Content Posted in 2018
10b-5 Standing under Birnbaum: The Case of the Missing Remedy, William W. Schofield Jr.
1967 Juvenile Court Legislation, Harold De Graw
1981: Embryonic but Inchoate Constitutional Committee Designs, Keith Hand
2006 Water Law Symposium: Keynote Address, Roderick E. Walston
200 MPH Cigarette Ads: A Comparison of International Restrictions on Tobacco Sports Sponsorship, Randall H. Stoner
43 C.F.R. Part 417 Does Not Authorize Federal Agency Adjudication of IID Beneficial Use of Colorado River Water, David Osias and Thomas Hicks
A Balanced Approach to Affirmative Action Discovery in Title VII Suits, Lynne Charlotte Hermle
A Balanced Approach to Employer-Employee Trade Secrets Disputes in California, Diane Louise Wear
Abandoning the Rule of Non-Inquiry in International Extradition, David B. Sullivan
A Basic Concern for Process: Commentary on Quo Vadis, Prospective Overruling, James R. McCall
A Better Carrot Incentivizing Patent Reexamination, James W. Beard
A Better Test for Obscenity: Better for the States--Better for Libertarians, Arnold H. Loewy
A Better Way to Approach Privacy Policy in the United States: Establish a Non-Regulatory Privacy Protection Board, Robert Gellman
A Better Way to Disarm Batterers, Tom Lininger
A Better Way to Revive Glass Steagall, John Crawford
A Bill of Rights for the Twenty-First Century, Richard L. Nygaard
A Bipolar Copyright System for the Digital Network Environment, Alexander Peukert
Abortion and Liberalism: A Comparison between the Abortion Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Constitutional Court of West Germany, Douglas G. Morris
Abortions for Poor and Nonwhite Women: A Denial of Equal Protection, Alan Charles and Susan Alexander
A Breakable Spell, Jane Hirshfield
A Brief Examination of the History of Persistent Debate About Limits to Western Growth, A. Dan Tarlock
A Brief Examination of the History of the Persistent Debate About Limits to Western Growth, A. Dan Tarlock
A Brief History of Distinctions in Criminal Culpability, Paul H. Robinson
A Brief History of the Commercial Speech Doctrine (With Some Implications Tobacco Regulation), Ashutosh Bhagwat
Absent Abstinence Accountability, Elizabeth Arndorfer
A Bulwark against Anarchy: Affirmative Action, Emory Law School, and Southern Self-Help, William B. Turner
Abuse Excuses and the Logic and Politics of Expert Relevance, Andrew E. Taslitz
Abuse of Rights: The Continental Drug and the Common Law, Anna di Robilant
Academic Building Replacement Design-Build Interview, ClarkSOM
A Call for Integrity, Ray Forrester
A Case against Automatic Disbarment, Abraham Abramovsky
A Case for a Constitutional Right to Counsel in Habeas Corpus, Emily Garcia Uhrig
A Case for Letting a Firm Take Advantage of Locked-In Customers, Dwight R. Lee and Richard B. McKenzie
Access and Lobbying: Looking beyond the Corruption Paradigm, Dorie Apollonio, Bruce E. Cain, and Lee Drutman
Accession to the European Economic Community: The Harmonization of Spanish Corporation Law, Richard Maggio
Access to Eagles and Eagle Parts: Environmental Protection v. Native American Free Exercise of Religion, Antonia M. De Meo
Access to the Airways after September 11: Do Aviation Businesses Devasted by the Restrictions Have a Fifth Amendment Remedy, Elton Ueoka Dodson
Accidental Shootings as Fourth Amendment Seizures, Kathryn R. Urbonya
Accountability for Pesticide Poisoning of Undocumented Farmworkers, Elizabeth Lincoln
Accountability of Multinational Corporations: The Barriers Presented by Concepts of the Corporate Juridical Entity, Phillip I. Blumberg
Accountants, Income Tax and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, James K. Smith
Accountants' Liability after Bily v. Arthur Young & Co.: A More Equitable Proposal for Third Party Recovery, Thomas G. Mackey
Accountants' Scope of Liability for Defective Financial Reports, Lloyd Alan Levitin
Accounting for Business Combinations under the New California Corporations Code, Miguel de Capriles and John M. Brown
Accounting for the Brownfields: Writing-Off Urban Environmental Remediation Expenses, Richard T. Campbell
Accounting for the Lack of Accountability: The Great Depression Meets the Great Recession, Steven Pearse
A Challenge to the California Water Plan, Joseph M. Fioravanti
A Chance to be Heard: An Application of Bellotti v. Baird to the Civil Commitment of Minors, Katharine A. Butler
A Child's Due Process Right to Counsel in Divorce Custody Proceedings, Maurice K. C. Wilcox
A Child's Right to Be Gay: Addressing the Emotional Maltreatment of Queer Youth, Sonia Renee Martin
A Citizen’s Pathway Gone Astray — Delaying Competition from Generic Drugs, Robin Cooper Feldman and Connie Wang
A Civil Right to Counsel through the States Using California's Efficiency Project as a Model toward a Civil Gideon, Brian Brophy
A Clash at the Bedside: Patient Autonomy v. A Physician's Professional Conscience, Judith F. Daar
A Code of Conduct Regulating International Technology Transfer: Panacea or Pitfall, Marcus B. Finnegan
A Cold Night: Unconscionability as a Defense to Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Employment Agreements, Michael Schneidereit
A Colleagues's Tribute to Chief Judge J. Skelly Wright, David L. Bazelon
A Comment on Chief Justice Burger's Proposal for a Temporary Panel to Resolve Intercircuit Conflicts, William Alsup and Tracy L. Salisbury
A Comment on Competition and Controversy in Local Telecommunications, Howard A. Shelanski
A Common Law Action for the Abusively Discharged Employee, Daniel A. Mathews
A Comparative Analysis of Debt Equity Swap Programs in Five Major Debtor Countries, Derek Asiedu-Akrofi
A Comparative Analysis of European and American Environmental Laws: Their Effects on International Blue Chip Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions, Nelson G. Smith III
A Comparative Analysis of Spain's Startup Co-Investment Fund and the United States Government Funded Venture Capital, Kelly Gunderson
A Comparative Introduction to Japanese &(and) United States Wrongful Termination Law, S. Maya Iwanaga
A Comparative Look at Anti-Stalking Legislation in the United States and Japan, Nga B. Tran
A Comparative Look at Anti-Stalking Legislation in the United States and Japan, Nga B. Tran
A Comparative Look at the Right to Refuse Treatment for Involuntary Hospitalized Persons with a Mental Illness, Jennifer Fischer
A Comparative Perspective: Recognition of the Continuous Injury Trigger in Insurance Law in the United States and the United Kingdom, Emalie Diaz Sundale
A Comparative Study of Victim Compensation Procedures in France and the United States: A Modest Proposal, Patrick Campbell
A Comparison of Japanese and American Taxation of Capital Gains, Brian Van Vleck
A Conservative Critique of the Federal Marriage Amendment, John Choon Yoo and Anntim Vulchev
A Constitutional American Foreign Policy, Arthur J. Goldberg
A Constitutional Faith, Anthony Lewis
A Constitutional Jurisprudence of Children’s Vulnerability, Lois A. Weithorn
A Constitution in Conflict: The Doctrine of Independent State Grounds and the Voter Initiative in California, Rachel A. Van Cleave
A Continuing Source of Aggravation: the Improper Consideration of Mitigating Factors in Death Penalty Sentencing, Joshua N. Sondheimer
A Conversation on Judicial Decision-Making, Robin Feldman
Acquiring and Utilizing Political Risk Insurance: A Practitioner's Perspective, Peter R. Gilbert
A Criminal Antitrust Prosecution of Both Partner and Partnership--The Entity Theory and Double Jeopardy, Lee A. Chilcote
A Critical Comment on California's Droit de Suite, Civil Code Section 986, Stephen S. Ashley
A Critique of the Abortion Funding Decisions: On Private Rights in the Public Sector, Leslie Friedman Goldstein
A Cry for Help: A Comparison of Voluntary, Active Euthanasia Law, Lynn Tracy Nerland
A Cultural Rite of Passage or a Form of Torture: Female Genital Mutilation from an International Law Perspective, Alexi Nicole Wood
Adaptive Co-Management Thresholds: Understanding Protected Areas Policy as Normative Conflict, Johnathan Liljeblad
A Data Bank on Constitutional Rights, Ann Fagan Ginger
A Day in Rancho del Oso Park, Angel Muzzin
Adding Injury to Insult: Injurious Speech on the Internet and Its Implications for the First Amendment, Shelly Rosenfeld
Additur: Application and Constitutionality, Paul H. Cyril
Addressing Judicial Activism in the Indian Supreme Court: Towards an Evolved Debate, Madhav Khosla
A Deadly Response: Unconscious Racism and California's Provocative Act Doctrine, Katherine N. Hallinan
A Dead Man's Tale: Regulating the Right to Bequeath Sperm in California, Lisa M. Burkdall
A Defense of Stare Decisis, Herbert C. Kaufman
A Deregulatory Framework for Alleviating Concentrated African-American Poverty, Benjamin Zimmer
Adjudication of Things Past: Reflections on History as Evidence, Daniel A. Farber
Adjusting Course: Proposals to Recalibrate Japan's Law Schools and Bar Exam System, Eric C. Sibbitt
Administrative and Judicial Duties in the Trial Court after a Guilty or No Contest Plea, George W. Nicholson
Administrative Appeal and Judicial Review of Property Tax Assessments in California--The New Look, Kenneth A. Ehrman
Administrative Collateral Estoppel in California: A Critical Evaluation of People v. Sims, Thomas F. Crosby Jr.
Administrative Decision Making--Mortal or Immortal, Edward B. Miller
Administrative Enforcement: An Evaluation of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Use of Injunctions and Other Enforcement Methods, Thomas L. Hazen
Administrative Procedure and Foreign Antibribery Enforcement: Restoring Balance through Procedural Transparency, Daniel R. Wilson
Admiralty--Concurrent Jurisdiction Over Partition of Vessels, Herbert G. Hawkins
Admissibility of Accident Reports Required by Federal Law, Thomas C. Wood
Admissibility of an Agent's Declarations against his Employer under Evidence Code Section 1224, William T. Weaver
Admissibility of Compulsory Blood Alcohol Tests, William Donald Piercy
Admissibility of Evidence: A Chemical Test for Intoxication-Accuracy and General Scientific Acceptance, Edmund Bacigalupi
Admissibility of Evidence Disclosing Other Crimes, W. Clinton Shifflet
Admissibility of Polygraph Evidence in 1975: An Aid in Determining Credibility in a Perjury-Plagued System, Barry Tarlow
Admissibility of Remedial Measures Evidence in Products Liability Actions: Towards a Balancing Test, Joyce M. Cartun
Admission and Use of Evidence in the California Juvenile Courts, Donna Spragg
Admission of Illegally Obtained Evidence, John B. Marchant
Admissions of a Director, Sarah C. Zearfoss
Adolescent Autonomy: Clarifying an Ageless Conundrum, Rhonda Gay Hartman
Adoption in California of the Field Code of Civil Procedure: A Chapter in American Legal History, William Wirt Blume
A Dreadful Prognosis: Patentability of Diagnostic and Personalized Medical Procedures in the Wake of In re Bilski, Matthew D. Show
Adrift But Still Clinging to the Wreckage: A Comment on Damaska's Evidence Law Adrift, John D. Jackson
Adultery, Law, and the State: A History, Jeremy D. Weinstein
Advanced Micro Devices v. Intel Corp. and Judicial Review of Commercial Arbitration Awards: When Does a Remedy Exceed Arbitral Powers, Jessica T. Martin
Advancement & Communication Committee Meeting - Minutes 02/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Agenda 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Agenda 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Agenda 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Agenda 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Minutes 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting Minutes 05/12/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Notice 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Packet 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting - Packet 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting Packet 08/10/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee Meeting Packet 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee - Minutes 05/11/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee - Minutes 08/10/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Committee - Minutes 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Meeting Minutes 08/11/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advancement & Communications Minutes 11/10/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Advatages and Limitations of Current Employee Ownership Assistance Acts to Workers Facing a Plant Closure, Virginia L. Duquet
Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence: Tending to the Past and Pretending for the Future, Paul R. Rice
Advocates Should Use Applicable International Standards to Address Violations of Undocumented Migrant Workers' Rights in the United States, Connie De la Vega and Conchita Lozano-Batista
Aesthetics as a Zoning Consideration, Melvin Rose and George Yim
Affirmative Action for the Poor: A Proposal for Affirmative Action in Higher Education Based on Economics, Not Race., Kimberly Paap Taylor
Affirming Our Common Humanity: Regulating Landmines to Protect Civilians and Children in the Developing World, Mary A. Ferrer
A Fifth Branch of Government: The Private Regulators and Their Constitutionality, Harold I. Abramson
A Fishery, a Sanctuary, a Sink, and a Disaster: The Often-Hapless Management of California’s Salton Sea, William M. McLaren
Afrocentric Movements in Education: Examining Equity, Culture, and Power Relations in the Public Schools, Drake D. Hill
Afterlife in the Cloud: Managing a Digital Estate, Jamie P. Hopkins
After Midnight: The Constitutional Status of Juvenile Curfew Ordinances in California, Susan L. Freitas
After Orange County: Reforming California Municipal Bankruptcy Law, Frederick Tung
After the Clearcut, Gary Snyder
After the Denial, Tom Athanasiou
After the Hurricane: The Legacy of the Rubin Carter Case, Judith L. Ritter
After the Independent Counsel Act: Where Do We Go from Here, James K. Robinson
After the TMDLs, Dave Owen
After-Wards, Daphne Scholinski
Age Discrimination in Employment and the Permissibility of Occupation Age Restrictions, Marc Rosenblum
Agency Statement CA Infrasturcture Plan 2017, Sustainable UC Hastings
A Genealogy of Vertical Restraints Doctrine, Rudolph J. Peritz
A General Framework for Competitive Analysis in Wireless Telecommunications, J. Gregory Sidak, Hal J. Singer, and David J. Teece
Aggressive Panhandling Legislation and the Constitution: Evisceration of Fundamental Rights--Or Valid Restrictions Upon Offensive Conduct, Darryl C. Delmonico
Aggressive Tax Planning & the Ethical Tax Lawyer, Heather M. Field
A Goal-Based Approach to Drafting Intestacy Provisions for Heirs other than Surviving Spouses, Cristy G. Lomenzo
A Golden State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Water Conflict, Brandon Hollinder
A Great Loneliness of Spirit, Charles F. Wilkinson
Agreeing to Disagree: Cultural Relativism and the Difficulty of Defining Terrorism in a Post-9/11 World, Sami Zeidan
Agricultural Insurance--Indemnification for Loss Due to Labor Dispute, Laurence L. Angelo
A Hard Look or a Blind Eye: Administrative Law and Military Deference, Jonathan Masur
A Harvest of Shame: the Imposition of Independent Contractor Status on Migrant Farmworkers and Its Ramifications for Migrant Children, Jeanne M. Glader
A High Stakes Mistake: Ignoring the IEP Team's Recommendations in Implementing California's High School Exit Exams, A. Angelique Aitken
A Hometown Dilemma: Addressing th e Sexual Harassment of Undocumented Women in Meatpacking Plants in Iowa and Nebraska, Amanda Clark
A House Divided: How Judicial Inaction and a Circuit Split Forfeited the First Amendment Rights of Student Journalists at America's Universities, Richard Bradley Ng
Ah Sun-flower, William Blake
A Human Rights Challenge: Advancing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Mary Robinson
AIDS Quarantine in England and the United States, Ronald Elseberry
Aircraft Purchases: Let the Buyer Beware, Janeen Kerper
Air Pollution and the Federal System: Responses to Felt Necessities, Jan Stevens
Airport Zoning as Height Restriction, Clyde L. MacGowan
A Journey of Two Countries: A Comparative Study of the Death Penalty in Israel and South Africa, Michelle M. Sharoni
Akamai: A Cure for Medical Process Patent's Prometheus Ailment, Joanna Liebes
A Kinder and Gentler Supreme Court, Arthur J. Goldberg
Alaska, the Last Frontier of Privacy: Using the State Constitution to Eliminate Pretextual Traffic Stops, Jeffrey M. Kaban
A Law of No Gods, No Masters - Developing and Defending a Participatory Legal System, Matt Halling
Albermarle Paper Company v. Moody: The Aftermath of Griggs and the Death of Employee Testing, James G. Johnson
Alcoholic Beverage Control: The Department, the Appeals Board, and Judicial Review, Richard W. Johnson
A Legislative Approach to the Protection of Sacred Sites, Barry Goode Hon.
Alexander v. Gardner-Denver and Deferral to Labor Arbitration, Stephen E. Cone and Karen H. Henry
Alienage and Public Employment: The Need for an Intermediate Standard in Equal Protection, Steven J. Casad
Alien Commuters: A Privileged Class, James P. Barber
Alien Land Laws: Constitutional Limitations on State Power to Regulate, James Alan Huizinga
Aliens--Deportation Proceedings--Right of Review, William R. Manson
Aligning or Maligning - Getting Inside a New IDEA, Getting behind No Child Left behind and Getting outside of It All, Stephen A. Rosenbaum
A Literate Dyslexic, M. L. Fraser
All Carrots and No Sticks: Moving Beyond the Misapplication of Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth, E. Jacob Lindstrom
All-Male Black Schools: Equal Protection, the New Separatism and Brown v. Board of Education, Richard Cummings
Allocation Factors in Use in California, Felix S. Wahrhaftig
Allocation of Mineral Resources in Antarctica: Problems and a Possible Solution, Helena M. Tetzeli
Allocation of the Cost of Improvements to Real Property Held in Trust, Craig S. Ritchey
Allowing Federal Courts Access to International Court of Justice Advisory Opinions: Critique and Proposal, William T. McLaughlin II
Allowing Sentence Bargains to Fall Outside of the Guidelines without Valid Departures: It is Time for the Commission to Act, John M. Dick
All Professors Create Equally: Why Faculty Should Have Complete Control over the Intellectual Property Rights in Their Creations, Sunil R. Kulkarni
All Sail and No Anchor--Judicial Review under the California Constitution, George Deukmejian and Clifford K. Thompson Jr.
All Things Being Equal: Affirmative Action and Candidate Selection from a Scottish Perspective, Kirsteen Davidson, Rhona Smith, Ruth Webster, and Nicole Busby
All Your Face Are Belong To Us: Protecting Celebrity Images in Hyper-Realistic Video Games, Krista Correa
Alma Mater: Clara Floltz and Hastings College of Law, Barbara Babcock
A Local Official's Guide to Language Access Laws, David Jung, Noemi Gallardo, and Ryan Harris
A Look at Recent Supreme Court Decisions: Judicial Prior Restraint and the First Amendment, Elliot Mincberg
A Loophole to Repair: Repair and Maintenance as a Way around the Coastal Act's Prohibition against Seawalls, Jenni Khuu
Altered States: A Comparison of Separation of Powers in the United States and in the United Kingdom, James G. Wilson
Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Public Interest: The Arbitration Experience, Leo Kanowitz
Alternative Sentencing Under the MARPOL Protocol: Using Polluters’ Fines to Fund Environmental Restoration, James B. Nelson
Alternative Visions of American Constitutionalism: Popular Sovereignty and the Early American Constitutional Debate, Christian G. Fritz
Always Lei of Ginger Blossoms for the First Lady of Hawai'i: Queen Lili'uokalani, June Jordan
A Many Layered Wonder: Nonvehicular Air Pollution Control Law in California, William Simmons and Robert H. Cutting Jr.
Ambush Marketing: Dissecting the Discourse, Brian Lee Pelanda
A Meditation on the Theoretics of Practice, Robert D. Dinerstein
Amerada Hess Shipping Corp. v. Argentine Republic: Denying Sovereign Immunity to Violators of International Law, William F. Webster
American Citizenship after Afroyim and Bellei: Continuing Controversy, David F. Schwartz
American Constitution-Making: The Neglected State Constitutional Sources, Marsha L. Baum and Christian G. Fritz
American Influence on Israel's Jurisprudence of Free Speech, Pnina Lahav
American Labor Law and the United States Space Shuttle, Leo Kanowitz
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Inc. v. HEW: Standing to Sue under the Establishment Clause, Laury M. Frieber
American Wine's New Internationalism: NAFTA's Impact on the U.S. Wine Industry in the Established and Emerging Markets of Canada and Mexico, Sarah E. Richards
America's New Glass Ceiling: Unpaid Internships, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Urgent Need for Change, Jessica L. Curiale
America's Uneasy Relationship with the Working Poor, A. Mechele Dickerson
Amicus Brief of Constitutional Law Professors David L. Faigman and Ashutosh A. Bhagwat, et al. in the Case of Gonzales v. Carhart, David L. Faigman, Ashutosh A. Bhagwat, and Kathrny Davis
A Minor Conundrum: Contracting with Minors in Canada for Film and Television Producers, Bob Tarantino
Am I That Race - Punjabi Mexicans and Hybrid Sensitivity, or How To Do Theory So That It Doesn't Do You, Faljuni A. Sheth
A Model Water Transfer Act for California, Richard M. Rosenberg
A Model Water Transfer Act for California: An Agricultural Perspective, David J. Guy
A Model Water Transfer Act for California: An Agricultural Perspetive, David J. Guy
A Model Water Transfer Act for California: Introduction, Richard M. Rosenberg
A Modern Analytical Framework for Monopolization in Innovative Markets for Products with Network Effects, John McGaraghan
A Modern Library Class Action: The Google Book Settlement and the Future of Digital Books, Courtney Nguyen
A Modern Proposal for State Regulation of Consumptive Uses of Water, Frank E. Maloney and Richard C. Ausness
A Moment of Truth on Racially Based Admissions, Larry M. Lavinsky
A Moral Imperative: The Human Rights Implications of Climate Change, Sara C. Aminzadeh
An Actual Problem in First Amendment Jurisprudence: Examining the Immediate Impact of Brown's Proof-of-Causation Doctrine on Free Speech and Its Compatibility with the Marketplace Theory, Clay Calvert and Matthew D. Bunker
An Aging Population: A Challenge to the Law, Lawrence A. Frolik and Alison P. Barnes
Analog to Digital: Harnessing Peer Computing, Jeremy Paul Sirota
An Alternative to the Bail System: Penal Code Section 853.6, Patrick J. Maloney Jr.
