UC Law Journal
Fair Representation, Contract Breach and Fiduciary Obligations: Unions, Union Officials and the Worker in Collective Bargaining
Sanford J. Rosen
Accountants' Scope of Liability for Defective Financial Reports
Lloyd Alan Levitin
Legal Responsibility under Tort Law of School Personnel and School Districts as Regards Negligent Conduct Toward Pupils
Reynolds C. Seitz
Liability Incurred by a Receiver or Trustee In Bankruptcy Conducting a Business
August B. Rothschild
Negligence Liability of School Teachers in California
Craig Jorgensen
Lawyers' Professional Liability Insurance
Joseph Moless
Architect's Liability to Third Persons for Negligence in the Preparation of Plans and Specifications
William R. Benz
Use of Expert Testimony in Attorney Malpractice Cases
Jerry B. Abbott
Client's Strategy for Damages against the Malpracticing Attorney
Lynn P. Bartlett
California Schoolteachers' Privilege to Inflict Corporal Punishment
Charles H. Carpenter
Issue Editor's Preface
Robert H. Tourtelot
The Stevendore's Duty to Indemnify Shipowners for Injuries to Longshoremen-Employees
Laurence L. Pillsbury