UC Law Journal
The Close Corporation in California--Necessity of Separate Treatment
Robert L. Oppenheim
The Future of Corporate Securities Regulation in California--Effect of Proposed Uniform Act
Howard C. Ellis and Kenneth D. McCloskey
Citation Hearing System
Albert E. Hederman and Richard K. Dahlinger
Price Regulation: Authority to Fix Different Minimums for Milk Distributors and Retailers
Bruce D. Varner
False Pretenses: Obtaining Contractual Obligation by Fraudulent Representations as Criminal Offense
Richard L. Weatherspoon
Public Utilities: Dedication of Use as Prerequisite to Regulation of Oil and Gas Corporation
Robert L. Bletcher
Business Regulation: Ambit of Municipal Control
Terence A. Pierson
Corporate Shares: Attachment and Execution: Conflicting Policies of Negotiability and Collection of Judgments
Arthur T. Berggren