Analysis of Statutory Construction Problems Resulting from Slight Changes in Wording from Former Statutes, Mark A. Klein
Analyzing the Disappearance of Women’s Surnames and the Retrenchment of their Political-Legal Status in Early Modern England, Deborah Anthony
Analyzing the Non-Competition Covenant as a Category of Intellectual Property Regulation, Charles Tait Graves
Analyzing the Politics of (Evidence) Rulemaking, Eileen A. Scallen
An Analysis of Haitian Requests for Political Asylum after Haitian Refugee Center v. Civiletti, Margaret J. Wynne
An Analysis of Johns-Manville Products Corp. v. Superior Court: Recovery by an Employee against an Employer for Fraudulent Conduct, Cynthia K. Thornton
An Analysis of the General Verdict: Res Judicata Applied in Criminal Proceedings, William J. Knowles
An Analysis of the Moral Content of the Principles of Equity, Ralph A. Newman
An Antitrust Allegory, John J. Flynn
A National Court of Appeals, Paul A. Freund
A National Security Puzzle: Mosaic Theory and the First Amendment Right of Access in the Federal Courts, Michael P. Goodwin
Anatomy of a Dispute Clause: Intergovernmental Arbitration under the Spacelab Agreement, Mary M. Lovik
And Cloning Makes Three: A Constitutional Comparison between Cloning and Other Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Stephanie J. Hong
Anderson v. Evans: the Ninth Circuit Harmonizes Treaty Rights and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, Carol B. Koppelman
And Then There Were Two, Marija Matich Hughes
And the Truth Shall Make You Free: Trust as a First Amendment Defense in Tortious Interference with Contract Cases, Robert L. Tucker
And to the Republic for Which It Stands: Guaranteeing a Republican Form of Government, Catherine A. Rogers and David L. Faigman
An Early View of Executive Powers and Privilege: The Trial of Smith and Ogden, Robert J. Reinstein
An Earthy Enigma: The Role of Localism in the Political, Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Media Ownership Regulation, Paul Cowling
Anecdotal Forensics, Phrenology, and Other Abject Lessons from the History of Science, David L. Faigman
An Economic Analysis of Domain Name Policy, Karl M. Manheim and Lawrence B. Solum
An Economic Model for the Incentive/Access Paradigm of Copyright Propertization: An Argument in Support of the Orphan Works Act, Sami J. Valkonen and Lawrence J. White
A Negative Retrospective of Rule 23, Scott Dodson
An Emerging Framework for Greater Foreign Participation in the Economies of Hungary and Poland, Steven A. Velkei
An Emerging Norma: The Duty of States to Provide Reparations for Human Rights Violations by Non-State Actors, Cecily Rose
Anemone, Carmen King
An Environmental Justice Perspective on African-American Visitation to Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Parks, Andrea Waye
An Essay on Ending the Exclusionary Rule, Gary S. Goodpaster
A New Approach to Corporate Responsibility: The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Bennett Freeman, Maria B. Pica, and Christopher N. Camponovo
A New Approach to Double Jeopardy, Antonio R. Romasanta
A New Burden of Proof in Negligence Actions Involving Statutory Violations, Donald F. Morey
A New Concept of Corporations: A Contractual and Private Property Model, Robert Hessen
A New Constitution for German Big Business: The Co-Determination Act of 1976, Fritz Rittner
A New Image in the Looking Glass: Faculty Mentoring, Invitational Rhetoric, and the Second-Class Status of Women in the U.S. Academia, Carlo A. Pedrioli
A New Look at the Collection Agency in California, Elliott Leighton
A New Perspective on the Judicial Contempt Power: Recommendations for Reform, Louis Raveson
A New Standard for Evaluating Conglomerate Joint Ventures under Clayton Act Section 7 and a New Formula for the Potential-Competition Doctrine, Avarelle Silver
A New Tort in California: Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress (for Married Couples only), Timothy M. Cavanaugh
An Examination of the Law, or Lack Thereof, in Refugee and Displacement Camps, Kelsey Kofford
An Exception to the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine: Conspiracy to Utilize the Judicial and Administrative Agencies to Restrain Trade, Alan H. Melnicoe
An Introduction to Practice and Procedure under the California Adminstrative Procedure Act, Charles H. Bobby
An Introduction to the Student Pieces, Hadar Aviram and David Takacs
Annual Board/Faculty Retreat Special Meeting - Notice 09/14/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
An Observation and a Strange but True Tale: What Might the Historical Trials of Animals Tell Us about the Transformative Potential of Law in American Culture, Paul Schiff Berman
An Oil Spill and Exceptions to the Mootness Doctrine: Hornbeck v. Salazar Erroneously Decided?, Spencer R. Burrows
A No Moderator Needed: A Liberty Tradition Right to Broadcast Advertorials, Daniel Matheson
An Opt-In Option for Class Actions, Scott Dodson
An Oracle without Foresight - Plaintiffs' Arduous Burdens under U.S. v. Oracle, Amanda J. Parkison Hassid
Another Such Victory--Term Limits, Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Representation, Mark R. Killenbeck and Steve Sheppard
A Not-So-Hot Ticket: Orders for Abatement From Air Quality Management Districts and Their Implications, Christian F. Kemos
An Outline of History of Environmental Law and Administration in Poland, Daniel H. Cole
An Overview of Inbound Foreign Investment, Michael W. Berwind
An Overview of Inbound Foreign Investment, Michael W. Berwind
An Overview of Outbound Foreign Investment, John P. McDonnell
An Overview of Outbound Foreign Investment, John P. McDonnell
An Overview of Special Populations in California Prisons, Eumi Lee
An Overview of Special Populations in California Prisons, Eumi K. Lee
Anticompetitive Concerns of Internet Bases B2B Marketplaces: Information Sharing, Collusion and Monopsony Power, Michael Stajer
Antidiscrimination Law and the Multiracial Experience: A Reply to Nancy Leong, Tina Fernandes
Antilapse Statutes are Blunt Instruments: A Blueprint for Reform, Susan F. French
Antitrust and Distribution Problems in Tight Oligopolies--A Case Study of the Automoblie Industry, Jost J. Schmitt
Antitrust and Sports League Franchise Relocation: Bringing Raiders I into the Modern Era of Antitrust Law, Brett Gibbs
Antitrust as Consumer Protection in the New Economy: Lessons from the Microsoft Case, Mark Cooper
Antitrust Implications Arising from the Use of Overyly Broad Restrictive Covenants for the Protection of Trade Secrets, Pamela Carder Fletcher
Antitrust Implications of Casino Mergers: The Gamble of Defining a Relevant Market, Melissa Fallon
Antitrust Law and Economic Analysis: The Swedish Approach, David J. Gerber
Anti-Vibrator Legislation: The Law is on Shaky Ground, Nicole Schilder
An Uncommon Alliance: Finding Empowerment for Exotic Dancers through Labor Unions, Sarah Chun
A Paper Tiger--An Examination of the International Religious Freedom Act's Impact on Christianity in China, Betty L. Wong
A Pathway to Follow-on Biologics, Jeanne Yang
A Personal Injury Law Perspective on Copyright in an Internet Age, Alfred C. Yen
A Personal Journey through Feminist Legal Theory, Diane M. Bessette
A Policy Assessment of the National Court of Appeals, William H. Alsup
Appealability of Orders on Motions to Intervene, Donald L. Humphreys
Appealability of Order Striking Cross-Complaint, David Armstrong
Appeals in Federal Courts by Prosecuting Entities Other than the United States: The Plain Meaning Rule Revisited, R. Randall Kelso and C. Kevin Kelso
Appellate Procedure in the Ninth Circuit, Irving S. Bertram
Appellate Review in Workmen's Compensation and the Approaching Demise of the Substantial Evidence Rule, Morton R. Colvin
Appellate Review of Judicial Disqualification Decisions in the Federal Courts, Karen Nelson Moore
Appellate Review of Scientific Evidence under Daubert and Joiner, David L. Faigman
Appellate Subject Matter Organization: The German Design from an American Perspective, Daniel J. Meador
Appendix: Notable Faculty Scholarship in 2017
Appendix to the Opinion of the Court, K. C. Cerny
Apples and Oranges--The Supremacy Clause and the Determination of Self-Executing Treaties: A Response to Professor Vazquez, Khaldoun A. Baghdadi
Application of American Land Use and Environmental Planning Techniques to Environmental Recovery in Emerging Economies: Fundamental Foundations from the New World to the Old, Lee R. Epstein and Larry A. Gordon
Application of Dead Man's Statute to Wife in Community Actions Brought by Husband, Neil A. Helding
Application of the Exhaustion Rule in Selective Service Cases, J. Kendrick Kresse
Application of the Undue Burden Test to Mass Transportation: Parallel or Pitfall, Winston Peters
Applying a Strict Discovery Rule to Art Stolen in the Past, Tarquin Preziosi
Applying Circular Reasoning to Linear Transactions: Substance over Form Theory in U.S. and U.K. Tax Law, Karen B. Brown
Applying the Doctrine of Superior Responsibility to Corporate Officers: A Theory of Individual Liability for International Human Rights Violations, Brian Seth Parker
Applying the Rationales of Patent Claim Construction Doctrines to Interpretation of Patent Statutes, Grace Pak
Applying the Rule of Law in the War on Terror: An Examination of Guantanamo Bay through the Lens of the U.S. Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, John R. Pariseault
Apportionment of Permanent Disability: A Review of Recent California Court Opinions, Warren L. Hanna
Approaches to Enforcement of Environmental Law: An International Perspective, David S. Zalob
Approaching Visible Justice: Procedural Safeguards for Mental Examinations in China's Capital Cases, Zhiyuan Guo
A Preliminary Inquiry into the Art of Critique, Richard K. Neumann Jr.
A Prescription for California's Ailing Inmate Treatment System: An Independent Corrections Ombudsman, Arthur L. Alarcon
A Primer of United States Tax Considerations for the Foreign Investor, Nicholas S. Freud
A Private Right of Action under Section Five of the Federal Trade Commission Act, Allan Bruce Currie
A Procedural Due Process Attack on FDA Regulations: Getting New Drugs to People with AIDS, Bret L. Lansdale
A Pro-Death, Self-Fulfilling Constitutional Contruct: The Supreme Court's Evolving Standard of Decency for the Death Penalty, Susan Raeker-Jordan
A Proposal for a Continuing Public Prosecutor, Lloyd N. Cutler
A Proposal for Legislative Effectuation of Double Jeopardy Protection, Kevin A. Hicks
A Proposal for the Development of a System of Indigenous Jurisprudence in the Federated States of Micronesia, Brian Z. Tamanaha
A Proposal to Reformulate Article 23 of the ILC Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court, Sienho Yee
A Proposal to Revise the Forms of California Summons, Barry A. Abbott and Agustin Medina Jr.
A Proposal to Use Alternative Dispute Resolution as a Foundation to Build an Independent Global Cyberlaw Jurisdiction Using Business to Consumer Transactions as a Model, Victoria C. Crawford
A Proposed Antitrust Approach to Buyers' Competitive Conduct, Thomas A. Piraino Jr.
A Proposed Right of Conscience for Government Attorneys, Ralph Nader and Alan Hirsch
A Purchaser's Rights in the Middleman Escrow, Jon S. Malsnee
Arbitrating in Thailand, Jahan P. Raissi
Arbitration under NAFTA Chapter Eleven: Some Pragmatic Reflections upon the First Case Filed against Mexico, Clyde C. Pearce and Jack Coe Jr.
Arcara v. Cloud Books, Inc.: Locking Out Prostituion, Ina L. Potter
Archipelagos and Archipelagic States under UNCLOS III: No Special Treatment for Hawaii, Nancy Barron
Architect's Liability to Third Persons for Negligence in the Preparation of Plans and Specifications, William R. Benz
Are Attachments on Contracts Limited to Those for the Direct Payment of Money, Jack D. Fudge
Are Bankruptcy Judges Unconstitutional - An Appointments Clause Challenge, Tuan Samahon
Are California's Homeless Children Being Left behind - Analyzing the Implementation of McKinney-Vento Education Rights in California, Taylor Pospichel
A Reexamination of Internal Revenue Code Section 2042 as Applied to California Community Property Laws, Lawrence S. Braunstein
A Reexamination of the Non-Dischargeability of Criminal Restitutive Obligations in Chapter 13 Bankruptcies, Ann Haberfelde
A Reexamination of the Tinker Standard: Freedom of Speech in Public Schools, Jerico Lavarias
Are Litigious Hedge Funds a Problem? A Study of Activism, Jared Ellias
Are Money Launderers All Washed Up in the Western Hemisphere--The OAS Model Regulations, Phyllis Solomon
A Reply to Professor Craver: Physicians in Private Practice Already Have Enough Power, Stanton A. Glantz
A Report on the California Appellate System, J. Clark Kelso
A Republic...If You Can Keep It, Hans A. Linde
Are Rules Really Better than Standards, Joseph R. Grodin
Are Statutes Constraining Gubernatorial Power to Make Temporary Appointments to the United States Senate Constitutional under the Seventeenth Amendment, Vikram David Amar
Are the U.S. Patent Priority Rules Really Necessary, Mark A. Lemley and Colleen V. Chien
A Review of Supreme Court Decisions on Aid to Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Education, Patrick S. Duffy
Are You Still Settling For Cable? A Case for Broader Application of the FCC’s Over-The-Air Reception Devices Rule, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff
Arising under Jurisdiction and the Copyright Laws, Amy B. Cohen
Arizona Diamondback, Nicholas Whipps
Armed Standoffs and the Warrant Requirement, Edward H. Arens
Arms Inspection and the Constitution, Louis Henkin
A Road to Injustice Paved with Good Intentions: Maggie's Misguided Crackdown on Drowsy Driving, Joshua D. Levine
A Rose by Any Other Name: The Chilling Effect of ICE's Secure Communities Program, Stephanie Kang
Article X, Section 2: From Maximum Water Development to Instream Flow Protection, Harrison C. Dunning
Artificial Wombs: The Third Era of Human Reproduction and the Likely Impact on French and U.S. Law, Marion Abecassis
Artistic Freedom and Government Subsidy: Performing Arts Institutions in the United States and West Germany, Erik Stenberg
A Salute to Judge William W. Schwarzer, Carl Tobias
As a Matter of Fact, It's a Question of Law: A Case for De Novo Review of Likelihood of Confusion in Trademark Cases, Richard A. Dilgren III
Ascertaining the Testator's Intent: Liberal Admission of Extrinsic Evidence, Robert S. Boyd
A Scramble for the Eggs, Robert E. Rains
A Second Look at the Suez Canal Cases: Excuse for Nonperformance of Contractual Obligations in the Light of Economic Theory, Robert L. Birmingham
A Sewing Lesson in Political Offense Determinations: Stitching-Up the International Terrorist's Loophole, Douglas Kuber
Asian/American/Alien: Birth Tourism, the Racialization of Asians, and the Identity of the American Citizen, Mehera Nori
Asking Adolescents: Does a Mature Minor Have a Right to Participate in Health Care Decisions, Cara D. Watts
Aspects of Intellectual Property Law in the European Community, Leslie Gail Williams
Aspen Leaf After a Rainstorm, Basalt, Colorado, Alan Fong
Assault-Related Conduct under the Proposed California Criminal Code, Gerald M. Hinkley
Assembling California, John McPhee
Assessing Civil Penalties in Clean Water Act Citizen Suit Cases, Erin Belka and Sarah Kern
Assessing the Constitutionality of Reproductive Technologies Regulation: A Bioethical Approach, Elyse Whitney Grant
Assessment of Civil Monetary Penalties for Water Pollution: A Proposal for Shifting the Burden of Proof Regarding Damages, Diane Price Taylor
Assignment of Contracts and Contract Proceeds, Kenneth M. Johnson
Assignment of Mechanics' Liens, Timothy McFarland
Assignment of Rents Clauses under California Law and in Bankruptcy: Strategy for the Secured Creditor, Randy Rogers
Assisted Reproductive Technology and the Family, John A. Robertson
Assisted Reproductive Technology and the Threat to the Traditional Family, Radhika Rao
A Strategic Approach for Managing Conflict in Hospitals: Responding to the Joint Commission Leadership Standard, Part 1, Debra Gerardi and Charity Scott
A Strategic Approach for Managing Conflict in Hospitals: Responding to the Joint Commission Leadership Standard, Part 2, Debra Gerardi and Charity Scott
Astronauts and a Unique Jurisprudence: A Treaty for Spacekind, George S. Robinson
A Summary of Mirjan R. Damaska's Evidence Law Adrift, Gordon Van Kessel
Asymmetric Rewards: Why Class Actions (May) Settle for Too Little, Bruce L. Hay
A Third Theory of Liberty: The Evolution of Our Conception of Freedom in American Constitutional Thought, John Lawrence Hill
A Thousand Mile Walk to California, John Muir
A Toothless Tiger: President Uribe's Proposed Amnesty Bill, Sarah R. Sandford-Smith
Atop Mt. Roberts, Juneau, Alaska, Deborah P. Furth
A Tort Only in Violation of the Law of Nations, Joseph Modeste Sweeney
A Tribute to Chief Judge J. Skelly Wright, Arthur J. Goldberg
A Tribute to Justice Abe Fortas, Arthur J. Goldberg
A Tribute to Justice Arthur J. Goldberg, Stanley Mosk
A Tribute to Justice Stanley Mosk, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
A Tribute to Professor Dan Henke, Jenni Parrish
A Tribute to Russell N. Sullivan, Ray Forrester
At Sea with the 89th Congress: The United States Fisheries Zone, Gary G. Strieker
ATS Liability for Rogue Banking in a Post-Kiobel World, Joel Slawotsky
At the Whim of the Sovereign: Aboriginal Title Reconsidered, Nell Jessup Newton
Attorney-Client Privilege in the European Communities after A.M. & S. v. Commission: The Secret Is Out, Jeffrey Taylor Makoff
Attorney Conflicts of Interest in Corporate Acquisitions, Marc I. Steinberg
Attorney Discipline for Offensive Personality in California, Robert C. Black
Attorneys as State Actors: A State Action Model and Argument for Holding SLAPP-Plaintiffs' Attorneys Liable under 42 U.S.C. 1983, James W. Harper
Attorney’s Fees and the Clean Water Act after Buckhannon, Jason Douglas Klein
Attorney's Fees and the Federal Bad Faith Exception, Joan Chisper
Attorneys' Fees in Condemnation Proceedings, Barry L. Friedman
Attorney's Fees in Third Party Actions, L. Allan Songstad
Auctions, Taxes, and Air, Dave Owen
A Unified Theory of Indian Tribal Sovereignty, Earl Mettler
A Universal Pre-Arraignment Procedure, Richard P. Inlander
Australian Shareholders Rejoice: Current Developments in Australian Corporate Litigation, Paul von Nessen
Authentically Innocent: Juries and Federal Regulatory Crimes, Jeffrey A. Meyer
Authors and Readers: Conceptualizing Authorship in Copyright Law, Alina Ng
Author's Comments to Public Employee Bargaining in California: The Meyers-Millias-Brown Act in the Courts, Joseph Grodin
Authorship Atomized: Modeling Ownership in Participatory Media Productions, Elisabeth S. Aultman
Automatic Disbarment: A Convicted Felon's Just Desserts, Michael A. Gentile and Sarah Diane McShea
Automoblie Insurance--Insurer's Liability for Accident Occurring before Making the Contract, Raymond L. Mushrush
Autonomy and Accountability: The University of California and the State Constitution, Caitlin M. Scully
Autonomy, Debate, and Corporate Speech, David Shelledy
Autumn, Rainer Maria Rilke
Autumn, Emily Dickinson
Avatar Rights in a Constitutionless World, Tiffany Day
Aviall Services v. Cooper Industries: Implications for the United States Liability under CERCLA, the Superfund Law, Sophia Strong
Aviation Deaths on the Seas: The Flight into Maritime Law, Moris Davidovitz
A Visit with Guanyin, Carol Collins
Avoiding Balancing: The Role of Exclusionary Reasons in Constitutional Law, Richard H. Pildes
Avoiding Elective Dictatorship in the United Kingdom: Debate on Constitutional and Electoral Reform through Proportional Representation, John A. Zecca
Avoiding the Tragedy of Frankenstein: The Application of the Right of Publicity to the Use of Digitally Reproduced Actors in Film, Erin Giacoppo
Awarding Attorneys' Fees to the Private Attorney General: Judicial Green Light to Private Litigation in the Public Interest, Robert L. Weiner
Awards in Pope & Talbot, Inc. v. Government of Canada--Introduction, William S. Dodge
A Wigmorian Defense of Feminist Method, Katharine K. Baker
A Woman of Property: From Being It to Controlling It - A Bicentennial Perspective on Women and Ohio Property Law, 1803 to 2003, Sarah Miller Little
A Zero-Emissions Future: Whither California?, Paul Cort
Azevedo v. Abel: Denial of Employee's Right to Sue His Employer for an Intentional Tort, Ronald E. Niver
Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities: When is Habitat Modification a Take Part II, Tara L. Mueller
Baby Jane Doe: Stating a Cause of Action against the Officious Intermeddler, Michael Vitiello
Bad Girls and Good Sports: Some Reflections on Violent Female Juvenile Delinquents, Title IX &(and) The Promise of Girl Power, Cheryl Hanna
Bag Men and the Ghost of Richard Jewell: Some Legal and Ethical Lessons about Implied Defamation, Headlines, and Reporting on Breaking Criminal Activity from Barhoum v. NYP Holdings, Clay Calvert, Daniel Axelrod, Sarah Papadelias, and Linda Riedemann
Bail as a Matter of Right--In Re Underwood, Donald M. Egeland
Bail in the United States: A System in Need of Reform, Cecilia D. Lannon
Bailment and Teterinary Malpractice: Doctrinal Exclusivity, or Not, Katie J. L. Scott
Bakke, Grutter, and the Principle of Subsidiarity, Peter Widulski
Bakke v. The Regents of the University of California, Jon Van Dyke
Balancing Ethical Imperatives and Political Constraints: The Dilemma of New Democracies Confronting Past Human Rights Violations, Jose Zalaquett
Balancing Exigency and Privacy in Warrantless Searches to Prevent Destruction of Evidence: The Need for a Rule, Barbara C. Salken
Balancing the Fourth Amendment Scales: The Bad-Faith Exception to Exclusionary Rule Limitations, George C. Thomas III and Barry S. Pollack
Balancing, the Global and the Local Judicial Balancing as a Problematic Topic in Comparative (Constitutional) Law, Jacco Bomhoff
Ballot Box Budgeting in California: The Bane of the Golden State or an Overstated Problem, Jessica A. Levinson and Robert M. Stern
Ballot Propositions: The Challenge of Direct Democracy to State Constitutional Jurisprudence, James M. Fischer
Banking Setoff--A Study in Commercial Obsolescence, Thomas G. Dobyns
Bankruptcy and Free Speech: New Bankruptcy Code Provisions Restrict Attorneys' Right to Properly Advise Clients, Robin Huffman
Bankruptcy and the Administrative State, Robert Kenneth Rasmussen
Banned in Boston--and Birmingham and Boise and...: Due Process in the Debarment and Suspension of Government Contractors, John Montague Steadman
Bar, Bench, and Civic Culture, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
Bargaining with Uncertainty, Moral Hazard, and Sunk Costs: A Default Rule for Precontractual Negotiations, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Barker v. Morris and the Right to Confrontation, William S. Pitman
Barred Owl, Stewart G. Pollock Justice
Bates Beach, Jessica A. Duncan
Batson v. Kentucky: The New and Improved Peremptory Challenge, Cynthia Rowland-Richers
Battered Women, Homicide Convictions, and Sentencing: The Case for Clemency, Carol Jacobsen, Kammy Mizga, and Lynn O'Orio
