Home > JOURNALS > HASTINGS_LAW_JOURNAL > Vol. 55 (2004) > Iss. 5
The Disenchantment of Logically Formal Legal Rationality, or Max Weber's Sociology in the Genealogy of the Contemporary Mode of Western Legal ThoughtDuncan Kennedy
The Politics of Judicial Decision-Making in Educational Policy Reform LitigationWilliam S. Koski
Citation of Unpublished Opinions as PrecedentMartha Dragich Pearson
Alaska, the Last Frontier of Privacy: Using the State Constitution to Eliminate Pretextual Traffic StopsJeffrey M. Kaban
The Use of Rules and Standards to Define a Transsexual's Sex for the Pupose of Marriage: An Argument for a Hybrid ApproachBriana Lynn Morgan
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ISSN: 0017-8322© Copyright University of California, College of the Law San Francisco