utopia or Myopia
Jacobus tenBroek and Richard B. Wilson
Negligence--Owner of Car Who Leaves Keys in Parked Vehicle Not Liable for Injury Caused by Thief
George Moscone
Labor Law--Federal vs. State Jurisdiction--Common Law Action for Damages for Conduct Which Is Also an Unfair Labor Practice under LMRA
Frank E. Howard
Easements--Interruption of Adverse User
Howard R. Benson
Criminal Law: What is a Speedy Trial
David L. Allen
Contracts--Disaffirmance by a Minor
Thomas B. McGuire
Trade-Marks: Unfair Competition--Use of Identical Names on Non-Competitive Activities as Constituting Unfair Competition
Ollie M. Marie-Victoire
The Problem of Wiretapping and Proposed Legislative Remedies
Leslie B. Joseph
Some Recent Developments in Community Redevelopment Laws
Walter Marston Sharman