Battle of the Heavyweights: In This Corner Environmental Rights and in the Far Corner Free Travel Rights, Susan F. Dewey
Bay in Peril, Jane Kay
Bay in Peril, Jane Kay
Bayonets for the Wounded: Constitutional Paradigms and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods, Donald P. Judges
Bear Gultch, Pinnacles National Monument, Ashley Nance
Because We Say So: The Unfortunate Denial of Rights to Transgender Minors Regarding Transitions, Amanda Kennedy
Bee, Michael Callahan-Dudly
Beginning from (My) Experience: The Paradoxes of Lesbian/Queer Narrativites, Ruthann Robson
Being a Teacher, of Lawyers: Discerning the Theory of My Practice, Howard Lesnick
Being Gay in Lubbock: The Equal Access Act in Caudillo, Sarah Orman
Bell v. Industrial Vangas: The Employer-Manufacturer and the Dilemma of Dual Capacity, Glen R. Olson
Benchmark Legislation: A Measured Approach in the Fight against Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals, Adam Powell
Bending in the Breeze: American Class Actions in the Twenty-First Century, Richard L. Marcus
Benefits and Just Compensation in California, Weston L. Johnson
Benign Sex Discrimination: Its Troubles and Their Cure, Leo Kanowitz
Bennett on the Moral Order, Edmund L. Pincoffs
Bertero v. National General Corp.: Drawing the Line between an Aggressive Defense and Malicious Prosecution, Marc A. Levinson
Betting on Success: Can the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act Help the United States Achieve Its Internet Gambling Policy Goals, James N. Brenner
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Legacy of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, Lynn A. Combs
Beyond 16 U.S.C. 1247(d): The Scope of Congress's Power to Preserve Railroad Rights-of-Way, Theodore G. Phillips
Beyond Bed and Bread: Making the African State through Marriage Law Reform - Constitutive and Transformative Influences of Anglo-American Legal Thought, Sylvia Wairimu Kang'ara
Beyond Confusion - Survey Evidence of Consumer Demand and the Entire Market Value Rule, Patricia Dyck
Beyond Cut Flowers: Developing a Clinical Perspective on Critical Legal Theory, Phyllis Goldfarb
Beyond Disability Civil Rights, Michael Ashley Stein and Penelope J. S. Stein
Beyond Good Intentions: Can Hybrid Tribunals Work after Unilateral Intervention, John Dermody
Beyond Moody: A Re-Examination of Unreasonably Small Capital, Lee B. Shepard
Beyond Pinups: Workplace Restrictions on the Private Consumption of Pornography, Peggy E. Bruggman
Beyond Preemption: Accommodation of the Nonemployee Spouse's Interest under ERISA, Deene Goodlaw Solomon
Beyond Reparations: Accommodating Wrongs or Honoring Resistance, Natsu Taylor Saito
Beyond Secrecy for Secrecy's Sake: Toward an Expanded Vision of the Fourth Amendment Privacy Province, James J. Tomkovicz
Beyond the Battered Woman Syndrome: An Argument for the Development of New Standards and the Incorporation of a Feminine Approach to Ethics, Deborah Kochan
Beyond the Squabble: Putting the Tenderloin Community Justice Center in Context, Michael Cobden and Ron Albers
Beyond the Waste Land: Law Practice in the 1990s, David Schuman
Beyond Tucker v. Lassen: The Future of the Due-on-Sale Clause in California, Bernie Wolf
Beyond Victim Impact Evidence: A Modest Proposal, Teree E. Foster
Beyond Work-Life “Integration”, Joan C. Williams, Jennifer L. Berdahl, and Joseph A. Vandello
Beyond Zero-sum Environmentalism, David Takacs
Bias as Affecting Credibility, William G. Hale
Bifurcation of Civil Rights Defendants: Undermining Monell in Police Brutality Cases, Douglas L. Colbert
Big Basin, California, Michael Bland
Big Love: Is Feminist Polygamy an Oxymoron or a True Possibility, Michele Alexandre
Big Sur, Gunter Mihaescu
Bill Lockhart--Colleague, Mentor, Friend, Jesse H. Choper
Bills and Notes: Fictitious Payees under the Amended N. I. L., Geoffrey A. Steel
Binding Interest Arbitration in the Public Sector: A New Proposal for California and Beyond, Brian J. Malloy
Biotechnology and the Legal Constitution of the Self: Managing Identity in Science, the Market, and Society, Jonathan Kahn
Bitcoin: An Innovative Alternative Digital Currency, Reuben Grinberg
Bivens and its Progeny: The Scope of a Constitutional Cause of Action for Torts Committed by Government Officials, Michael P. Lehmann
Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents: A New Direction in Federal Police Immunity, Roy H. Ikeda and Douglas A. Voorsanger
Black Bear, Sierra Nevada, Mackenzie S. Keith
Black Bear, Sierra Nevada, Richard Hurlburt
Black Gaius: A Quest for the Multicultural Origins of the Western Legal Tradition, P. G. Monateri
Black Men, Red Men, and the Constitution of 1787: A Bicentennial Apology from a Middle Templar, Louis F. Claiborne
Black, White, Brown, Green, and Fordice: The Flavor of Higher Education in Louisiana and Mississippi, Alfreda A. Sellers Diamond
Blakely's Silver Lining; Sentencing Guidelines, Judicial Discretion, and Crime, Joanna Shepherd
Blind Umpires--A Response to Professor Resnik, Steven Flanders
Blood Tests and the Bill of Rights--Breithaupt Revisited, Jerry M. Duncan
Board of Directors Meeting - Closed Agenda 03/02/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Closed Agenda 06/01/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Closed Agenda 09/14/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Closed Agenda 12/07/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes 03/02/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes 03/03/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 03/04/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes 06/02/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 06/17/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes 09/15/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes 12/01/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 12/02/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 9/16/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Notice 03/02/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Notice 06/01/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Notice 09/14/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Notice 12/07/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Open Agenda 03/02/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Open Agenda 06/01/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Open Agenda 09/14/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting - Open Agenda 12/07/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Open Meeting - Packet 03/02/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Open Meeting - Packet 06/01/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Board of Directors Open Meeting - Packet 12/01/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Body Art on Children's Bodies: Should It Be up to Parents to Decide, Inna Volkova
Border Searches Revisited: The Constitutional Propriety of Fixed and Temporary Checkpoint Searches, Ken Keller
Border Search in the Ninth Circuit: Almeida-Sanchez--A Borderline Decision, Clyde William Matsui
Borrowing Foley v. Interactive Data Corp. to Finance Lender Liability Claims, Ann-Marie Davidow
Boumediene v. Bush and Extraterritorial Habeas Corpus in Wartime, Riddhi Dasgupta
Bowen v. Kendrick: Retreat from Prophylaxis in Church-State Relationships, Alexandra Petrich
Boy or Girl: Who Gets to Decide: Gender-Nonconforming Children in Child Custody Cases, David Alan Perkiss
Boys Will Be Boys: Peer Sexual Harassment in Schools and the Implications of Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, Tianna McClure
Brain images as Legal Evidence, Emily R. Murphy, Teneille R. Brown, Adina Roskies, and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Branches, Sierra Nevada, Steven Freeland and Ross P. Buckley
Branded versus Generic Competition - A Kind Word for the Branded Drugs, Richard A. Epstein
Branding Neutral Explanations Pretextual under Batson v. Kentucky: An Examination of the Role of the Trial Judge in Jury Selection, Tracy M. Y. Choy
Branzburg v. Hayes and the Developing Qualified Privilege for Newsmen, James C. Goodale
Braswell v. United States: The Collective Entity Doctrine and the Compelled Testimony Standard, David N. Lathrop
Bread for the Poor: Access to Justice and the Rights of the Needy in India, Marc Galanter and Jayanth K. Krishnan
Breakday’s Western Shore, Gregory Hobbs Hon.
Breaking the Federal/State Impasse over Medical Marijuana: A Proposal, Marsha N. Cohen
Breeding Incentives: Parental Leave in Japan and the United States, Talia Saypoff
Bricker-Dirksen Amendment, Kenneth C. Sears
Bridge, Adam Regele
Bridging Rule of Law Theory and Implementation: The Role of Professional Ethical Integrity, Kate E. Bloch
Bridging the Federalism Gap: Procedural Due Process and Race Discrimination in a Devolved Welfare System, Risa E. Kaufman
Bridging the Safe Drinking Water Gap for California’s Rural Poor, Camille Pannu
Brief of Professors of Federal Jurisdiction and Legal History as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents, Nicholas W. Van Aelstyn and William S. Dodge
Bringle v. Board of Supervisors. Condemnation without Compensation, J. Thomas Talbot
Bring Our Young People In!, Gregory Hobbs Justice
Broach of Duty: The United States Foreign-Trade Zones Program in Transition, Daniel G. Durbin
Broadcasters' Rights: Whether to Air Independent Political Action Committee Advertisements, William C. Oldaker and Donald S. Picard
Broadcast Profanity and the Right to Be Let Alone: Can the FCC Regulate Non-Indecent Fleeting Expletives under a Privacy Model, Edward L. Carter, R. Trevor Hall, and James C. Phillips
Broadening Anachronistic Notions of Family in Proxy Decisionmaking for Unmarried Adults, Amy L. Brown
Brown in State Hands: State Policymaking and Educational Equality after Freeman v. Pitts, Bernard James and Julie M. Hoffman
Brown, Teneille, and Emily Murphy. "Through a scanner darkly: functional neuroimaging as evidence of a criminal defendant's past mental states, Emily R. Murphy and Teneille R. Brown
Brown v. United States, the Paquete Habana, and the Executive, Michelle Akerman
Building a Fair and Just New York: Decriminalize Transactional Sex, Frankie Herrmann
Building Judicial Integrity in China, Hualing Fu
Building on Individual Strengths: Achieving Greater Success in Stormwater Pollution Prevention Through Collaboration, Christine Chestnut
Building Rome in a Day: What Should We Expect From the RIAA?, Valerie Alter
Built on Lies: Preliminary Reflections on Evidence Law as an Autopoietic System, Richard O. Lempert and John Demers
Burden of Proof of Bailee's Negligence in Connection with His Failure to Redeliver, Robert M. Sweet
Bursey v. United States: The First and Fifth Amendments in the Grand Jury Room, Thomas F. Schroeter
Business as Usual: The Former Government Attorney and ABA Disciplinary Rule 5-105(D), Richard F. Luther
Business Buy Outs and International Regulation, Keizo Sakata
Business Opportunities in Japan, Hal G. Nielsen
Business Records and Hospital Records as Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule, Stanley Dunn
Business Regulation: Ambit of Municipal Control, Terence A. Pierson
But I thought He Had a Gun - Race and Police Use of a Deadly Force, Cynthia Lee
But We Have to Protect Our Source: How Electronic Voting Companies' Proprietary Code Ruins Elections, Andrew Massey
Buyers of Used Goods and the Problems of Hidden Security Interests: A New Proposal to Modify Section 9-307 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Linda J. Peltier
By What Authority: Reflections on the Constitutionality and Wisdom of the Flag Protection Act of 1989, David L. Faigman
CA Five-Year Infrastructure Plan Agency Statement Draft, Sustainable UC Hastings
Calculating Fees of Special Masters, David I. Levine
Califorina Penal Code Section 314(1): Nudeness or Lewdness, Walter Benjamin Fisherow
California and Dillon: The Times They are a-Changing, Manuela Albuquerque
California Antitrust: Standing Room for the Wrongfully Discharged Employee, Sean P. Gates
California Autonomy from Federal Government. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
California Bankers Association v. Shultz: An Attack on the Bank Secrecy Act, L. Gene Sanford
California Certiorari: A Misused Writ, Gerald Schneider
California Choice of Law in Tort: Demise of Lex Loci Delicti--Reich v. Purcell, Alan E. Burchett
California Cities and the Constitution of 1879: General Laws and Municipal Affairs, Leon Thomas David
California Civil Code Section 3264 and the Ghost of the Equitable Lien, Paul D. Gutierrez
California Coast, Carmen King
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1241.7: Protecting Public Parks from Highway Intrusion, Michael Obrand
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 731(a): Denial of Private Injunctive Relief from Air Pollution, R. Vern McDade
California Corporate Securities Law vs. Proposed Uniform Securities Law, Donald A. Pearce
California Corporation and Personal Income Taxes, Bruce W. Walker and Hebard P. Smith
California Corporations Code Section 25530(b): Government Agency Suit Versus the Private Class Action, Steven L. Sumnick
California Counties: Second-Rate Localities or Ready-Made Regional Governments, Jared Eigerman
California Courts in Historical Perspective, William Wirt Blume
California Environmental Quality Act Lawsuits and California’s Housing Crisis, Jennifer Hernandez
California Eviction Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence: Additional Protections or Additional Problems, Rebecca Licavoli Adams
California FEPC, Michael C. Tobriner
California Financial Responsibility Laws--A Judicial Interpretation, Jack E. Ferguson
California Franchise Tax as Applied to Commencing and Dissolving Corporations, Edward A. Weiss
California Hills, Vincent Vu
California Lower Income Housing Policy: At Legislative and Judicial Crossroads, Dirk A. Fulton
California Nationhood. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute
California Penal Code Section 1027: Broadsword or Butterknife, Vernon James Jackl
California Penal Code Section 647(e): A Constitutional Analysis of the Law of Vagrancy, Lois M. Keenan
California Procedures for Obtaining Judicial Decrees Binding on Unborn or Unascertained Persons, William J. Adams
California Public Entity Immunity from Tort Claims by Prisoners, Richard T. Bowles
California Rape Evidence Reform: An Analysis of Senate Bill 1678, Thomas E. McDermott III
California Runaways, Alice Milmed Haller
California's Adoption Law and Programs, Jacobus tenBroek
California’s Cap and Trade Extension: How Senate Bill 775 Envisioned a New Path to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Bob Wieckowski
California Schoolteachers' Privilege to Inflict Corporal Punishment, Charles H. Carpenter
California's Civil Appeal in Forma Pauperis--An Inherent Power of the Courts, William F. Johns
California’s Clean Car Law: Fifteen Years Later, a Look in the Rearview Mirror, Darry Sragow and Monika Darwish
California's Collateral Source Rule and Plaintiff's Receipt of Uninsured Motorist Benefits, John L. Antracoli
California's Conclusive Presumption of Legitimacy: Jackson v. Jackson and Evidence Code Section 621, Stephen M. Robertson
California's Constitutional Right to Privacy: The Development of the Protection of Private Life, Robert S. Gerstein
California's Cruelty Criteria: Evaluating Sentences after In Re Lynch, Carol A. Corrigan
California's Fair Employment and Housing Act: A Viable State Remedy for Employment Discrimination, Marjorie Gelb and JoAnne Frankfurt
California's Going and Comming Rule in Workers' Compensation: A New Model for Consistency, Henry Slowik
California’s Groundwater: A Legally Neglected Resource, Jan Stevens
California's Ineffective Reckless Driving Statute, Don Berger and Barry Schulman
California’s Next Environmental Frontier: Climate Justice Leadership, Suma Peesapati
California's Nuclear Power Regulations: Federal Preemption, Dan M. Berkovitz
California's Parental Consent Statute: A Constitutional Challenge, Theresa M. Walker
California's Prayer Healing Dilemma, JoAnna A. Gekas
California's Prepaid Health Plan Program: Can the Patient Be Saved, David F. Chavkin and Anne Treseder
California's Punitive Damages Law: Continuing to Punish and Deter Despite State Farm v. Campbell, Kathleen S. Kizer
California’s Response to the Trumpian Rollback of Wetland Protections Under the Clean Water Act, Clark Morrison
California's Sexually Violent Predator Act: The Role of Psychiatrists, Courts, and Medical Determinations in Confining Sex Offenders, Carolyn B. Ramsey
California's Tideland Trust: Shoring It Up, Peter C. Davis
California's Toxics Initiative: Making It Work, Judith A. DeFranco
California's Uninsured Motorist Statute: Scope and Problems, Robert S. Chadwick and Marcel B. Poche
California Supreme Court Review of Decisions of the Public Utilities Commission--Is the Court's Denial of a Writ of Review a Decision on the Merits, Boris H. Lakusta and David H. Renton
California Surface Water Law, Irwin M. Goldman
California Taxpayers' Suits: Suing State Officers under Section 526a of the Code of Civil Procedure, Steven Mains
California Teachers Association v. Riles: California Sets a New Standard for Public Aid to Parochial Schools, Carol A. Opotow
California Unlawful Detainer Procedure--A Proposed Legislative Change, Dennis C. Poulsen
California v. Brown: Against the Antisympathy Instruction, Julianne C. Sylva
California Water Management: Subject to Change, John T. Andrew, Jessica Roberts Pearson, and John K. Woodling
California Workfare Legislation and the Right of Privacy, Michyle A. LaPedis
Calvin Massey, Gentleman Farmer, Evan Tsen Lee
Cameras in the Restroom: Police Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment, William O'Callaghan
Campaign Finance, Communications and the First Amendment, Bob Packwood
Campaign Finance Reform in California, Robert Girard
Campus Housing Presentation to SPUR, UC Hastings College of the Law
Canadian Medical Tourism: Expanding Opportunities and Reducing Legal Risks for American Healthcare Providers, R. Gregory Cochrane and Alicia Corbett
Canadian Rape Shield Statutes, Mary A. Wagner
Can a State Rescind Its Equal Rights Amendment Ratification: Who Decides and How, Leo Kanowitz and Marilyn Klinger
C &(and) K Engineering Contractors v. Amber Steel Co.: Promissory Estoppel and the Right to Trial by Jury in California, Gary Shapiro
Can Intellectual Property Laws Stem the Rising Tide of Art Forgeries, Joseph C. Gioconda
Can Local Governments Provide Protection to Vulnerable Communities in California a State Which Has Legalized Predatory Payday Lending and Failed to Pass Reform, Krista R. Granen
Canon Law and the Common Law, William W. Bassett
Can the Right of Publicity Afford Free Speech - A New Right of Publicity Test for First Amendment Cases, Jason K. Levine
Can These Bones Live - A Look at the Impacts of the War on Drugs on Poor African-American Children and Families, Nekima Levy-Pounds
Can the Suits in Admiralty Act Limitation Period be Tolled or Extended, Robert A. Prahl
Can't We Enlarge the Blanket and the Bed - A Comparative Analysis of Positive/Affirmative Action in the European Court of Justice and the United States Supreme Court, Thomas Trelogan, Steve Mazurana, and Paul Hodapp
Capacity of Trustees of Charitable Corporation to Sue Co-Trustees to Enjoin Breach of Trust, Gerald E. Riggs
Capital Gains and Losses--The Sale or Exchange Requirement, Boris I. Bittker
Capitalizing Raising Costs for All Section 1231 Animals: United States v. Catto, Ben F. McClinton
Capital Punishment: Corporate Criminal Liability for Gross Violations of Human Rights, Diane Marie Amann
Captive Audience Meetings in Union Organizing Campaigns: Free Speech or Unfair Advantage, Elizabeth J. Masson
Capturing the Insights: Commonalities and Differences, Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Capturing the Insights: Commonalities and Differences, Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Carbon Intensity Standards: A Distraction and a Danger to Real Action on Climate Change, Andrew Greene
Carbon Into Gold: Forest Carbon Offsets, Climate Change Adaptation, and International Law, David Takacs
Cardboard to Concrete: Reconstructing the Texas Colonias Threshold, Roderick R. Williams
Cardiac Claims under California's Workmen's Compensation Law, James A. Hudak
Carmical v. Craven: De Facto Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection, Clement Glynn
Carriage of Goods by Sea: Should the United States Ratify the Hambug Rules, Michael C. Davis
Carter, Reagan, and Khomeini: Presidential Transitions and International Law, Nancy Amoury Combs
Cascade Lake, Vincent Vu
Case Study: Drafting Indemnity Clauses--Experiences of the Southern Pacific Company in Non-Public Carrier Contracts, Richard J. Lathrop
Case Update: German CompuServe Director Acquitted on Appeal, Lothar Determann
Casting a Net into Turbulent Waters: Indian Salmon Fishing Rights in Canada and the United States, Brian R. Campbell
Castle Crags, Maya R. Moiseyev
Catching a Black Cat in a Dark Room: Evaluating the Shortcomings of Federal and State Anti-Spyware Legislation, Josh Sugnet
Categories of Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses, Andrew Clapham and Scott Jerbi
Categorizing Acts by State Officials: Attribution and Responsibility in the Law of Foreign Official Immunity, Chimène Keitner
Catellus Development Corporation v. United States: A Solid Approach to CERCLA Arranger Liability, or a Waste of Natural Resources, Gregory A. Robins
CATV and Copyright Liability: Teleprompter Corp. v. Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. and the Consensus Agreement, B. Scott Silverman
Cave, Adam Regele
CDC’s New Rule to Track and Quarantine Travellers, Dorit Rubinstein Reiss and Y. Tony Yang
Celebrity Politicians and Publicity Rights in the Age of Obama, Michael G. Bennett
Censoring the Law in California: Decertification Revisited, Julie Hayward Biggs
Center for Gender &(and) Refugee Studies: The Implementation of the One-Year Bar to Asylum, Karen Musalo and Marcelle Rice
Certainty Thwarted: Broad Waiver Versus Narrow Waiver of the Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege after Jaffee v. Redmond, Ellen E. McDonnell
Certiorari: Its Diagnosis and Cure, Robert W. Gibbs
Cetacean Community v. Bush: The False Hope of Animal Rights Lingers On, Matthew Armstrong
Challenges of Tough Love: Examining San Francisco's Community Justice Center and Evaluating Its Prospects for Success, Todd W. Daloz
Challenging Changing Legal Definitions of Family in Same-Sex Domestic Violence, Shannon Little
Challenging China's Fixed Exchange Rate Regime: An Analysis of U.S. Options, Xinchen Sofia Lou
Champagne, Feta, and Bourbon: The Spirited Debate about Geographical Indications, Justin Hughes
Change of Venue in the Federal Courts under Section 1404-A of the New Judicial Code--Effect on Rights of the Parties, Harold J. Chase
Changes in Rights, Preferences, Privileges and Restrictions on Outstanding Securities under the California Corporate Securities Law, Marshall L. Small
Changes in the Laws Governing the Parent-Child Relationship in Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua, Beth Stephens
Changes the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys. Initiative Statute.
