UC Law Journal
Prison Mail Censorship: A Nonconstitutional Analysis
Michael L. Stern
Presentence Confinement and the Constitution: The Burial of Dead Time
F. Thomas Schornhorst
Prisoner Mutual Legal Assistance and Access to the Courts: Recent Developments and Emerging Problems
James T. Fousekis
Siegel v. Chicken Delight, Inc.: What's in a Name
Philip R. Bates
Selective Service Law in the Ninth Circuit
Richard Phillips
Alien Commuters: A Privileged Class
James P. Barber
The Scope of Affirmative Relief under Title VII: United States v. Iron Workers Local 86
John B. Weldon Jr.
Border Search in the Ninth Circuit: Almeida-Sanchez--A Borderline Decision
Clyde William Matsui