UC Law Environmental Journal
Volume 13, Number 1 (Winter 2007)
The Endangered Species Act: Reform or Refutation?
Brian E. Gray
In the Heat of the Law, It’s Not Just Steam: GeothermalResources and the Impacts on Thermophile Biodiversity
Donald J. Kochan and Tiffany Grant
Consideration of Economics Under California’s Porter-Cologne Act
David Sunding and David Zilberman
Congress’ Pet: Why the Clean Air Act’s Favortism ofCalifornia Is Unconstitutional Under the Equal Footing Doctrine
Valerie J. M. Brader
Tough Love: Should We Analyze Federal EmergencyManagement Agency Disaster Planning Under the National Environmental Policy Act?
Katherine Hausrath
Tomales Bay
Kelly Franger
Glacier National Park
Kelly Decker
Field Study
Susie Meserve