Changing Courts in Changing Times: The Need for a Fresh Look at How Courts are Run, Judith S. Kaye
Changing Lanes: Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and Investment, Julien Chaisse and Puneeth Nagaraj
Changing Money: Foreign Exchange Reform in the People's Republic of China, Larry L. Drumm
Changing the Balance of Power: Why a Treaty-Trump Presumption Should Replace the Later-in-Time Rule When Interpreting Conflicting Treaties and Statutes, Scott A. Penner
Changing the Current Policy towards Spousal Abuse: A Proposal for a New Model Inspired by Jewish Law, Yuval Sinai and Benjamin Shmueli
Changing the Topography of Sentencing, Kate E. Bloch
Chan v. Korean Air Lines, Ltd.: The United States Supreme Court Eliminates the American Rule to the Warsaw Convention, Larry Moore
Chaos on the Citizens Band--Regulatory Solutions for Spectrum Pollution, Mark J. Meltzer
Chapter 1. Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Character at the Crossroads, Roger C. Park
Character Evidence Reconsidered: People Do Not Seem to be Predictable Characters, Miguel A. Mendez
Characterization of Property in California When Period of Acquisition Overlaps Creation or Termination of Marital Community, William E. Taggart Jr.
Charitable Trusts: Immunity from Tort Liability, Stephen Fisk Steen
Checking California's Plebiscite, Julian N. Eule
Check, Pleas: Toward a Jurisprudence of Defense Ethics in Plea Bargaining, Hadar Aviram, Deanna Dyer, and S. C. Thomas
Chief Judge J. Skelly Wright, William J. Brennan Jr.
Chief Judge Skelly Wright: Some Words of Appreciation, Elbert P. Tuttle
Chief Justice Shaw and the Family, Edward A. Hogan Jr.
Chief Justices I Never Knew, William H. Rehnquist
Chief Justice Traynor and Choice of Law Theory, Herma Hill Kay
Chief Justice Traynor and Criminal Law, Jerome Hall
Chief Justice Traynor and the Law of Taxation, Adrian A. Kragen
Chief Justice Warren and 1984, Bernard Schwartz
Chief Justice Wright and the Third Party Beneficiary Problem, James E. Crawford
Child Abuse and the Law: The California System, Gary S. Goodpaster and Karen Angel
Child Abuse and the Law: The California System, Gary S. Goodpaster and Karen Angel
Child Custody Determinations. Jury Trial. Initiative Statute.
Child Laborers: The World's Potential Future Labor Resources Exploited and Depleted, Rupneet Sidhu
Children and the Law: Constitutional Decisionmaking and the “Peculiar Vulnerability of Children”, Lois A. Weithorn
Child Snatching and Custodial Fights: The Case for the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, Henry H. Foster and Doris Jonas Freed
Child v. Parent: Erosion of the Immunity Rule, Robert A. Belzer
China and the Prior Consent Requirement: A Decade of Invasion and Counter-Invasion by Transfrontier Satellite Television, Mei Ning Yan
China Beach, Jessica A. Duncan
China Special Economic Zones in Perspective: A Contextual Discussion with Emphasis on the Shekou Industrial Zone, Charles C. Valauskas
Chinese Asylum Applications under U.S. Immigration Policy: Firm Resettlement in Hong Kong, Frannie S. Mok
Chipmunks at Crater Lake, Oregon, Mark Bland
Choice, Conscience, and Context, Mary A. Crossley
Choice for Tort Law in Enclaves Established by United States Corporations for Expatriate Employees, Wade F. Hyder
Choice of Law Governing Survival of Actions, James D. Sumner Jr.
Choice of Law in Cross-Border Torts: Why Plaintiffs Win and Should, Symeon C. Symeonides
Choice of Law in the United States, Gregory E. Smith
Choice v. Chance: The Constitutional Case for Regulating Human Germline Genetic Modification, Nancy Pham
Choosing Federal Judges in the Second Clinton Administration, Carl Tobias
Choosing Your Child's Race, Dov Fox
Christopher Stevens Tribute, Brian E. Gray
Chronic Drug Users as Parents, Judy Howard
Church and State on the Frontier: The History of the Establishment Clauses in the Washington State Constitution, Robert F. Utter and Edward J. Larson
Circumstances That Would Prejudice Impartiality: The Meaning of Fairness in Japanese Jurisprudence, Mark A. Levin
Circumstances within Our Control: Promoting Freedom of Expression through Cable Television, Mark Mininberg
Circumventing Due Process: A Judicial Response to Criminal Recidivism under the Bail Reform Act, Shari J. Cohen
Circumventing Non-Appropriation: Law and Development of United States Space Commerce, Nikhil D. Cooper
Citadels of Privilege: Exclusionary Land Use Regulations and the Presumption of Constitutional Validity, Annette B. Kolis
Citation Hearing System, Albert E. Hederman and Richard K. Dahlinger
Citation of Unpublished Opinions as Precedent, Martha Dragich Pearson
Citizens United and the Future of FCC Content Regulation, Elizabeth Elices
City of Chicago v. Wilson and Constitutional Protection for Personal Appearance: Cross-Dressing as an Element of Sexual Identity, Laura Richards Craft and Matthew A. Hodel
City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co.: Charting a Course through the Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Decisions, Tamar Fruchtman
City-Wide Prohibition of Billboards: Police Power and the Freedom of Speech, Sue Diamond Lifschiz
Civil Actions for Damages Arising Out of Violations of Civil Rights, Nathaniel S. Colley
Civil Claims for Uncivilized Acts: Filing Suit against the Government for American Indian Boarding School Abuses, Andrea A. Curcio
Civil Code Section 163.5: Solution or Enigma, Donald W. Curran and Kenneth W. Rosenthal
Civil Commitment in California: A Defense Perspective on the Operation of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, Alan W. Tieger and Michael A. Kresser
Civil Commitment of Narcotics Addicts in California: A Case History of Statutory Construction, Peter J. Belton
Civil Conspiracy up in Smoke: How Similar are Cigarettes and Smokestacks?, Henry Steinberg
Civil Disobedience: The Problem of Selective Obedience to Law, Steven R. Schlesinger
Civil Judgment Recognition and the Integration of Multi-state Associations: A Comparative Study, Robert C. Casad
Civil Jury Trial: The Case for Reasoned Iconoclasm, Mary Kay Kane
Civil Liability for Attorneys to Adverse Parties When a Settlement Agreement is Breached in California, Daivd M. Lacy Kusters
Civil Liability for Illegal Arrests and Confinements in California, Jennie Rhine
Civil Liberties and the California Law of Preemption, Coleman Blease
Civil Procedure, Frederick W. Montgomery
Civil Procedure: Jurisdiction and Its Effects, Scott Dodson
Civil Procedure: Managing Class-Action Conflicts, Morris Ratner
Claims of Indigenous Peoples to Cultural Property in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, Theresa Simpson
Clara Shortridge Foltz: Angel and Revolutionary, Deborah H. King
Clara Shortridge Foltz: Pioneer in the Law, Mortimer D. Schwartz, Susan L. Brandt, and Patience Milrod
Clarification of Homicide Law in California from Recent Decisions, William W. Coshow
Clarifying Fair Play and Substantial Justice: How the Courts Apply the Supreme Court Standard for Personal Jurisdiction, Leslie W. Abramson
Class Conflicts, Morris A. Ratner
Class Houses: Fragility and Disunity in the Ranks of Academe or Democratizing the Future of Legal Education According to the Vision of Ivan Illich, Monica Teixeira de Sousa
Classroom Design Standards, MKThink
Class Struggle in the Suburbs: Exclusionary Zoning against the Poor, Michael M. Burns
Clean Air, Clean Processes--The Struggle over Air Pollution Law in the People's Republic of China, William P. Alford and Benjamin L. Liebman
Clearing at Dawn, Li Po
Clearing Some Smoke: Medical Cannabis, Fifteen Years Later, Steven Heilig
Clearing the Air: Disincentivizing Driving and Encouraging the Use of Public Transportation to Combat Vehicle Pollution at a State Level, Michelle Castaline
Clearly Canadian--Hill v. Colorado and Free Speech Balancing in the United States and Canada, Donald L. Beschle
Client's Strategy for Damages against the Malpracticing Attorney, Lynn P. Bartlett
Climate Change and the Law of the River - A Southern Nevada Perspective, Patricia Mulroy
Climate Change and Weather-related Disasters: What Role for Insurance, Reinsurance and Financial Sectors?, Alberto Monti
Climate Change Law in California and Massachusetts: Lessons for State Policy Makers, Riti Chandiok
Climate Justice and the China Fallacy, Daniel A. Farber
Climbing along the River, William Stafford
Cloak and Ledger: Is CIA Funding Constitutional, Douglas P. Elliott
Cloning and Commodification, Margaret Jane Radin
Cloning and Federalism, Ashutosh Bhagwat
Cloning and Government Regulation, Hank Greely
Cloning Californians--Report of the California Advisory Committee on Human Cloning, Henry T. Greely
Cloning, Science and Public Policy, Deborah Ortiz
Closing the Tax Gap: Encouraging Voluntary Compliance through Mass-Media Publication of High-Profile Tax Issues, Elizabeth Branham
Coal Conversion by Electric Utilities: Reconciling Energy Independence and Environmental Protection, William Foster Cockrell Jr.
Coastal Justice: The Case for Public Access, Jessica A. Duncan
Coast Salish Property Law: An Alternative Paradigm for Environmental Relationships, Russel Lawrence Barsh
Coast Salish Property Law: An Alternative Paradigm for Environmental Relationships, Russel Lawrence Barsh
Code of Civil Procedure Section 473.5: Setting Aside Defaults and Default Judgments, Robert B. Gex IV
Codification and the California Mentality, Lewis Grossman
Codifying Property Law in the Process of Transition: Some Suggestions from Comparative Law and Economics, Gianmaria Ajani and Ugo Mattei
Codifying the Past, Erasing the Future: NAFTA and the Zapatista Uprising of 1994, Andy Gutierrez
Codifying the Past, Erasing the Future: NAFTA and the Zapatista Uprising of 1994, Andy Gutierrez
Coding Complexity: Bringing Law to the Empirical Analysis of the Supreme Court, Carolyn Shapiro
Coerced Confessions and the Fourth Amendment, Michael J. Zydney Mannheimer
Coercion in California: Eugenics Reconstituted in Welfare Reform, the Contracting of Reproductive Capcity, and Terms of Probation, Janet Simmonds
Cognition and Hearsay: A Response to Professor Friedman, Craig R. Callen
Cognitive Bias and the Motherhood Penalty, Stephen Benard, In Paik, and Shelley J. Correll
Cognovit Revisited: Due Process and Confession of Judgment, James David Prendergast
Collaboration and Coercion, Margaret B. Drew
Collateral Estoppel: The Extent to Which Decisions of the Workmen's Compensation Appeals Board and Municipal or County Pension Boards Bind Each Other, Richard A. Weinig
Collective Bargaining: Rank and File Union as Representative of Supervisors, William C. Miller
Collective Bargaining under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act--Should Local Public Employees Have the Right to Strike, Susan T. Sekler
Collective Confusion: FLSA Collective Actions, Rule 23 Class Actions, and the Rules Enabling Act, Daniel C. Lopez
Collective Rights and Individual Remedies: Rebalancing the Balance after Lingle v. Norge Division of Magic Chef, Inc., Jane Byeff Korn
College Searches and Seizures: Students, Privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, Richard Delgado
Colonial Fences Make Contentious Neighbors: Policy, Law, and Climate Refugees in India, Abigail Blue
Colorado River, Chloe Angelis
Colorblind Redistricting: Racial Proxies as a Solution to the Court's Voting Rights Act Quandry, Michelle E. O'Connor-Ratcliff
Combating Fetal Substance Abuse and Governmental Foolhardiness through Collaborative Linkages, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Common Sense: Helping Women Help Themselves, David C. Brody and Heidee McMillin
Combatting Sea Level Rise in Southern California: How Local Governments can Seize Adaptation Opportunities While Minimizing Legal Risk, Megan M. Herzog and Sean B. Hecht
Combatting the Opposition: English and United States Restrictions on the Public Right of Access to Governmental Information, Patti Goldman
Combining Conciliation with Arbitration of International Commercial Disputes, Steven J. Burton
Come Down and Make Bargains in Good Faith: The Application of 42 U.S.C. 1981 to Race and National Origin Discrimination in Retail Stores, Charlotte S. Alexander
Coming into Being: Law, Ethics, and the Practice of Prenatal Genetic Screening, Michael J. Malinowski
Coming to Terms with Death: The Cruzan Case, Susan R. Martyn and Henry J. Bourguignon
Commanding International Judicial Respect: Reciprocity and the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Susan L. Stevens
Commanding International Judicial Respect: Reciprocity and the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Susan L. Stevens
Commensurability and Its Constitutional Consequences, Frederick Schauer
Commentary on William Lloyd Prosser, Strict Liability to the Consumer in California, David J. Jung
Comment: Blinking at Reality: An Examination of Bray v. Alexandria, Marjorie Richter
Comment: Congressional Powers and Federal Judicial Burdens, Dennis E. Curtis
Comment: Federalizing Organized Crime, Vaughn R. Walker
Comment: Out of the Closet, Out of a Job: Due Process in Teacher Disqualification, Jeanne La Borde Scholz
Comment: The Folly of Overfederalization, Sanford H. Kadish
Comment: The Politicalization of Crime, J. Anthony Kline
Commerce Clause Challenges to the Endangered Species Act's Regulation of Intrastate Species on Private Land?, Lilly Santaniello
Commercial Speech and Paid Access to the Press, P. Cameron DeVore and Marshall J. Nelson
Committee to Defend Reproductive Rights v. Myers: The Constitutionality of Conditions on Public Benefits in California, Nancy Lynn Walker
Common Law vs. International Law Adjective Rules in the Original Jurisdiction, James E. Beaver
Common Regulation: Legal Origins of State Power in America, William J. Novak
Communicating Opinion Evidence in the Forensic Identification Sciences: Accuracy and Impact, Dawn McQuiston-Surrett and Michael J. Saks
Communique (December 2012), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Fall 2013), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Fall 2014), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Spring 2014), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Spring 2015), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Spring 2016), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Spring 2017), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Spring 2018), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Summer 2013), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Winter 2014), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Winter 2016), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Winter 2017), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communique (Winter 2018), UC Hastings Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Communities and Water Markets: A Review of the Model Water Transfer Act, Santos Gomez and Penn Loh
Communities and Water Markets: A Review of the Model Water Transfer Act, Santos Gomez and Penn Loh
Community-Based Approach to Redevelopment: The Case of West Berkeley, Carl Anthony
Community of Drought? Dialogue Between Believer and Skeptic, Gregory Hobbs Justice and Gary Weatherford
Community Presentation - Scoping Meeting, UC Hastings College of the Law
Community Property Laws versus the Power of Congress as Conferred in Article I, Section 8, Carlos J. Badger
Community Property: Necessary Parties to Actions Concerning Community Reality, Elizabeth B. Richards
Community Property: The Effect of Personal Injury Agreements between Spouses, Kenneth Skousen
Compacts of Free Association-type Agreements: A Life Preserver for Small Island Sovereignty in an Era of Climate Change?, Philip G. Dabbagh
Comparative Analysis of English and American Campaign Finance Laws, Rod Stanton Fiori
Comparative Analysis of the NAFTA's Environmental Side Agreement, Lynn A. Stanton
Comparative Analysis of the United States Patent Law and the New Industrial Property Code of Brazil, John Giust
Comparative Impairment and Better Law: Grand Illusions in the Conflict of Laws, Leo Kanowitz
Comparative Law as Basic Research, Jerome Hall
Comparative Law in a Time of Nativism, Margaret Woo
Comparative Law in the New European Community, George A. Bermann
Comparative Law Scholarship, John Henry Merryman
Comparative Legal Responses to Terrorism: Lessons from Europe, Jeremie J. Wattellier
Comparative Study of the Divorce Laws in California and the Mexican Federal District, Sharilyn R. Payne
Comparative Study of U.S. and West German Political Finance Regulation: The Question of Contribution Controls, Thomas F. Gede
Comparative View of the Law of Trademarked Generic Words, A, Ralph H. Folsom and Larry L. Teply
Comparing the Nixon and Clinton Impeachments, Fred H. Altshuler
Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating Science and Politics for the Environment, Carl Hosticka
Compelling Contract Performance in France, James Beardsley
Compelling Expert Testimony: A Proposed Statutory Reform, Richard R. Patch
Compensation and the California Guest Statute: Updating the Tangible Benefit and Motivation Tests, Daniel J. Kelly
Compensation for Japan's World War II War-Rape Victims, Karen Parker and Jennifer F. Chew
Compensation for Life Salvage at Sea, David W. Brown
Compensation for Moving Expenses of Personal Property in Eminent Domain Proceedings, Peter M. de Petra
Compensation for Possibilities of Reverter and Powers of Termination under Condemnation Law, Roger A. Grable
Competitive and Fair: The Case for Exporting Stronger Extraterritorial Labor and Employment Protection, Carson Sprott
Competitive entertainment: Implications of the NFL lockout litigation for sports, theatre, music, and video entertainment, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Complete Transplantation of the Adopted Child--A Plan for California, David Pomerenk
Compounding Crimes: Time for Enforcement, Merek Evan Lipson
Compulsory Licensing of Musical Compositions for Phonorecords under the Copyright Act of 1976, Paul S. Rosenlund
Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceuticals under TRIPS: What Standard of Compensation, Susan Vastano Vaughan
Computer Technology Exports under the Export Administration Amendments Act of 1985: Taking Competitive Advantage of China's Open Door, Sylvia R. Gill
Computer Technology Trade Secrets: Protection in an International Setting, Victor Rowley
Conceptual Hurdles to the Application of Atkins v. Virgina, Lois A. Weithorn
Conceptualizing Complicity in Alien Tort Cases, Chimene I. Keitner
Concerns Associated with Expanding DNA Databases, Candice Roman-Santos
Concluding Remarks, Donald T. Trautman
Concluding Remarks, Robert A. Sedler
Concluding Remarks, Peter Hay
Condemnation, David A. Klein
Conditional Sales--Applications of Automobile Sales Statute, Civil Code Section 2982, Norman Lew
Condominiums and Preemptive Options: The Right of First Refusal, Edward M. Ross
Condominiums and the Corporate Securities Law, B. L. Hoisington
Confined Animal Feeding Operations in California: Current Regulatory Schemes and What Must Be Done to Improve Them, Jeff El-Hajj
Conflict at End of Life: A Growing Need for Dispute Resolution Practices, Debra Gerardi and Jacquelin N. Font-Guzman
Conflict of Laws--A Survey of Past and Contemporary Theory, John A. Gorfinkel
Conflict of Laws, Product Liability and the Substantive Law of New Zealand in Bennett v. Enstrom Helicopter Corp., Patricia Barlow
Conflict of Laws--Torts--California, James B. Schnake and James Murad
Conflicts between Other Insurance Clauses in Automoblie Liability Insurance Policies, James L. Welch
Conflicts of Interest and Effective Representation: The Dilemma of Corporate Counsel, George D. Reycraft
Conflicts of Interest and Fiduciary Duties in the Operation of a Joint Venture, Zenichi Shishido
Conflicts of Law: Recognition of Foreign Country Divorce Decrees in California, Stanley E. Schwartz
Confronting Nuclear Terrorism, Louis Rene Beres
Confronting the Question of Conscience, Deval Patrick
Confusion in the Courts: The Failure to Tax Punitive Damages Uniformly in Personal Injury Cases, Margaret L. Thum
Congressional Authority to Induce Waivers of State Sovereign Immunity: The Conditional Spending Power (and Beyond), Michael T. Gibson
Congressional Authority to Regulate the Use of Nuclear Weapons, Allan Ides
Congressional Discretion under the Property Clause, Eugene R. Gaetke
Congressional Investigations, First Amendment Freedoms and Due Process of Law, Marvin Cooper
Congressional Preemption of Mortgage Due-on-Sale Law: An Analysis of the Garn-St. Germain Act, Grant S. Nelson and Dale A. Whitman
Congressional Prerogatives, the Constitution and a National Court of Appeals, Kevin L. Domecus
Congress’ Pet: Why the Clean Air Act’s Favortism of California Is Unconstitutional Under the Equal Footing Doctrine, Valerie J. M. Brader
Congress' Property Clause Power to Prohibit Taking Endangered Species, Sophie Akins
Conscience and Civil Disobedience in Jewish, Christian, and Greek and Roman Thought, Milton R. Konvitz
Conscientious Objectors--Civilian Work as an Alternative to Military Duty, Daniel F. Gallery
Conscious Parallelism: The Business Judgment Defense in a Summary Judgment Context, Emil John Kotalik Jr.
