UC Law Constitutional Quarterly
Summer 2011
The Role of Reporter for a Law Project
Rory K. Little
Rectifying Wrongful Convictions: May a Lawyer Reveal Her Client's Confidences to Rectify the Wrongful Conviction of Another
James E. Moliterno
Changes to the Culture of Adversarialness: Endorsing Candor, Cooperation and Civility in Relationships between Prosecutors and Defense Counsel
Lissa Griffin and Stacy Caplow
Conflicts over Conflicts: Challenges in Redrafting the ABA Standards for Criminal Justice on Conflicts of Interest
Laurie L. Levenson
Closing the Door on Misconduct: Rethinking the Ethical Standards That Govern Summations in Criminal Trials
Daniel S. Medwed
Confidentiality and Disclosure: What the New ABA Criminal Justice Standards (Don't) Say about the Duties of Defense Counsel
Cecila Klingele
Witness Preparation: Regulating the Profession's Dirty Little Secret
Roberta K. Flowers
Waiving Goodbye to Rights: Plea Bargaining and the Defense Dilemma of Competent Representation
Jane Campbell Moriarty and Marisa Main
No Match for the Police: An Analysis of Miranda's Problematic Application to Juvenile Defendants
Zoe Overbeck
Every Step You Take, They'll Be Watching You: The Legal and Practical Implications of Lifetime GPS Monitoring of Sex Offenders
Sarah Shekhter
Prosecuting Terrorism: The Material Support Statute and Muslim Charities
Michael G. Freedman