UC Law Journal
Working with a broad coalition of seventeen agricultural, environmental, and fishery interests, including state and federal agencies, the Yuba County Water Agency has developed an innovative set of agreements with respect to instream flow requirements for the lower Yuba River. The proposed Yuba River Accord will resolve nearly fifteen years of controversy and litigation on this matter.
The challenges presented in Yuba County are similar to those presented in other California water districts. The agreement reached by the seventeen parties, all representing unique interests, exemplifies the communication, compromise, and leadership necessary to resolve longstanding water disputes in California. Representatives of various parties to the Yuba River Accord spoke about their experiences with the agreement process.
Recommended Citation
Hastings Law Journal,
Yuba River Accord: Lessons Learned in Moving from Controversy to Consensus,
57 Hastings L.J. 1301
Available at: https://repository.uclawsf.edu/hastings_law_journal/vol57/iss6/9