Consent Engendered: A Feminist Critique of Consensual Fourth Amendment Searches, Dana Raigrodski
Consent Forms as Part of the Informed Consent Process: Moving away from Medical Miranda, Victor Ali
Consent, Not Morality, as the Proper Limitation on Sexual Privacy, Carleton H. A. Taber
Conservation Easements and the Doctrine of Changed Conditions, Jeffrey A. Blackie
Conservation Easements for Green Urban Spaces, Matthew Olhausen
Conservationship of Roulet: Civil Commitment and Due Process in California, Deborah B. Klipstein and Daryl J. Weinroth
Consideration of Economics Under California’s Porter-Cologne Act, David Sunding and David Zilberman
Considerations in Representing Western Companies in Technology Transfers to East Asia, Jeffrey J. Blatt
Considerations on the Emerging Implementation of Biometric Technology, Robin Feldman
Consolidation and Transfer in the Federal Courts: 28 U.S.C. Section 1407 Viewed in Light of Rule 42(a) and 28 U.S.C. Section 1404(a), Gregory R. Harris
Conspirators, Conventurers, and the Exception Swallowing the Hearsay Rule, Ben Trachtenberg
Constitutional Adventures in Wonderland: Exploring the Debate between Rules and Standards through the Looking Glass of the First Amendment, David L. Faigman
Constitutional and Statutory Limits on the Power to Tax, James E. Sabine
Constitutional Challenges to Bans On Assisted Suicide: The View from without and within, Robert A. Sedler
Constitutional Challenges to Prison Overcrowding: The Scientific Evidence of Harmful Effects, Terence P. Thornberry and Jack E. Call
Constitutional Change and International Government, Chantal Thomas
Constitutional Changes, Transitional Justice, and Legitimacy: The Life and Death of Argentina's Amnesty Laws, Jose Sebastian Elias
Constitutional Comparisons and Converging Histories: Historical Developments in Equal Educational Opportunity under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and the New South African Constitution, Alfreda A. Sellers Diamond
Constitutional Development in South Africa and the Role of the Namibian Constitutional Model, Craig Gross
Constitutional Impediments to National Health Reform: Tenth Amendment and Spending Clause Hurdles, Candice Hoke
Constitutional Implications of Workmen's Compensation and Choice of Law, Edward A. Hogan Jr.
Constitutional Issues in Land Use Regulation--Introduction, Richard B. Cunningham
Constitutional Issues in the Settlement of Property Claims against Foreign States, Julie Bomke Bannerman
Constitutional Issues Raised by Diplomatic Relations between the United States and the Holy See, Maria Louisa Hekker
Constitutionality of English-Only Provisions in the Public Employee Speech Arena: An Examination of Yniguez v. Arizonans for Official English, Michael Albert Thomas Pagni
Constitutionality of State and Local Selective Purchasing Legislation: A 9-0 Supreme Court Decision in Favor of and in Defeat of Plaintiff, Rebecca S. Hartley
Constitutionality of Testamentary Racial or Religious Restraints on Marriage, Judson A. Crane
Constitutionality without Wisdom: Caplin &(and) Drysdale and Monsanto Examined, Dawn Cartwright
Constitutionalizing Communications: The German Constitutional Court's Jurisprudence of Communications Freedom, Christopher Witteman
Constitutionalizing Mandatory Retraction in Defamation Law, Elad Peled
Constitutional Judicial Tenure Legislation--The Words May Be New, but the Song Sounds the Same, C. Randolph Fishburn
Constitutional Law: Are Functions of a Labor Union State Action in Terms of the Fourteenth Amendment, T. C. Black
Constitutional Law--Contempt, R. S. Kuyumjian
Constitutional Law--Denial of Due Process--Power of Supreme Court to Review Convictions Obtained by the Admission of Allegedly Coerced Confessions, Duane W. Dresser
Constitutional Law: Due Process of Law Re-Evaluated, C. Richmond Bartalini
Constitutional Law: Free Speech--Judicial Review of Findings Made by the State Court, David B. Gold
Constitutional Law: Health and Housing Inspection of Private Homes without Search Warrants, Dimitri K. Ilyin
Constitutional Law--Military Court Martial Jurisdiction Over Civilian Dependents Accompanying the Armed Forces Overseas in Time of Peace, Tevis P. Martin Jr.
Constitutional Law: Pre-Trial Confinement of Federal Prisoners because of Mental Incompetency, William Donald Piercy
Constitutional Law: Privilege against Self-Incrimination--Testimony before Investigating Congressional Committees, James H. McAlister
Constitutional Law: Reliance on Nonenforcement, Zachary S. Price
Constitutional Law: Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court, Kenneth H. Wechsler
Constitutional Law: State Action for Operation of Reverter after Grant of Determinable Fee, Albert Bianchi
Constitutional Law--State Jurisdiction over Foreign Corporations, Julian Hultgren
Constitutional Limitations on the Power to Tax: Alco Parking Corp. v. Pittsburgh, John P. Murphy
Constitutional Limits on Physician Price Controls, Thomas W. Merrill
Constitutional Litigation in Federal and State Courts: An Empirical Analysis of Judicial Parity, Michael E. Solimine and James L. Walker
Constitutional Privacy Rights in the Private Workplace, under the Federal and California Constitutions, John C. Barker
Constitutional Prohibitions of Cruel, Inhumane or Unnecessary Death, Injury or Suffering during Law Enforcement Process, Jordan J. Paust
Constitutional Review: Supreme Court, 1976-77 Term, Michael P. Lehmann and Mary C. Eklund
Constitutional Review: Supreme Court, October 1977 Term, Marc H. Greenberg, Jeanne La Borde Scholz, Anne Hiaring, and Rosemary Hart
Constitutional Right of Privacy and Investigative Consumer Reports: Little Brother Is Watching You, Marsha Morrow McLaughlin and Suzanne Vaupel
Constitutional Sunsetting: Justice O'Connor's Closing Comments in Grutter, Vikram David Amar and Evan Caminker
Constitutional Taking Clauses: A Proposed Typology, Benjamin Wiles
Constitutional Turf Wars: Competing for the Consent of the Governed, Donald E. Lively
Constitutional Values and the Adjudication of Taft-Hartley Act Dues Objector Cases, Roger C. Hartley
Constitution, Congress, and Court: On the Theory, Law, and Politics of Appellate Jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court, Leland E. Beck
Constraining Modern Mercenarism, James R. Coleman
Constricting Federal Habeas Corpus: From Great Writ to Exceptional Remedy, Yale L. Rosenberg
Construction Market Trends San Francisco, Saylor Consulting
Consumer Class Actions with a Multistate Class: A Problem of Jurisdiction, Andrea R. Martin
Consumer Picketing of Advertised Products, Steven E. Bloom
Consumer Protection Laws in South America, Robert G. Vaughn
Contaminated Groundwater as a Resource in California, Kimberly Bick
Contempt: Direct and Indirect Contempt--What Constitutes Immediate View and Presence, Joseph H. Radensky
Content-Neutral Public Forum Regulations: The Rise of the Aesthetic State Interest, the Fall of Judicial Scrutiny, Harold L. Quadres
Continuing Abuse of the Hatch-Waxman Act by Pharmaceutical Patent Holders and the Failure of the 2003 Amendments, Mathew Avery
Continuing Economic Reform in the People's Republic of China: Bankruptcy Legislation Leads the Way, Shirley S. Cho
Contract and Conditional Zoning: A Tool for Zoning Flexibility, Nolan M. Kennedy Jr.
Contracts: Dealer Franchise Contracts, Limitation of Exculpatory Clause by Implied Obligation, Alice Porter
Contracts--Disaffirmance by a Minor, Thomas B. McGuire
Contracts in Favor of Third Parties, Merton Ferson
Contracts: Interpretation of Statute Barring Action of Unlicensed Contractor, George C. Shelton Jr.
Contracts: Penalty Clauses--Legality, Jack Levine
Contracts: Promissory Estoppel Applied to a Commercial Transaction in California, James R. Slaybaugh
Contracts: Recovery on a Contingent Fee Contract by an Attorney in Default, James R. Slaybaugh
Contracts under Grants-in-Aid--An Aspect of United States Federal-State-Local Relations, John Whelan and John M. Smith
Contractual Controls of Damages in Commercial Transactions, James B. Smith
Contrasting Effects of Selective Lesions of Nucleus Accumbens Core or Shell on Inhibitory Control and Amphetamine-induced Impulsive Behaviour, Emily Murphy, E.S.J. Robinson, D.E.H Theobald, A.C. Mar, T.W. Robbins, and J.W. Dalley
Contribution among Tortfeasors in Nevada, Gary D. Samson
Control and Management of Common Elements by Covenant, Alfred V. Contarino and Richard D. Kiner
Control, Co-Optation and Co-Operation: Managing Religious Harmony in Singapore's Multi-Ethnic, Quasi-Secular State, Li-Ann Thio
Controlling Harmful Non-native Plants at Local Levels: Private Rights and the Public Good, Bill D. Nelson
Controlling the Artful Con: Authentication and Regulation, Leonard D. DuBoff
Control of Break-Away State Antitrust Litigation: An Issue of Federalism, C. Douglas Floyd
Control of Purchasers by Pre-Emptive Option, Samuel A. B. Lyons
Conversations That Matter—The Road to Patient Safety, Debra Gerardi
Conviction of Unincluded Lesser Offenses: Informal Amendments and Plea Bargains, Robert J. Russell
Cooper v. Union Bank California Protects the True Owner against a Forged Indorsement Despite Uniform Commercial Code Section 3-419(3), Donald Lincoln Vance
Coordination of Facts and Wills, David L. Samuels
Copernican Revolution in Jurisprudence: In Loving Memory of Rudolf B. Schlesinger, Mentor and Friend, Ugo Mattei
Copyright Infringement and Harmless Speech, Christina Bohannan
Copyright Protection for Firmware: An International View, Amy Pierson Bates
Copyright Protection for Search Results: Hiybbprqag, Mbzrxpgjys, and Indoswiftjobinproduction, Joshua L. Young
Copyright Protection of Computer Software in Taiwan and Its Enforcement by the Information Product Anti-Piracy Alliance, George C. C. Chen
Copyright: Unfair Trade--Unfair Competition by Misappropriation of Radio Program Content, William J. Adams
Coram Nobis--Panacea or Carcinoma, Richard B. Amandes
Coram Norbis: General Limitations--Availability to Persons Irregularly Released from Imprisonment, Raymond L. Mushrush
Corporal Punishment in Public Schools: A Violation of Substantive Due Process, Cynthia Denenholz Sweeney
Corporate Governance: Who Controls the Large Corporation, Thomas M. Jones
Corporate Law: If It Acts Like a Bank, Regulate It Like a Bank, John Crawford
Corporate Liability: Enforcing Human Rights through Domestic Litigation, Beth Stephens
Corporate Shares: Attachment and Execution: Conflicting Policies of Negotiability and Collection of Judgments, Arthur T. Berggren
Corporate Social Responsibility: European Models, Gunter H. Roth
Corporatization and Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises: Some Australian Perspectives, Tony Greenwood, David Williamson, Jim Armitage, and Gary Rumble
Cost Allocation in Public Utility Relocation in California, William P. Torngren
Could You Repeat That Please? Forty-Five Years of Pesticide Experiments on People, Barbara Leiterman
Counsel for the Situation: The Latin Notary, a Historical and Comparative Model, Pedro A. Malavet
Counter-Demonstration as Protected Speech: Finding the Right to Confrontation in Existing First Amendment Law, Kevin Francis O'Neill and Raymond Vasvari
Countertrade, the GATT, and the Theory of the Second Best, William D. Zeller
Court-Appointed Counsel--Right to Compensation, Jack Komar
Court-Ordered Contraception in California, Michael A. Lotman
Courts and the Creation of a Spirit of Moderation: Judicial Protection of Revolutionaries in Argentina, 1863-1929, Jonathan M. Miller
Courts-Martial Practice: A View from the Top, Robert Emmet Quinn
Courts Rule Too Narrowly Regarding the Right to Wear Religious Clothing in Public, Kendyl L. Green
Covenants and Equitable Servitudes in California, Randall K. Steverson
Covenants: Apportionment of Oil Lease Payments under California Statute, Robert L. LaVine
Covenants Not to Sue Provide less Immunity in a Post-MedImmune World, Edo Royker
Covenants Running with the Land, and Equitable Servitudes; Two Concepts, or One, Ralph A. Newman and Frank R. Losey
Covert Wars and Presidential Power: Judicial Complicity in a Realignment of Constitutional Power, Leonard Steinberg
Coyote Hills Regional Park, Kevin Armonio
Crackdown: The Emerging Drug Exception to the Bill of Rights, Steven Wisotsky
Crafting a Standard: Environmental Crimes as Crimes Against Humanity Under the International Criminal Court, Jessica Durney
Crash, Revisited, James Beard
Crater Lake, OR, Riti Chandiok
Crater Lake, Oregon, Robyn Carliss
Crater Lake, Oregon, Mark Bland
Crawford v. Washington: Bright Line Rules to Identity Testimonial Statements, Jenny M. Kim
Creating a Carbon Sequestration Right: A Legal Tool to Enhance the Use of Forest-Based Carbon Offsets, Abigail Stecker
Creating a Category Under the Kyoto Protocol Based on Non Emissions, Erin Sedloff
Creating an Appetite for Appellate Reform in California, Gerald F. Uelmen
Creating Children with Disabilities: Parental Tort Liability for Preimplantation Genetic Interventions, Kirsten Rabe Smolensky
Creating New Categories: Anglo-American Radical Feminism's Constitutionalism in the Streets, Yxta Maya Murray
Creative Judicial Misunderstanding: Misapplication of the Public Trust Doctrine in Michigan, Carl Shadi Paganelli
Credentials of State Delegations to the U.N. General Assmebly: A New Approach to Effectuation of Self-Determination for Southern Africa, Edward McWhinney
Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States, Forrest Martin
Creditors and the Will Contest, D. L. A. Kerson
Credit Scoring and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, David C. Hsia
Crime Prevention and Judicial Casuistry, John Barker Waite
Crimes without Punishment: An Update on Violence against Women and Impunity in Guatemala, Karen Musalo and Blaine Bookey
Crimes without Punishment: Violence against Women in Guatemala, Karen Musalo, Elisabeth Pellegrin, and S. Shawn Roberts
Criminal Discovery, Michael Moore
Criminal Intent and the Sherman Act: The Label Per Se Can't Take Gypsum Away, Thomas Patrick Sullivan
Criminalizing the Sexual Transmission of HIV: An International Analysis, Thomas W. Tierney
Criminal Jurisdiction over Civilian Components and Accompanying Dependents of the Armed Forces in Foreign Countries, Charles V. Stone
Criminal Law: Accusatory Pleadings as Determining Necessarily Included Offenses, John C. Ricksen
Criminal Law and Procedure, M. Stephen Coontz
Criminal Law: Arson--Strict Application of the Felony-Murder Doctrine, George R. Moscone
Criminal Law--Attempted Perjury is a Crime, Gerald N. Hill
Criminal Law: Habitual Criminal Statute--Effect of Concurrently Served Terms, Robert H. Commett
Criminal Law: Murder by Lying in Wait in California, Theodore Marois Jr.
Criminal Law: Right to a Public Trial--Exclusion of the Press, John H. Baker
Criminal Law: Search and Seizure--Validity of Second Search, Herbert Kessler
Criminal Law: Slight Movements within an Enclosure Constitute Kidnaping, George B. Hendry
Criminal Law: Solicitation in California to do an Act Outside the State, Albert Bianchi
Criminal Law: The Effect of a Felony Committed by a Prisoner Who is on Parole: A Comparison of the New York and California Rules, John F. Van De Poel
Criminal Law: What is a Speedy Trial, David L. Allen
Criminal Mischief: The Federalization of American Criminal Law, Kathleen F. Brickey
Criminal Nonsupport and a Proposal for an Effective Felony-Misdemeanor Distinction, Kirsten Howe
Criminal Responsibility for Death of Co-Felon, Robert W. Crabtree
Criminal RICO Forfeitures and the Eighth Amendment: Rough Justice Is Not Enough, Vernon M. Winters
Crisis in California: Constitutional Challenges to Inadequate Trial Court Funding, Gabrielle Tracey Letteau
Crop Dusting: Two Theories of Liability, Richard S. Jensen
Crop Insurance Reform in the Face of Climate Change, Perry Elerts
Cross Burning Revisited: What the Supreme Court Should Have Done in Virginia v. Black and Why It Didn’t, W. Wat Hopkins
Cross-Cultural Challenges, Consensus, and Opportunities for Advancing the Professional Ethical Integrity of Legal System Actors, Rory K. Little
Cross-Cultural Lawyering by the Book: The Latest Clinical Texts and a Sketch of a Future Agenda, Ascanio Piomelli
Crossed Checks, Account Payee, and Non-Negotiable Checks: Some Suggestions from Foreign Law, Daniel E. Murray
Cross-Examining the Brain: A Legal Analysis of Neural Imaging for Credibility Impeachment, Charles N. W. Keckler
Crowdsourcing A Trademark: What the Public Giveth, the Courts May Taketh Away, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
Crumbling Wall between Church and State: Attorney General Supervision of Religious Corporations in California, Erin M. Ryan
Cultural Factors and Ethical Integrity, Jessica Vapnek
Cultural Factors and Ethical Integrity, Jessica Vapnek
Cultural Losses and Cultural Gains: Ethical Dilemmas in WWII-Looted Art Repatriation Claims Against Public Institutions, Erin L. Thompson
Cultural Property, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development: The Case of the Ancient City of Durrës, Helga Turku
Curbing Injurious PAC Support through 2 U.S.C. 441d, Mitchell L. Gaynor
Curing Conflict, Debra Gerardi, Dale C. Hetzler, Virginia L. Morrison, and Lorraine Sanchez Hayes
Current Developments in Farm Labor Law, Charles A. Rummel
Current Problems in California Subdivision Control, Clarence Taylor
Current Trends in European Comparative Law: The Common Core Approach, Mauro Bussani
Custody and Contradictions: Exploring Immigration Law as Federal Family Law in the Context of Child Custody, David B. Thronson
Customers, Co-Workers and Competition: Employee Covenants in California after Edwards v. Arthur Andersen, David L. Simson
Cutting the Fourth Amendment Loose from Its Moorings: The Unconstitutional Use of FISA Evidence in Ordinary Criminal Prosecutions, Kathlyn Querubin
Cutting the Gordian Knot: State Action and Self-Help Repossession, Lawrence A. Alexander
Cy Pres and the Discriminatory Trust, Bruce B. McCrea
Daddy Plants a Seed: Personhood under Patriarchy, Barbara Katz Rothman
Daffodils, William Wordsworth
Dahlia, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, Robyn Carliss
Dainty Hands: Perceptions of Women and Crime in Sherlock Holmes Stories, Hadar Aviram
Damage, Wendell Berry
Damages for Unlawful Strikes under the Railway Labor Act, Dennis Alan Arouca
Dan F. Henke--Quiet, Competent, and Indispensable, James R. McCall
Dangerous Misperceptions: Protecting Police Officers, Society, and the Fourth Amendment Right to Personal Security, Kathryn R. Urbonya
Dangerousness, Risk, and Release, Hadar Aviram, Valerie Kraml, and Nicole Schmidt
Data Processing and Government Administration: The Failure of the American Legal Response to the Computer, Paul Schwartz
Daubert & (and) Danger: The Fit of Expert Predictions in Civil Commitments, Alexander Scherr
David E. Snodgrass (1894-1963), Mathew O. Tobriner
Death and the Supreme Court, Arthur J. Goldberg
Death and Transfiguration of the State Action Doctrine--Moose Lodge v. Irvis to Runyon v. McCrary, Leslie Friedman Goldstein
Death of the Last Survivor, H. J. Taylor
Death on Inland Waters, Stanley J. Cook
Debating Conviction against Conviction--Constitutional Considerations on the Sanctuary Movement, Ruti G. Teitel
Debt-for-Development Exchanges: Using External Debt to Mitigate Environmental Damage in Developing Countries, Richard Hurlburt
Debt-for-Nature: The Second Generation, Konrad von Moltke
Debtor Relief Proceedings under the Bankruptcy Act and the Securities Act of 1933--The Registration Requirement and its Implications, Allan F. Corotto
Debtors' Name or Identity Changes: Distributing Benefits and Burdens under Article 9, Claude Michael Stern
Debunking Dilution Doctrine: Toward a Coherent Theory of the Anti-Free-Rider Principle in American Trademark Law, David J. Franklyn
Decent Work, Human Rights, and the Millennium Development Goals, Gillian MacNaughton and Diane F. Frey
Decertification of Police: An Alternative to Traditional Remedies for Police Misconduct, Roger Goldman and Steven Puro
Deciding Federal Law Issues in Civil Proceedings: State Versus Federal Trial Courts, Leo Kanowitz
Declaring War on the Japanese Constitution: Japan's Right to Military Sovereignty and the United States' Right to Military Presence in Japan, Derek Van Hoften
Declaring War on the Japanese Constitution: Japan's Right to Military Sovereignty and the United States' Right to Military Presence in Japan, Derek Van Hoften
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: The United States, West Germany, and Canada, Thomas Giller
Deconstructing Davis v. United States: Intention and Meaning in Ambiguous Requests for Counsel, David Aram Kaiser and Paul Lufkin
Deconstruction in the Arid West, Marc P. Reisner
Decorative Figureheads: Eliminating Class Representatives in Class Actions, Jean Wegman Burns
Decoupling Vaccine Laws, Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
Decriminalization of Psilocybin. Initiative Statute.
