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New exams are added approximately twice per year as submitted by professors. The library retains 10 years of past exams for current faculty in the online database. If you have questions or have trouble downloading files, please contact Angela Wang
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Exams from 2024
Administrative Law, Dorit Reiss
Administrative Law with memo, Reue Schiller
Notes: with memo
Antitrust, Zach Abrahamson, Thomas Greene, and Ausra Deluard
Bankruptcy, John Fiero
Bankruptcy, John Fiero
Business Associations, Abraham Cable
Business Associations, Abraham Cable
Business Associations, Emily Strauss
Business Associations with feedback memo, John Crawford
with feedback memo
CA Community Property: Law & Process, Lois Schwartz
California Civil Procedure, James Wagstaffe
Children & The Law, Lois Weithorn
Civil Procedure II, James Wagstaffe
Civil Procedure II with Memo, Richard Marcus
Notes: with memo
Civil Procedure with feedback memo and example exam, Zachary Price
with feedback memo and example exam
Civil Procedure with memo, Richard Marcus
with memo
Civil Procedure with model answer, Scott Dodson
Notes: with model answer
Community Property, John Myers
Compliance & Risk Management, Jodi Short
Conflict of Laws with Model Answer, Scott Dodson
Notes: with model answer
Constitutional History Race with answer memo, Reuel Schiller
Notes: with answer memo
Constitutional Law I, Yvette Lindgren
Constitutional Law I, Jodi Short
Constitutional Law II, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law II, Michael Flynn
Constitutional Law II, Christina Koningisor
Constitutional Law II Law & Process, James Higa
Constitutional Law II with memo, Matthew Coles
Constitutional Law I Law & Process, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law I Law & Process, Betsy Candler
Constitutional Law I with feedback memo, Jodi Short
with feedback memo
Constitutional Law I with Memo, Zachary Price
Notes: with memo
Contemporary American Litigation with Memo, Richard Marcus
Notes: with memo
Contracts with memo, model answer, student answer, Emily Murphy
Notes: with memo, model answer, student answer
Copyright, Ben Depoorter
Corporate Crimes, Kirstin Ault
Criminal Law, Jonathan Abel
Criminal Law, Rory Little
Criminal Law, John Myers
Criminal Law, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Hadar Aviram
Criminal Procedure, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, John Myers
Criminal Procedure, Meredith Osborn and Victor Hwang
Criminal Procedure, Aaron Rappaport
Criminal Procedure Adjudicative Process, Hadar Aviram
Criminal Procedure Law & Process, James Higa
E-discovery, Mathea Bulander
Elder Abuse Litigation with model answer, Ed Dudensing
with model answer
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Binyamin Blum
Evidence, Roger Park
Evidence, Roger Park
Evidence, Mai Linh Spencer
Evidence Law & Process, Tori Timmons
Evidence: Law & Process, Tori Timmons
Evidence with memo and model answer, Emily Murphy
Notes: with memo and model answer
Family Law, Michael Bishay
Federal Courts with Model Answer, Scott Dodson
Notes: with model answer
Federal Criminal Law, Ross Mazer
Foundations of Privacy Law, Julian Schneider
Fundamentals of Civil Procedure, Lois Schwartz
Fundamentals of Torts, Lois Schwartz
Healthcare Providers Law, George Horvath
Housing Law In Public Interest, Leah Simon-Weisberg
Immigration Law, Richard Boswell
Insurance Law, Jeremy Lawrence
International Human Rights with answer memo, Blaine Bookey
with answer memo
International Law, Moria Paz
Introduction to Law LLM, Lois Schwartz
Introduction to Law MSL with model answer, Morgan Wells
with model answer
Investment Management, Theda Haber
IP State Law Trade Secrets, Charles Graves
Labor Law with answer memo, Reuel Schiller
Notes: with answer memo
Legal Ethics: Practice of Law, Abraham Cable
Legal Ethics Practice Of Law with memo, Paul Belonick
Notes: with memo
Patent Law, Robert McFarlane
Pension Employee Benefits, Theda Haber
Product Counseling, John Didday
Professional Responsibility, Michael Colatrella
Professional Responsibility, Michael Colatrella
Property with memo, John Crawford
Notes: with memo
Public Sector Labor Law, Jeffrey Sloan
Remedies Advanced Sack, Margaret Greer and Lois Schwartz
Remedies with memo, David Levine
Notes: with memo
Securities Regulation with memo, John Crawford
Notes: with memo
Startup Legal Garage: Corporate, Abraham Cable
Startup Legal Garage: Patent with model answers, Robin Feldman and Caroline Yuen
with model answers
Stat Environmental Law, David Takacs
Stat Legislation & Administrative Regulation, Dave Owen
STAT: Public Health Law with memo, comments, student answers, Dorit Reiss
with memo, comments, student answers
Tax Family Wealth Transfers, Laurence Blau
Torts, Jennifer Freeland
Torts, Jennifer Freeland
Torts, William Gallagher
Torts, Shanin Specter
Torts with memo, comments, best exams, Dorit Reiss
Notes: with memo, comments, best exams
US Privacy Law, Richard Marcus
Wills & Trusts, Lois Schwartz