UC Law Environmental Journal
Volume 24, Number 1 (2018)
California’s Cap and Trade Extension: How Senate Bill 775 Envisioned a New Path to Reduce
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Bob Wieckowski
Friends of the Eel River, ICCTA Preemption, and the Future of California High Speed Rail Litigation
Christopher J. Butcher and Johannah E. Kramer
California’s Clean Car Law: Fifteen Years Later, a Look in the Rearview Mirror
Darry Sragow and Monika Darwish
Contaminated Groundwater as a Resource in California
Kimberly Bick
California’s Response to the Trumpian Rollback of Wetland Protections Under the Clean Water Act
Clark Morrison
Too Big to Fail: Limiting Public Risk in Hydropower Licensing
Joshua Viers and Daniel Nover
Conservation Easements for Green Urban Spaces
Matthew Olhausen