Dedication to Bret Leslie Lansdale, Chris Moore
Deer, David Aoyama
De Facto Abandonment of Territoriality: Protection of (Not-So-) Well-Known Foreign Trademarks in Japan and the United States, Ryota Charles Goto
Defamation in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China: Potential Perils of Two Standards of Free Speech, Melissa K. Bauman
Default Production of Electronically Stored Information under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: The Requirements of Rule 34(b), Vlad J. Kroll
Defending Genders: Sex and Gender Non-Conformity in the Civil Rights Strategies of Sexual Minorities, Paisley Currah
Defense Cost Apportionment and Reimbursement among Insurers, Robert C. Gebhardt
Defense Counsel as a Witness for the Prosecution: Curbing the Practice of Issuing Grand Jury Subpoenas to Counsel for Targets of Investigations, Ellen R. Peirce and Leonard J. Colamarino
Defense Expert Testimony on Rape Trauma Syndrome: Implications for the Stoic Victim, Nicole Rosenberg Economou
Defense of Entrapment in California, Peter C. Dowler and Edwin W. Duncan
Defense Witness Immunity, Michael R. Boone
Deference to Discretion: Scalia's Impact on Judicial Review of Agency Action in an Era of Deregulation, Patrice C. Scatena
Deferral of Employee Rights to Arbitration: An Evolving Dichotomy by the Burger Court, Christiane Hyde Citron
Defining Democracy: The Supreme Court's Campaign Finance Dilemma, Lori Ringhand
Defining Empirical Frames of Reference in Constitutional Cases: Unraveling the as-Applied versus Facial Distinction in Constitutional Law, David L. Faigman
Defining the Limits of Free Exercise: The Religion Clause Defenses in United States v. Moon, Debra A. Silverman
Defining the Problem, Hadar Aviram
De-Gendering Health Insurance: A Case for a Federal Insurance Gender Nondiscrimination Act, Kate Walsham
Deliberate Environmental Releases of Genetically Modified Organisms: A Comparative Analysis of British and United States Regulations, Michael V. Fancher
Delinquent or Disabled - Harmonizing the IDEA Definition of Emotional Disturbance with the Educational Needs of Incarcerated Youth, Moira O'Neill
Democracia y transparencia en el SIDH: una experiencia en marcha, Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Democracy and the Courts: The Case of Abortion, Linda Greenhouse
Denali, Anonymous Anonymous
Denali, Alaska, Jessica Duncan
Density Bonus Zoning to Provide Low and Moderate Cost Housing, Gregory Mellon Fox and Barbara Rosenfeld Davis
Dependency and Termination Proceedings in California--Standards of Proof, David V. Otterson
Deportation of Human Rights Abusers: Towards Achieving Accountability, Not Fostering Impunity, Simona Agnolucci
Depublication Deflating: The California Supreme Court's Wonderful Law-Making Machine Begins to Self-Destruct, Stephen R. Barnett
Deregulation of the Practice of Law: Panacea or Placebo, Meredith Ann Munro
Der groBe Lauschangriff: Germany Brings Home the War on Organized Crime, James J. Killean
Desalination in California: Should Ocean Waters be Utilized to Produce Freshwater, Hastings Law Journal
Descent into Authoritarianism: Barriers to Constitutional Rule in Belarus, Eric R. Reed
Descent into the Market Place--A Survey of the Subject Matter of Copyright, Howard Leslie Charlow
Description and Evaluation of an Interprofessional Patient Safety Course for Health Professions and Related Sciences Students, Debra Gerardi
Desegregation and the Supreme Court: The Fatal Attraction of Brown, Donald E. Lively
Design Professionals--Recognizing a Duty to Inform, Richard M. Shapiro
Design Thinking: The Answer to the Impasse Between Innovation and Regulation, Alice Armitage, Andrew K. Cordova, and Rebecca Siegel
Desirability of Blue Ribbon Juries, Grant P. Du Bois Jr.
Desolation Wilderness From Mt. Tallac, Lake Tahoe Basin, California, August 2006, Shaikh J. Ahmad
Desperate for Revenue: The States' Unconstitutional Use of the Unitary Method to Apportion the Taxable Income of Foreign Parent Corporations, Elizabeth Harris
Detained Aliens Challenging Conditions of Confinement and the Porous Border of the Plenary Power Doctrine, Margaret H. Taylor
Detecting Collusion in Oligopolistic Industries: A Comparison and Proposal, Joseph F. Zellmer
Determining Class Maintainability in California, Karen J. Kubin
Developing an Identity of Responsible Lawyering through Experiential Learning, Homer C. La Rue
Developing Effective Transparency: A Case Study on Voluntary Disclosure and Social Responsibility at Apple Inc., Jessica Gomez
Developing Jurisdictional Standards for State Taxation of Multistate Corporate Net Income, Berndt Lohr-Schmidt
Developing Policy from the Ground Up: Examining Entitlement in the Bay Area to Inform California’s Housing Policy Debates, Moira O’Neill, Giulia Gualco-Nelson, and Eric Biber
Development of Standards for Determining Effectiveness of Appellate Counsel in California, William R. Christian
Developments in the Application of Antitrust Laws to Professional Team Sports, Maxwell Keith
Devolution in Federal Land Law: Abdication by Any Other Name..., George Cameron Coggins
"Devolution" in Federal Land Law: Abdication by Any Other Name, George Cameron Coggins
Did Privacy Cause Identity Theft, Lynn M. LoPucki
Differences in Culture, Society, Economics, and Politics and Their Effect on Enforcement of Securities Laws, Wataru Horiguchi
Dillon v. Legg Revisited: Toward a Unified Theory of Compensating Bystanders and Relatives for Intangible Injuries, John L. Diamond
Diplomacy in the Modern World: A Reconsideration of the Bases for Diplomatic Immunity in the Era of High-Tech Communications, James S. Parkhill
Diplomas, Degrees, and Discrimination, Richard L. Francis
Direct Action and the Struggle for Integration, Mulford Q. Sibley
Direct Democracy and Article II: Additional Thoughts on Initiatives and Presidential Elections, Vikram David Amar
Direct Democracy and Civic Maturation, Alan Hirsch
Director Good Faith Marches on: A California Analysis of Director Termination of Shareholder Derivative Suits under Burks v. Lasker, Richard Victor Zolezzi
Disabled Clients, Disabling Lawyers, Anthony V. Alfieri
Disabled Newborns and the Federal Child Abuse Amendments: Tenuous Protection, Steven R. Smith
Disappearances in Honduras: The Need for Direct Victim Representation in Human Rights Litigation, Claudio Grossman
Disbarment--Admission to the Bar Obtained by Fraud, Gene Ashburn
Discarding the Doctrine of Supervisory Domination: New Solutions to an Old Conflict of Interest, Lynn Cox and Peter Martin Nelson
Discerning Justice When Battered Women Kill, David L. Faigman
Discharged Employees: Should They Ever Have Antitrust Standing under Section 4 of the Clayton Act, John A. MacKerron III
Disciplinary Discharges--Restricting the Commander's Discretion, Russell N. Fairbanks
Disclosure and Accuracy in the Guilty Plea Process, Kevin C. McMunigal
Disclosure of Informers' Identities, Stephen E. Newton
Disclosure of Presentence Reports in Federal Court: Due Process and Judicial Discretion, William F. Gary
Disclosure under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)--Much Ado about Nothing, Charles W. Sorenson Jr.
Discovery and Administrative Due Process: A Balance Between an Accused's Right to Discovery and Administrative Efficiency, Marilyn J. Friedman
Discovery of Expert Opinions and Conclusions in Condemnation Proceedings in Federal and California Courts, L. Richard Fischer
Discovery of Liability Insurance: Broadening of the Doctrine in California, William S. Clark
Discovery of Plaintiffs' Financial Situation in Federal Class Actions: Heading 'em Off at the Passbook, Betty C. Bullock
Discovery of the Nontestifying Expert Witness' Identity under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: You Can't Tell the Players without a Program, Douglas Alan Emerick
Discrimination, Distribution, and City Regulation of Speech, Katheleen M. Sullivan
Discrimination-Reducing Measures at the Relational Level, Tristin K. Green and Alexandra Kalev
Discussion of the International Water Law Principles Dr. Elver Lays Out, James W. Nachbaur
Disease Prevention and the Genetic Revolution: Defining a Parental Right to Protect the Bodily Integrity of Future Children, Megan Anne Jellinek
Dismantling the Modern State--The Changing Structural Foundations of Federalism, Keith E. Whittington
Dismissal of California Probationary Teachers, George R. Coan
Dismissal of Permanent Teacher for Public Criticism of the School System, James D. Mart
Disney Goes Goofy: Agency, Delegation, and Corporate Governance, Marc I. Steinberg and Matthew D. Bivona
Disparity in the Application of Legal Principles as a Form of Trade Restraint: Attorney-Client Privilege in the European Community, Dan R. Mastromarco
Dispelling the Misconceptions Raised by the Davis Dissent, Joan E. Schaffner
Dispute Resolution between Investors and Broker-Dealers in the United States Securities Markets, Catherine McGuire and Robert Love
Dispute Resolution in Space, Scott F. March
Dispute Resolution in the United States: Concerns and Opportunities in an Era of Globalization of Securities Markets, Mary Kay Kane
Dispute Settlement under the CFTA and NAFTA: From Eleventh-Hour Innovation to Accepted Institution, Harry B. Endsley
Disqualification of Corporate Counsel in Derivative Actions: Jacuzzi and the Inadequacy of Dual Representation, S. Kendall Patton
Disregarding Environmental Law: Petroleum Development in Protected Natural Areas and Indigenous Homelands in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Judith Kimerling
Disrupting Sexual Categories of Intimate Preference, Luke A. Boso
Dissenting Opinions, Jesse W. Carter
Distributive Injustice and Private Law, Aditi Bagchi
Disturbing Trends in the Law of Defamation: A Publishing Attorney's Opinion, Victor A. Kovner
Divided by Common Language: Capture Theories in GATT/WTO and the Communicative Impasse, Dongsheng Zang
Divided We Stand: State Constitutions in a More Perfect Union, Shirley S. Abrahamson
Dividing the Elephant: The Separation of Mess and Joint Stock Property on the Overland Trail, John Phillip Reid
Dividing the Waters: The California Experience, Brian E. Gray
Dividing the Waters: The California Experience, Brian E. Gray
Divine Judgment: Judicial Review of Religious Legal Systems in India and Israel, Josh Goodman
Divining Regulatory Intent: The Place for a Legislative History of Agency Rules, Lars Noah
Division of California into Three States. Initiative Statute.
Divorce: Right of Strangers to Attack Foreign Divorce Decree, Edward P. Atkins
Doctrines Without Borders: The New Israeli Exclusionary Rule and the Challenges of Legal Transplantation, Binyamin Blum
Documenting Gender, Dean Spade
Does the Cold Nose Know--The Unscientific Myth of the Dog Scent Lineup, Andrew E. Taslitz
Does the Constitutional Right to Privacy Protect Forced Disclosure of Sexual Orientation, Anne C. Hydorin
Does the Constitution Follow the Flag into United States Territories or Can It Be Separately Purchased and Sold, Marybeth Herald
Does the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause Mandate Relief for Victims of Diplomatic Immunity Abuse, Juliana J. Keaton
Does the Search for Truth in Our Scholarship Continue in Our Classrooms, Margaret Berger
Dogs vs. Birds: Negotiated Rulemaking at Fort Funston, Robin McCall
Doing it with Mirrors: New York v. United States and Constitutional Limitations on Federal Power to Require State Legislation, Martin H. Redish
Do Judicial Scarlet Letters Violate the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause of the Eight Amendment, Gregory M. Brown
Dolan v. California Coastal Commission, Corey E. Taylor
Dolphins, Whales, and the Future of the International Whaling Commission, Yui Nishi
Domestic Relations: Avoidance of Anti-Heartbalm Legislation by the Action of Fraud, Allan B. O'Connor
Domestic Relations Cases in Federal Court: Toward a Principled Exercise of Jurisdiction, Barbara Ann Atwood
Domestic Relations: Conflict between the Civil Code and the Penal Code with Respect to the Effect of Plural Marriages Resolved, Robert E. Carlson
Domestic Relations: Denial of Recovery to Wife for Loss of Consortium Due to Negligent Injury to Her Husband, Harry W. Feldman
Domestic Relations: Estoppel and its Application to an Interlocutory Decree of Divorce, William T. Sheehan Jr.
Domestic Relations: Levy of Execution for Accrued Alimony and Child Support Payments, John S. Mead
Domestic Surveillance for International Terrorists: Presidential Power and Forth Amendment Limits, Richard Henry Seamon
Domestic Violence as a Basis for Asylum: An Analysis of 206 Case Outcomes in the United States from 1994 to 2012, Blaine Bookey
Donaldson, Dangerousness, and the Right to Treatment, George M. Grant
Donner Lake, Gunter Mihaescu
Don't Ask--Don't Tell: The Secret Practice of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Julia Pugliese
Don't Get it Twisted: Why Employer Hairstyle Prohibitions are Racially Discriminatory, Devin D. Collier
Don’t Hate the Player; Hate the Game, Jaime S. King, Renee Y. Hsia, and Brendan G. Carr
Don't Sleep - Be Firm - Listen, Rafe Posey
Down-Zoning and Exclusionary Zoning in California Law, Michael A. Willemsen and Gail V. Phillips
Do Your Clients' Confidences Go out the Window when Your Employees Go out the Door, Kelly A. Randall
Draconian Yet Constitutional: The Republic of Ireland's Offences against the State Act (1998), Sean R. Elsbernd
Drafting a Solution: Impact of the New Salary System on the First-Year Major League Baseball Amateur Draft, Nicholas A. Deming
Dragon’s Lair, Melanie Anbarci
Dream Palaces of Law: Western Constructions of the Muslim Legal World, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Dronenburg v. Zech: Strict Construction or Abdication of Judicial Responsibility, Howard L. Pearlman
Dropped Calls: The Extent of the Free Speech Guarantee to Wireless Communications Service, Candice Shin
Drought, Barry Lopez
Drug Wars: A New Generation of Generic Pharmaceutical Delay, Robin Cooper Feldman and Evan Frondorf
Drunk Driving: Selected Problems of Procedural Due Process, Hadden Roth
Dualistic Values in the Age of International Legisprudence, Jonathan Turley
Dual Nationality in France and the United States, Simone Tan
Dual Regulation, Collaborative Management, or Layered Federalism, Hope M. Babcock
Dual Regulation, Collaborative Management, or Layered Federal- ism: Can Cooperative Federalism Models From Other Laws Save Our Public Lands?, Hope M. Babcock
Due Process and Consumer Protection: Concepts and Realities in Procedure and Substance--Class Action Issues, James R. McCall
Due Process and Consumer Protection: Concepts and Realities in Procedure and Substance--Repossession and Adhesion Contract Issues, James R. McCall
Due Process and Deportation: A Critical Examination of the Plenary Power and the Fundamental Fairness Doctrine, Ray D. Gardner
Due Process Considerations in Grievance Arbitration Proceedings, Alan Carlson and Bruce Phillips
Due Process Considerations in Hospital Staff Privileges Cases, Barbara Cray
Due Process for Public School Teachers in Nonrenewal and Discharge Situations, Reynolds C. Seitz
Due Process in Practice or Whatever's Fair, Ann Fagan Ginger
Due Process in Sentencing: A Right to Rebut the Presentence Report, Robert Andrew Harkness
Due Process, Rule 23, and Hybrid Classes: A Practical Solution, Robert M. Brava-Partain
Due Process v. Defense Counsel's Unilateral Waiver of the Defendant's Right to Testify, Seth Dawson
Dun &(and) Bradstreet v. Greenmoss: Cutting Away the Protective Mantle of Gertz, Michael Greene
Dunes at Vila Nova de Milfontes, Portugal, Dec. 21, 1990, Greg Hobbs
Durational Residency Requirements for In-State Tuition: Searching for Access to Affordable Higher Learning, Lawrence J. Conlan
Duress: A Perplexing Barrier to Relief from Joint and Several Liability, M. Meghan Kerns
Duties and Rights of California Unions: A Study in Policy Changes, Ephraim B. Margolin
Duties of a General Contractor under the California Labor Code, James B. Cuneo
Duty of Confidentiality in Korea, Suh-Young Shin
Duty to the Target: Is an Attorney's Duty to the Corporation a Paradigm for Directors, Roberta S. Karmel
Duty to the Unborn: A Response to the Smolensky, Jaime King
Dworkin's Theory of Constitutional Law, Robert P. Churchill
Dying for the Bonds of Marriage: Forced Marriages as a Weapon of Genocide, Carmel O'Sullivan
Earl Warren as a Judge, Bernard Schwartz
Early Visions of Justice, Richard M. Mosk
Easement and Partial Taking Valuation Problems, Richard A. Clarke
Easements--Interruption of Adverse User, Howard R. Benson
Economic and Political Consequences of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Thomas W. Hazlett
Economic and Social Inequality in San Francisco: A Case Study of Environmental Risks in the City's Mission District, Raquel Pinderhughes
Economic Due Process and Occupational Licensing in California, Roger Kensil
Economic Due Process and the Perservation of Competition, Christopher T. Wonnell
“Economic Impact” in Regulatory Takings Law, Steven J. Eagle
Economic Incentives and Nonpoint Source Pollution, Chelsea H. Congdon, Terry F. Young, and Brian E. Gray
Economic Incentives and Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Case Study of California's Grasslands Region, Chelsea H. Congdon, Terry F. Young, and Brian E. Gray
Economic Liberty as the Basis of Social Liberty: Bowers Revised in the Context of State Constitutions, Daniel R. Gordon
Economic Rights in the United States and International Human Rights Law: Toward an Entirely New Strategy, Barbara Stark
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and the Right to Education in American Jurisprudence: Barriers and Approaches to Implementation, Emily H. Wood
Economic Theory Applied to Civil Forfeiture: Efficiency and Deterrence through Reallocation of External Costs, Catherine Cerna
E-Discovery in the Cloud Era: What's a Litigant to Do, Cindy Pham
Editorial: Voting Rights for the Incarcerated, Juan Moreno Haines
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Agenda 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Agenda 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Agenda 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Agenda 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Minutes 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes 02/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes 05/11/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 05/12/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes 08/10/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 08/11/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Minutes 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Notice 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Packet 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting – Packet 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Packet 08/10/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Meeting - Packet 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Educational Policy Committee Minutes 11/10/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Edwards v. National Audubon Society, Inc: A Constitutional Privilege to Republish Defamation Should be Rejected, Dennis J. Dobbels
Effective Criminal Appellate Advocacy: Seeking Reversal by Concurrent Collateral and Direct Attacks in the Appellate Court, Gerald Z. Marer
Effective International Supervision of Global Securities Markets, David S. Ruder
Effective Reader Privacy for Electronic Books: A Proposal, Jennifer Elmore
Effective Use of Class Action Procedures in California Toxic Tort Litigation, Donald C. Arbitblit and William Bernstein
Effect of Leasehold Provisions Requiring the Lessor's Consent to Assignment, William H. Cotter
Effect of Probate Code upon the Claims of Alien Nonresidents to Share in California Estates, Graham Kelly
Effect on the Right to Appeal of Refusal to Comply with Orders of the Court, Barry Goldman
Effects of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs upon the Regulation of Marijuana, David Murray Van Atta
Efficiency as Equity: Insights from Comparative Law and Economics, Ugo Mattei
Eight Perspectives on Yvon Neptune v. Haiti, Jens Iverson
Elaborating the Legal Status of Astronauts, V. S. Vereschetin
Elder Abuse and the States' Adult Protective Services Response: Time for a Change in California, Audrey S. Garfield
Eldridge v. City of Palo Alto: Aberration or New Direction in Land Use Law, Barbara J. Hall
Electing the U.N. Secretary-General after the Cold War, Joakim E. Parker
Election of Certain Small Business Corporations as to Income Tax Status, Judson A. Crane
Election of Remedies: The California Basis, Linda LaBay
Electoral Votes. Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates. Initiative Advisory Question.
Electronic Filing and Informational Privacy, Kyla Kitajima
Electronic Health Records Donations: Proposed CMS and OIG Rules Revise Stark Exception and Anti-Kickback Safe Harbor, R. Gregory Cochran
Electronic Medical Records and E-Discovery: With New Technology Come New Challenges, Jeffrey L. Masor
Electronic Medical Records and the Challenge to Privacy: How the United States and Canada are Responding, Elana Rivkin-Haas
Electronic Signatures: A Comparison of American and European Legislation, Lance C. Ching
Electronic Surveillance, Title III and the Requirement of Necessity, Daniel F. Cook
Electronic Visual Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment: The Arrival of Big Brother, David P. Hodges
Elements, Melanie Anbarci
Elephant Canyon, John Pirkopf
Elephants and Embryos: A Proposed Framework for Legal Personhood, Of, Jessica Berg
Elian or Alien--The Contradictions of Protecting Undocumented Children under the Special Immigrant Juvenile Statute, Gregory Zhong Tian Chen
Eliminating the Defect in Design Strict Products Liability Theory, John L. Diamond
Embedding Policy Statements in Statutes: A Comparative Perspective on the Genesis of a New Public Law Jurisprudence, R. Grant Hammond
Emerging Issues Associated with Twenty-Four Hour World Securities Trading, Mitsuo Sato
Emerson Family Values: Claims to Duration and Renewal in American Narratives of Divorce, Love and Marriage, Mae Kuykendall
Eminent Domain: Its Possible Effect on the Condominium, Harold R. Collins
Eminent Domain: Liability for Assessments Accruing During Proceedings, Charles C. Ringwalt Jr.
Eminent Domain: The Application of the California Compatibility Requirement to the Corporate Utility Condemnor, Charles Dion Daly
Empathy and Approval, Stephen Ellmann
Empirical Evidence of Drug Pricing Games - A Citizen's Pathway Gone Astray, Robin Cooper Feldman, Evan Frondorf, Andrew K. Cordova, and Connie Wang
Employee Rights in the European Community: A Panorama from the 1974 Social Action Program to the Social Charter of 1989, Roger J. Goebel
Employer Defamation: Reasons and Remedies for Declining References and Chilled Communications in the Workplace, Deborah Daniloff
Employment Law: The Employee vs. Independent Contractor Dichotomy, Veena Dubal
Employment Protection and Gender Dysphoria: Legal Definitions of Unequal Treatment on the Basis of Sex and Disability, Stuart A. Wein and Cynthia Lark Remmers
Employment Status of Uber and Lyft Drivers: Unsettlingly Settled, Jillian Kaltner
Empty Benefits: Employer-Sponsored Oocyte Cryopreservation and Potential for Employment Discrimination, Ali L. Nicolette
Enabling American High-Tech Companies to Protect Their Secrets Abroad: A Comparative Analysis of Irish and American Trade Secret Regulation, Kelly Irene Phair
Encouraging Solar Energy Development through Federal and California Tax Incentives, John H. Minan and William H. Lawrence
Ending the Floating Check Game: The Policy Arguments for Delayed Availability Reform, Emma Coleman Jordan
End of Day, Michelle Nye
End-of-Life Decisionmaking for Patients in Persistent Vegetative States: A Comparative Analysis, Suzanne Rode
Endorsement as Adoptive Action: A Suggested Definition of, and an Argument for, Justice O'Connor's Establishment Clause Test, Joel S. Jacobs
Energy and the North American Community: Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Mark S. Adams and Barry Steiner
Energy Contract Planning: Allocating the Risks and Consequences of Commercial Impracticability, Norman R. Prance
Enforcement Methods Used in Applying the California Smoke-Free Workplace Act to Bars and Taverns, Damon K. Nagami
Enforcement of Age Discrimination in Employment Legislation, Carl E. B. McKenry
Enforcement of Divorce Decrees and Settlements by Contempt and Imprisonment in California, James L. Browning Jr.
Enforcement of Forfeiture Provisions as a Remedy in Land Sale Contracts, Frederick W. Flowers
Enforcement of Human Rights Standards: An International Human Rights Court and Other Proposals, Nanette Dumas
Enforcement of Injunctive Relief and Arbitration Awards Concerning Title to and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Asia and the Pacific Rim, M. Scott Donahey
Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants in Tract Developments, Carl Callaway
Enforcement of United States Default Judgments in Spain, The, Orlando A. Gonzalez-Arias
Enforcing Arms Control Agreements by Military Force: Iraq and the 800-Pound Gorilla, Davis Brown
Enforcing Arms Control Agreements by Military Force: Iraq and the 800-Pound Gorilla, Davis Brown
Enforcing California's False Advertising Law: A Guide to Adjudication, Charles F. Bond II and Paul W. Daniels
Enforcing Environmental Norms: Diplomatic and Judicial Approaches, Nicholas A. Robinson
Enforcing Environmental Norms: Diplomatic and Judicial Approaches, Nicholas A. Robinson
Enforcing Online Arbitration Agreements for Cross-Border Consumer Small Claims in China and the United States, Philip Johnson
Enforcing the One-Subject Rule: The Case for a Subject Veto, Jeffrey Gray Knowles
Engalla v. Permanente Medical Group, Inc.: Can Arbitration Clauses in Employment Contracts Survive a Fiarness Analysis, Russell Evans
Engineering Perfect Offspring: Devaluing Children and Childhood, Wendy Anton Fitzgerald
Engquist and the Erosion of the Equal Protection Clause: An Attempt to Stop the Creep of Irrational Dicta, Darien Shanske
Enjoining Urban Renewal--Inadequate Relocation Facilities: Western Addition Community Organization v. Weaver, Curtis W. Berner
Ensuring Due Process in Alien Exclusion Proceedings after Landon v. Plasencia, Alaine R. Parry
Ensuring Durable Environmental Benefits Through a Collaborative Approach to Hydropower Re-licensing: Case Studies, Avinash Kar
Ensuring Effective Communication: The Duty of Health Care Providers to Supply Sign Language Interpreters for Deaf Patients, Elizabeth Ellen Chilton
Entering China through the SEZ Open Door, William N. Post II
Entering Great America: Reflections on Race and the Convergence of Progressive Legal Theory and Practice, Margaret M. Russell
Enterprise Liability: Some Exploratory Comments, Roscoe Steffen
Entitled, Michelle Ben-Hur
Environmental Audits: Barriers, Opportunities and a Recommendation, Keith M. Casto and Tiffany Billingsley Potter
Environmental Destruction in the Name of National Security: Will the Old Paradigm Return in the Wake of September 11, Nancye L. Behurem
Environmental Enforcement in the Fifty States: The Promise and Pitfalls of Supplemental Environmental Projects, Steven Bonorris, Chelsea Holloway, Annie Lo, and Grace Yang
Environmental Impact Report Draft, UC Hastings College of the Law
Environmental Impact Report - LRCP, UC Hastings College of the Law
Environmental Justice: Access to Clean Drinking Water, Hastings Law Journal
Environmental Justice Act of 2017: A Fighting Chance for Frontline Communities, Jeremy Orr
Environmental Justice and the Three Great Myths of White Americana, Luke W. Cole
Environmental Justice and the Three Great Myths of White Americana, Luke W. Cole
Environmental Justice: A Review of State Responses, Hillary Gross, Hannah Shafsky, and Kara Brown
Environmental Law: Little Streams and Legal Transformations, Dave Owen
Environmental Preservation and the Fifth Amendment: The Use and Limits of Conservation Easements By Regulatory Taking andEminent Domain, Beckett G. Cantley
Environmental Protection and Privatization: The Allocation of Environmental Responsibility and Liability in Sale Transactions of State-Owned Companies in Poland, Susan S. Cummings
Environmental Protection in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe: The Polish Example, Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Michael Kulesza, and Ewa Gmurzynska
Environmental Rationality and Judicial Review: When Benefits Justify Costs under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, David W. Schnare
Environmental Rights in the European Community, Dinah L. Shelton
Environmental Takings and the California Public Utilities Commission--The Covalt Decision, Paul Lacourciere
Envy and Jealousy: A Study of Separation of Powers and Judicial Review, Laura E. Little
Equal Access and the First Amendment: The Debate behind Speech or Debate, Deborah A. Coleman
Equality behind Bars: Improving the Legal Protections of Transgender Inmates in the California Prison Systems, Angela Okamura
Equal Protection after Romer v. Evans: Implications for the Defense of Marriage Act and other Laws, Kevin H. Lewis
Equal Protection and the Passive Enforcement System of Draft Registration: Selective Service or Selective Prosecution--United States v. Wayte, Rennika H. Thoon
Equal Protection: Immigrants' Access to Healthcare and Welfare Benefits, Mel Cousins
Equal Protection in Special Admissions Programs: Forward from Bakke, Julius Stone
Equal Protection, Unequal Political Burdens, and the CCRI, Vikram D. Amar and Evan H. Caminker
Equity: Injunctive Relief under State Civil Rights Statutes, Rudolph Limon
Equity in Maritime Boundary Delimitations: The Gulf of Maine Case, Ina Raileanu
Equity Joint Ventures with the People's Republic of China: A Puzzle in Politics, Law, and Tradition, Alison Lisa Patrucco
Equity: Plaintiff Granted Injunction Despite Unclean Hands, Charles William Luther
Equity: Removal of Restrictive Covenants in California--What Constitutes Changed Conditions, Donald C. Thuesen
Ernst &(and) Ernst v. Hochfelder: A Critique and an Evaluation of Its Impact upon the Scheme of the Federal Securities Laws, James D. Cox
Erosion of Official Immunity of Personnel Supervisors in the Public Sector, C. Akin Blitz
Erosion of the Fifth Amendment through the Use of Defense Counsel as Witness, Wayne R. Gross
Escheat and a Constitutional Dilemma: Mannheim v. Superior Court, Lawrence C. George
Escrows--Burden or Boon, Donald A. Pearce
Establishes Constitutional Right to Gender Identity. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
Establishment Clause Challenge to Mandatory Religious Accommodation in the Workplace, Marion K. McDonald
Establishment Clause Neutrality and the Reasonable Accomodation Requirement, David E. Wheeler
Estate and Business Planning for Farmers, Neil E. Harl
Estate of Thornton v. Caldor, Inc.: Defining Sabbath Rights in the Workplace, Brian Bertonneau
Estate Tax Valuation of Mutual Fund Shares an Unrealistic Regulation, Evelyn R. Epstein
Ethical Problems in Advising Migratory Divorce, Philip Adams and Stephen Adams
Europe 1992 Removing Fiscal Barriers: The Unlikely Spectre of Tax Harmonization, Thomas H. Gibson and Meryl A. Rains
European Perspectives: A Foreword, Detlev F. Vagts
Evaluating Economic Impact in Regulatory Takings Cases, Daniel L. Siegel
Evaluating Intent in True Threats Cases: The Importance of Context in Analyzing Threatening Internet Messages, P. Brooks Fuller
Evaluating the Private Sector Perspective on the Financial Risks of Climate Change, Richenda Connell, Alan Miller, and Vladimir Stenek
Evaluating Vertical Mergers under Section 7 of the Clayton Act, Lawrence P. Postol
Evaluation and Reform of California's Residency Standard, Dana L. Mishne
Everybody's Talking: The Future of Comparative Law, P. G. Monateri
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about How Amendments are Made, but Were Afraid to Ask, Brendon Troy Ishikawa
Eviction, Discrimination, and Domestic Violence: Unfair Housing Practices against Domestic Violence Survivors, Kristen M. Ross
Evidence: Admissibility of Sales of Similar Property in Evidence to Prove the Value of Real Property, Edward A. Weiss
Evidence: Adoption of the Exclusionary Rule in California, Henry Friedman
Evidence and Confrontation in the President's Military Commissions, Nicholas W. Smith
Evidence--Joint Bank Account--Admissibility of Parol Evidence to Show Non-Donative Intent, Wilmont Sweeney
Evidence Law in the Next Millenium, Laird C. Kirkpatrick
Evidence: Nonconsensual Taking of Blood for an Alcohol Content Test Not an Unreasonable Search in California, John A. Burke
Evidence: Standing to Object to an Unlawful Search of the Person, William L. Caraway
Evidence: The Power of a Juror to Impeach His Own Verdict, William E. Johnston
Evidence: Whether the Spontaneous Declaration of an Agent May be Used to Prove the Agency, Jack A. Butt
Evidential Completeness and the Burden of Proof, Dale A. Nance
Evil Women and Innocent Victims: The Effect of Gender on California Sentences for Domestic Homicide, Ryan Elias Newby
Evolution in Slow Motion: Opting into a Digital World, Kristin Richards
Evolution of FReD: Family Responsibilities Discrimination and Developments in the Law of Stereotyping and Implicit Bias, Joan C. Williams and Stephanie Bornstein
Examining the Evidence: Post-Verdict Interviews and the Jury System, Nicole B. Casarez
Exceeding the Scope of the Patent: Solving the Reserve Payment Settlement Problem through Antitrust Enforcement and Regulatory Reform, William J. Newsom
Exceptions to Consideration Requirement in California, James B. Smith
Exceptions to the Subsequent Remedial Conduct Rule, Malcolm E. McLorg
Excess Capacity, Louis B. Schwartz
Excess Capacity: Who Gets the Charge from the Power Plant, Roger D. Colton
Excess Condemnation in California--A Further Expansion of the Right to Take, Robert E. Capron
Excessive Bail and California Penal Code Section 13521, Michael Desmarais
Exclude Evidence You Exclude Justice’? A Critical Evaluation of Israel’s Exclusionary Rule After Issacharov, Binyamin Blum
Excluding the Commune from Suburbia--The Use of Zoning for Social Control, Toni Klimberg
Exclusionary Land Use Controls and the Takings Issue, Robert R. Wright
Exclusionary Rules: An Introduction, Paul N. Halvonik
Exclusionary Rules in France, Germany, and Italy, Walter Pakter
Executive Agreements and the Intent behind the Treaty Power, Peter L. Fitzgerald
Executive Orders, the Very Definition of Tyranny, and the Congressional Solution, the Separation of Powers Restoration Act, Leanna M. Anderson
Executors and Administrators: Exception to the Rule Against Self-Dealing, Robert W. Culver
Exercising the Amendment Power to Disapprove of Supreme Court Decisions: A Proposal for a Republican Veto, Thomas E. Baker
Exonerated, But Not Free: The Prolonged Struggle for a Second Chance at a Stolen Life, Newton N. Knowles
Exorcising Langdell's Ghost: Structuring a Criminal Procedure Casebook for How Lawyers Really Think, Andrew E. Taslitz
Exorcizing Wechsler's Ghost: The Influence of the Model Penal Code on Death Penalty Sentencing Jurisprudence, Russell Dean Covey
Expanding the Definition of Security: Silver Hills Country Club v. Sobieski, Robert S. LuJt
Expanding the Products Liability of Successor Corporations, James A. Barringer
Expectation Damages and the Theory of Overreliance, Melvin A. Eisenberg and Brett H. McDonnell
Expedited Removal: Suggestions for Reform in Light of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Report and the Real ID Act, Simona Agnolucci
Experience Must Be Our Only Guide: The State Constitutional Experience of the Framers of the Federal Constitution, Robert F. Williams
Experimenting with State Constitutional Limits on Punitive Damages in California: Application of the California Excessive Fines Clause, Thomas Preston Klein
Expert Opinion and Reform in Anglo-American, Continental, and Israeli Adjudication, Neil Netanel Weinstock
Expert Testimony in Obscenity Cases, Terry D. Ross
Export-Import Sales under the 1980 United Nations Sales Convention, Peter Winship
Exporting Ethics: Lessons from Russia's Attempt to Regulate Federal Lobbying, Jason D. Kaune
Export Licensing of Advanced Technology to Communist Countries: Problems and Prospects, Vikram Aditya Gosain
Exposing Human Rights Abuses--A Help or Hindrance to Reconciliation, Richard Goldstone
Expropriation under Mexican Law and Its Intersection into a Global Context under NAFTA, Raymundo E. Enriquez
Extending Minimum Contacts to Alimony: Mizner v. Mizner, J. Eric F. Sweet
External Influences on Third World Debt, Neva Seidman Makgetla
Extinguishing Inheritance Rights: California Breaks New Ground in the Fight against Elder Abuse but Fails to Build an Effective Foundation, Kymberleigh N. Korpus
Extradition and the Conflict in Northern Ireland: The Past, Present and Future of an Intractable Problem, Margaret I. Branick
Extraordinary Writs--Discretion or Matter of Right, John Till
Extraterritorial Application of United States Securities Law: A Matrix Analysis, Marc H. Morgenstern
Extraterritorial Discovery: Extension of Jurisdiction by the Eleventh Circuit, Geoffrey Spellberg
Extraterritorial Enforcement of State Tax Claims, Charles S. Ruby and Kurt H. Pyle
Extraterritoriality and Its Limits: The Iran and Libya Sactions Act of 1996, Charles Tait Graves
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction--Environmental Muscle for the North American Free Trade Agreement, Richard Vaznaugh
Facebook and Social Networks: the Government’s Newest Playground for Information and the Laws That Haven’t Quite Kept Pace, Danielle Levine
Face-Veil Bans and Anti-Mask Laws: State Interests and the Right to Cover the Face, Evan Darwin Winet
Facilitating Auditing's New Early Warning System: Control Disclosure, Auditor Liability, and Safe Harbors, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Facing the Music: The Dubious Constitutionality of Facial Recognition Technology, John J. Brogan
Facing up to Wrongful Convictions: Broadly Defining New Evidence at the Actual Innocence Gateway, Jay Nelson
Facts and Fantasies about UC Berkeley Admissions: A Critical Evaluation of Regent John Moores' Reports, Asian Law Caucus
Facts, Rights, and Remedies, Wadie E. Said
Facts, Rights, and Remedies: Implementing International Law in Israel/Palestine Conflict: Introduction, George E. Bisharat
Faculty Diversity as a Clinical Legal Education Imperative, Jon C. Dubin
Faculty Memo: New Building, Rory Little
Failure of the Color-Blind Vision: Race, Ethnicity, and the California Civil Rights Initiative, Neil Gotanda
Fair and Effective Representation: Power to the People, Billie A. Rosen
Fair Comment and Fair Mistake--Extension of the Sullivan Precedent to Other Matters of Public Interest, James J. Cook
Fair Housing Laws: A Critique, James P. Chandler
Fairness and Bureaucracy: The Demise of Procedural Due Process for Welfare Claimants, Barbara Brudno
Fair Representation, Contract Breach and Fiduciary Obligations: Unions, Union Officials and the Worker in Collective Bargaining, Sanford J. Rosen
Fair Trade Acts: Constitutionality of the Non-Signer Clause, Gerald B. Parent
Fair Trial and Prejudicial Publicity: A Need for Reform, J. Thomas McCarthy
Fake Incommensurability: A Response to Professor Schauer, Jeremy Waldron
Falcon, Point Reyes National Seashore, Stephanie Showalter
Fallen Tree, Adam Regele
False Pretenses: Obtaining Contractual Obligation by Fraudulent Representations as Criminal Offense, Richard L. Weatherspoon
False Prophet--Justice Brennan and the Theory of State Constitional Law, Earl M. Maltz
Fame and Notoriety in Defamation Litigation, James Corbelli
Family Conflicts: The Role of Religion in Refusing Medical Treatment for Minors, Jennifer E. Chen
Faretta v. California: The Law Helps Those Who Help Themselves, Phil Miller
Farmers, Fish, Tribal Power, and Poker; Reallocating Water in the Truckee River Basin, Nevada and California, Barbara Cosens
Farmers, Fish, Tribal Power, and Poker: Reallocating Water in the Truckee River Basin, Nevada and California, Barbara Cosens
Farmers in the IP Wrench - How Patents on Gene-Modified Crops Violate the Right to Food in Developing Countries, Peter Straub
Fast-Track Arbitration in Europe (With Special Reference to the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules), Jan Paulsson
Faulting San Andreas: The Call to Arms for Sensible Regulation of Violent Video Games, Jessica Williams
Faun--From Fairies and Fusiliers, Robert Graves
FDA Enforcement of Criminal Liability for Clinical Investigator Fraud, Vandya Swaminathan and Matthew Avery
Fear and Loathing in America: Application of Treason Law in Times of National Crisis and the Case of John Walker Lindh, Suzanne Kelly Babb
Fearing the Mirror: Responding to Beggars in a Kinder and Gentler America, Michael M. Burns
Federal and State Economic Regulation--A Preemption Problem, Stephen Jones
Federal Civil Rights: Fact or Fiction--A Proposal to Remove Eleventh Amendment Immunity in Section 1983 Actions, Debra L. Watanuki
Federal Civil Rights Practice in the 1990's: The Dichotomy between Reality and Theory, Julie Davies
Federal Communications Law and Women's Rights: Women in the Wasteland Fight Back, Nancy E. Stanley
Federal Courts as Weapons of Foreign Policy: The Case of the Helms-Burton Act, John Yoo
Federal Criminal Law: The Need, Not for Revised Constitutional Theory or New Congressional Statutes, But the Exercise of Responsible Prosecutive Discretion, G. Robert Blakey
Federal Gift Tax Implications of Allocating Capital Gains to the Beneficiary of a Short-Term Trust, Donald J. McCubbin
Federal Grand Juries v. Attorney Independence and the Attorney-Client Privilege, Matthew Zwerling
Federal Income Taxation of Investments by Nonprofit Organizations: Beyond a Primer, Stephen Schwarz
Federalism and Fundamental Rights: The Ninth Amendment, Calvin R. Massey
Federalism and Health Care Reform: Is Half a Loaf Really Worse Than None, Richard Briffault
Federalism and Judicial Review: An Update, Jesse H. Choper
Federalism and Supreme Court Review: Is Article V and Exception to the Independent and Adequate State Grounds Doctrine, David W. Thill
Federalism and Supreme Court Review of Expansive State Court Decisions: A Response to Unfortunate Impressions, David A. Schlueter
Federalism and the Federal Criminal Law, Craig M. Bradley
Federalism and the Rehnquist Court, Calvin Massey
Federalization of Crime: Introduction, Mary Kay Kane
Federal Judicial Impeachment: Defining Process Due, Alexa J. Smith
Federal Pension Benefits: The Reach of Preemption, Marsha N. Cohen
Federal Pre-emption and the Right of Undocumented Alien Children to a Public Education: A Partial Reply, Robert S. Catz and Howard B. Lenard
Federal Refugee Resettlement Policy: Asserting the States' Tenth Amendment Defense, David N. Knudson
Federal Regulation of Discretionary Commodity Accounts, Rachel Brandenburg Baker
Federal Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cells: Can Government Do It - An Examination of Potential Regulation through the Eyes of California's Recent Legislation, Francesca Crisera
Federal Reserved Water Rights in Wilderness Areas: A Progress Report on a Western Water Fight, Janice L. Weis
Federal Tax Lien Priority: An Injustice to Creditors, Thomas C. McNally III
Federal Tax Policy, Tax Subsidies, and the Financing of Professional Sports Facilities, Daniel J. Lathrope
Felon Disenfranchisement, Hadar Aviram, Allyson Bragg, and Chelsea Lewis
Feminism on the Front Lines, with Updated Foreword, Blythe Leszkay
Feminist Theory and Legal Practice: A Case Study on Unemployment Compensation Benefits and the Male Norm, Deborah Maranville
Ferguson to Geneva: Using the Human Rights Framework to Push Forward a Vision for Racial Justice in the United States after Ferguson, Justin Hansford and Meena Jagannath
Fertilizers and Nitrates in Drinking Water: State Water Board Tackles the Public Health Threat of Contaminated Groundwater, Emel G. Wadhwani
Fetal Homicide Laws: Shield against Domestic Violence or Sword to Pierce Abortion Rights, Alison Tsao
Fetal Tissue Transplants: Restricting Recipient Designation, Mark W. Danis
Ficticious Business Name Legislation--Modernizing California's Pioneer Statute, Gordon E. McClintock
Field Study, Susie Meserve
Fifteen Minutes of Shame: The Growing Notoriety of Grand Corruption, Mary Evans Webster
Fifteen Years of Fourco--The Needless Disputes over Patent Venue, James W. Geriak
Fifty Years of Space Law: Basic Decisions and Future Challenges, Marcus Schladebach
Fighting Back Against a Power Plant: Some Lessons From the Legal and Organizing Efforts of the Bayview-Hunters Point Community, Clifford Rechtschaffen
Fighting Back against a Power Plant: Some Lessons from the Legal and Organizing Efforts of the Bayview-Hunters Point Community, Clifford Rechtschaffen
Fighting for a Way of Life: Public Lands and the Ranchers Who Own Them: An Analysis of Colvin Cattle Co. v. United States, 468 F.3d 803 (2006), M. Benjamin Eichenberg
Figure This: Judging or Federal Fraud? A Proposal To Criminalize Fraudulent Judging and Officiating in the International Figure Skating Arena, Kelly Koenig Levi
File-Sharing Copyright, and Privacy, Stephen Keating
File Sharing is Dead! Long Live File Sharing! Recent Developments in the Law of Secondary Liability for Copyright Infringement, Christian E. Mammen
Final EIR Cerification, UC Hastings College of the Law
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Jury System Improvement, J. Clark Kelso
Final Report of the California Senate Task Force on Family Equity, Joanne Schulman, Sara McCarthy, and Mimi Modisette
Finance Committee - Agenda 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Closed Agenda - 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Closed Agenda - 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Closed Meeting - Agenda 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Closed Meeting - Agenda 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting – Minutes 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Minutes 02/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 05/12/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 08/11/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 11/10/2016, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Notice 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Packet 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Packet 02/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Packet 05/10/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Meeting - Packet 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee - Minutes 05/11/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee - Minutes 08/10/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee - Minutes 11/09/2017, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Open Agenda - 02/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Open Meeting - Agenda 08/09/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Finance Committee Open Meeting - Agenda 11/08/2018, UC Hastings Board of Directors
Financial Intimate Partner Violence: When Assets and Transactions Become Weapons, Jo Carrillo
Financial Reporting of Diversified Companies: Legal Implications, Donald E. Schwartz
Finders Keepers--The Titanic and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, Cynthia Furrer Newton
Finder vs. Locus in Quo--An Outline, John C. Paulus
Finding a Fit: Gene Patents and Innovation Policy, Erica L. Anderson
Finding a Third Way: The Use of Public Engagement and ADR to Bring School Communities Together for the Safety of Gay Students, David S. Doty
Finding the Blight That's Right for California Redevelopment Law, George Lefcoe
Fingerprint Error Rates and Proficiency Tests: What They are and Why They Matter, Jonathan J. Koehler
First Amendment Protection for Newsgathering: Applying the Actual Malice Standard to Recovery of Damages for Intrusion, Merrit Jones
First Do No Harm: Protecting Patients Through Immunizing Health Care Workers, Dorit Rubinstein Reiss and Rene F. Najera
First Lady, Last Rights--Extending Executive Immunity to the First Lady, T. Natasha Patel
First Let's Sue All the Lawyers--What Will We Get: Damages for Estate Planning Malpractice, Martin D. Begleiter
First-Party Bad Faith: The Search for a Uniform Standard of Culpability, Dominick C. Capozzola
Fisher of Genes: Patentability of Expressed Sequence Tags, Joshua Kim
Fishing for Evidence: The Expansive Warrantless Search Powers of Fish and Game Wardens, Michael T. O'Connor
Fish Out of Water: A Brief Overview of Social and Psychological Concerns about Videotaped Trials, Gordon Bermant and M. Daniel Jacoubovitch
Five-Year Infrastructure Plan, David Seward
Five Year Infrastructure Plan 2017- 2022, UC Hastings College of the Law
Five-Year Infrastructure Plan - Approval, David Seward
Five Year Institutional Master Plan, UC Hastings College of the Law
Fixed Price Preemptive Rights in California: The Quality of Mercer is Strained, Phil Miller
Fixing Free Exercise: A Compelling Need to Relieve the Current Burdens, Eric D. Yordy
Flawed Foreign Policy: Hypocritical U.S. Attitudes toward International Criminal Forums, Joshua B. Bevitz
Florida Star v. B.J.F.: The Wrongful Obliteration of the Tort of Invasion of Privacy through the Publication of Private Facts, Marta Goldman Stanton
Florida v. Riley: The Descent of Fourth Amendment Protections in Aerial Surveillance Cases, Jon Gavenman
Fluoridation and Domestic Water Supplies in California, Henry A. Dietz
Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies, James B. Thompson
Foggy Ridge, Muir Woods National Monument, Avinash Kar
Footsteps, Inga Linvedt
Forced Dedications in California, Carolyn M. Farren
Forced Evictions, Mass Displacement, and the Uncertain Promise of Land and Property Restitution in Haiti, Greger B. Calhan
Forced Medical Treatment of Pregnant Women: Compelling Each to Live as Seems Good to the Rest, Lawrence J. Nelson, Brian P. Buggy, and Carol J. Weil
Forced Obstetrical Intervention: The Role of Religion and Culture, and the Woman’s Autonomous Choice, Gina Gribow
Forcing the Federal Hand: Reserved Water Rights v. States' Rights for Instream Protection, Heather Blomfield Lee
Foreign Certificates of Deposit: Securities or Banking Transactions after Wolf v. Banco Nacional de Mexico, S.A., Dana W. Fox
Foreign Divorce Recognition in California, Donald F. Powell
Foreign Investment in Cable Television: The United States and Canada, Colin J. Coffey
Foreign Investment in Paraguay: An Analysis of Incentives under Law No. 550, Michael D. Schley
Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980, Richard Eigenbrode
Foreign Investment in the Republic of Korea, Alexander D. Calhoun Jr., Anthony J. Van Patten, and Jin Ouk Kim
Foreign Investment in United States Real Estate, Joel Rabinovitz
Foreign Investment Law: Encouragement Versus Restraint--Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean Basin Initiative, Sula Fiszman
Foreign Investment Promotion: Thailand as a Model for Economic Development in Vietnam, Camellia Ngo
Foreign Multinational Enterprises Operating in the United States Seek Sanctuary from Title VII Employment Discrimination Charges in Treaties of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, Christine Neylon O'Brien, Gerald A. Madek, and Margo E. K. Reder
Foreign Private Plaintiffs, Global Conspiracies and the Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Antitrust Law, Wolfgang Wurmnest
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Ownership of Soviet Foreign Trade Organizations, James Stang
Foreign Sovereign Immunity and Saudi Arabia v. Nelson: A Practical Guide, Danny A. Hoek
Foreign Wives, Domestic Violence: U.S. Law Stigmatizes and Fails to Protect Mail-Order Bridges, Olga Grosh
Forest Sky, Adam Regele
Foreword, John L. Burton
Foreword, Claude Pepper
Foreword, Scott J. Burnham
Foreword, Sonja Arndt
Foreword, Lawrence J. O’Neill Hon.
Foreword, Mary Dunlap
Foreword, Cary Elizabeth Zuk
Foreword, Heather Kirlin and Dominique Tauzin
Foreword, Heather Kirlin and Dominique Tauzin
Foreword, Amanda Kennedy
Foreword, Emily Wood
Foreword, Sonja Arndt
Foreword, Kate Walsham
Foreword, Sonya Laddon Rahders
Foreword, Raymond L. Sullivan
Foreword, David J. Jung
Foreword, Hastings Constitutional Law Quaterly
Foreword: Evaluating the Work of the New Libertarian Supreme Court, John E. Nowak
Foreword: Expanding the Debate on Race, Poverty, Social Justice, and the Law, Margaret M. Russell
Foreword to the Corporate Social Resposibility Symposium: Reflections on Directions, William L. Cary and Harvey J. Goldschmid
Forfeiture: Murder of Life Tenant by Remainderman, Don A. Tambling
Forging a Path for Women's Rights in Customary Law, Tamar Ezer
Forging the New Water Law: Public Regulation of Proprietary Groundwater Rights, Antonio Rossmann and Michael J. Steel
Formalism: From Racial Integration to Same-Sex Marriage, Holning Lau
Formation of the Public Limited Partnership, Ronald R. Hrusoff and Carlos A. Cazares
Former Civil Code Section 3369: A Study in Judicial Interpretation, Wesley J. Howard
For the Birds: Wind Energy, Dead Eagles, and UnwelcomeSurprises, Samuel J. Panarella
For the Want of a Nail...the War Was Lost: Separation of Powers and United States Counter-Terrorism Policy during the Reagan Years, Peter Richman
For Troubled Youth--Help, Not Jail, Stephen J. Skuris
Forum: Equal Protection and the Burger Court, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
Forum Non Conveniens and Equal Access under Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Treaties: A Foreign Plaintiff's Rights, Allan Jay Stevenson
Forum Non Conveniens in California: Code of Civil Procedure Section 410.30, Charles Francis Vulliet
Forum Selection Clauses in Maritime Bills of Lading, Valerie Drogus
Forum Selection for International Dispute Resolution in China - Chinese Courts vs. CIETAC, William Heye
Forward, Rebecca Green and Lauren Whittemore
Forward, Lauren Whittemore and Rebecca Green
Founder's Remarks Commemorating the 15th Anniversary, Deborah Kochan
Four Exceptions in Search of a Theory: District of Columbia v. Heller and Judicial Ipse Dixit, Carlton F. W. Larson
Fourth Amendment Application to Semi-Public Areas: Smayda v. United States, Anthony D. Osmundson
Fourth Amendment Application to the Mass Welfare Search, Peter J. Laird
Fourth Amendment Protection for Juvenile Probationers in California, Slim or None: In re Tyrell J., Lidia Stiglich
Fourth Annual Symposium Export Trade--Introduction, Michael W. Berwind
Fractional Assessments--Do Our Courts Sanction Inequality, Robert Tideman
Fragmented Regulation of Multiple Stressors: A Cautionary Tale for Takings Law, Brian Gray
Fragrant or Foul - Regulation of the Global Perfume Industry and the Implications for American Sovereignty, Caroline M. Reebs
Frames of Reference and the Turn to Remedy in Facial Challenge Doctrine, Kevin C. Walsh
France: Banning Legal Pluralism by Passing a Law, Jessica Fourneret
Franchise Regulation, Don Augustine and Ronald R. Hrusoff
Fraud and Insider Trading in American Securities Regulation: Its Scope and Philosophy in a Global Marketplace, Donald C. Langevoort
Fraud-on-the-Market Theory in State Law Securities-Fraud Suits: Mirkin v. Wasserman and an Examination of Market Reliance Principles in the Common Law of Deceit, James I. Jaconette
Freak-Tent of Contracts, D. E Paterson Jr.
Freedom of Speech and the Language of Architecture, Kevin G. Gill
Freedom of Speech in Public Schools: Using Communication Analysis to Eliminate the Role of Educational Ideology, Gordon Danning
Free Exercise and the Problem of Symmetry, Nelson Tebbe
Free Speech for Lawyers, W. Bradley Wendel
Free Speech or Trademark Protections: Do Advocacy Groups and Government Agencies Deserve Extra Protection, Max Landaw
Freezing Concept and Voter Qualifications, Michael Dowling
Friends of the Eel River, ICCTA Preemption, and the Future of California High Speed Rail Litigation, Christopher J. Butcher and Johannah E. Kramer
From “Arbitrary” to Arbitration: Using ADR’s Popular Favorite to Resolve Commercial Marijuana Disputes, Madeline G. Landry
From Business Tax Theory to Practice, Alina S. Ball and Manoj Viswanathan
From Dictatorship to Democracy: Environmental Reform in Chile, Scott C. Lacunza
From Extreme Hardship to Extreme Deference: United States Deportation of Its Own Children, Edith Z. Friedler
From Gender to Genomics: Achievements and Challenges in Sex-Specific Science, Marianne J. Legato
From Hockey Gloves to Handcuffs: The Need for Criminal Sanctions in Professional Ice Hockey, Tracey Oh
From Incompetent Imperialism to Principled Prudence: The Role of the Courts in Restoring the State, Stanley C. Brubaker
From Katz to Kyllo: A Blueprint for Adapting the Fourth Amendment to Twenty-First Century Technologies, Ric Simmons
From Mice to Men: Genetic Doping in International Sports, Kristin Jo Custer
From Natural Scarcity to Artificial Abundance, A. Dan Tarlock
From Ratner to Qui Tam: Truth-in-Lending Class Action Developments, L. Richard Fischer
From Reynolds v. Sims to City of Mobile v. Bolden: Have the White Suburbs Commandeered the Fifteenth Amendment, James U. Blacksher and Larry T. Menefee
From Satirical to Satyrical: When Is a Joke Actionable?, Sandra Davidson Scott
From Snow-bound, John Greenleaf Whittier
From Tameny to Foley: Time for Constitutional Limitations on California's Employment at Will Doctrine, Elisabeth C. Brandon
From the Courtroom to the Street: Court Orders and Section 1983, Sheldon Nahmod
From the Desert to the Courtroom: The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Andrew P. Sparks
From the Fall of the Bell System to the Telecommunications Act: Regulation of Telecommunications under Judge Greene, Joseph D. Kearney
From the Fringes of Copyright Law: Examining California's True Name and Address Internet Piracy Statute, Brian McFarlin
From The Malibu Project: 28 Private Property Signs for a Public Beach, David Kipen and Jennifer Price
From the Oppressed to the Terrorist: Muslim-American Women in the Crosshairs of Intersectionality, Sahar F. Aziz
From the Sensitive Plant, Percy Bysshe Shelly
From Times v. Sullivan to Gertz v. Welch: Ten Years of Balancing Libel Law and the First Amendment, James J. Brosnahan
From Watergate to Generation Next: Opening Remarks, Rory K. Little
From Watergate to Ken Starr: Potter Stewart's or of the Press a Quarter Century Later, Vikram David Amar
From Widmar to Mergens: The Winding Road of First Amendment Analysis, Rosemary C. Salomone
Frozen Cathedral, Michael Bland
Fruits, Nuts, Cigarettes, and the Right to Remain Silent, Christine Esperanza
FTC Attempts to Abolish Vicarious Liability Defenses for Deceptive Sales Practices: Strict Liability for Manufacturers, A. Charles Dell'Ario
Full Faith and Credit, Choice of Laws, and Extraterritorial Regulation of Corporate Transactions, Gregory S. Sergienko and Maureen B. Callahan
Full State Funding of Education as a State Constitutional Imperative, Laurie Reynolds
Fundamental Rights for Women: Applying Log Cabin Republicans to the Military Abortion Ban, Hillary Hansen
Fundamental Rights on the Infobahn: Regulating the Delivery of Internet Related Services within the European Union, Patrick G. Crago
Funding a Right to Clean Water: The Financial Challenges of AB 685, John J. Schatz
Funding Our National Parks: Will Recent Congressional Legislation Adequately Protect Our Embattled National Parks in the Twenty-First Century, Richard J. Ansson Jr.
Future Interests: Construction of Heirs; When Determined, Michael J. Donnelly
Future Interests--Implied Condition of Survival, David A. Cossaboom
Future of Telecommunications, the Future of Telecommunications Regulation, The, Eli M. Noam
Gag Orders on Criminal Defendants, Ellen O. Pfaff
Gag Orders on the Press: A Due Process Defense to Concept Citations, Richard Harris
Gaming: Disposition of Money Seized in a Gambling Raid, Robert Moore
Gang Injunctions under Heat from Equal Protection: Selective Enforcement as a Way to Defeat Discrimination, Cathy Wang
Garbage in, Gospel out: Establishing Probable Cause through Computerized Criminal Information Transmittals, Judith J. Rentschler
Garner v. United States: Self-Incrimination and the Use of Tax Returns in Nontax Criminal Prosecutions--The Ninth Circuit Attempts a Balancing Act, Michael D. Williams and Andrew A. McCuen
Gatekeeping: An Enhanced Foundational Approach to Determining the Admissibility of Scientific Evidence, Charles Nesson
Gatekeeping Science: Using the Structure of Scientific Research to Distinguish Between Admissibility and Weight in Expert Testimony, David L. Faigman, Christopher Slobogin, and John Monahan
Gaudette v. Webb. Nonstatutory Wrongful Death in Massachusetts, Stanton P. Brunner and Dean W. Crowell
Gault and California, Robert Gardner
Gay Rights and Religion: A Doctrinal Approach to the Argument that Anti-Gay-Rights Initiatives Violate the Establishment Clause, Marc L. Rubinstein
Gender-based Asylum Post-Matter of A-R-C-G-: Evolving Standards of the Law, Blaine Bookey
Gendered Aspects of Migration: Law and the Female Migrant, Joan Fitzpartick and Katrina R. Kelly
Gender Equality and Judicial Federalism: The Role of State Appellate Courts, G. Alan Tarr and Mary Cornelia Porter
Gender Verification Testing: Balancing the Rights of Female Athletes with a Scandal-Free Olympic Games, Pamela B. Fastiff
General Appearance after Judgment: The Dilemma of Retroactivity, Ira H. Lurvey
Generalized Grievances and Judicial Discretion, Mark Gabel
Geographical Indicators: A Unique European Perspective on Intellectual Property, Eva Gutierrez
George W. Goble, Albert J. Harno
Geothermal Energy: Is It Attractive Enough to Draw Investors for Construction of Geothermal Electric Plants?, Kaveh Badiei
German and U.S. Telecommunications Privacy Law: Legal Regulation of Domestic Law Enforcement Surveillance, Paul M. Schwartz
Germ Warfare in the Patent Courts, John W. Behringer
Get Ready Cause Here They Come: A Look at Problems on the Horizon for Authorship and Termination Rights in Sound Recordings, Abbott Marie Jones
Getting Away with Murder: Guatemala's Failure to Protect Women and Rodi Alvarado's Quest for Saftey, Angelica Chazaro and Jennifer Casey
Getting Left behind: The Impact of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act Amnesty Program on Single Women with Children, Diane M. Bessette
Getting New Drugs to People with AIDS: A Public Policy Response to Lansdale, Marsha N. Cohen
Getting There: A Brief History of the Politics of Supreme Court Appointments, Calvin R. Massey
Getting to Zero: A Roadmap to Energy Transformation in California Under the Clean Air Act, Paul Cort
Gibson v. Gibson: A Further Limitation on California's Parent-Child Immunity Rule, Kristian D. Whitten
Give Me a Home Where No Salesmen Phone: Telephone Solicitation and the First Amendment, Susan Burnett Luten
Giving Codification a Second Chance--Testimonial Privileges and the Federal Rules of Evidence, Kenneth S. Broun
Glacial Creation, Prince William Sound, Alaska, Erin Sedloff
Glacier National Park, Kelly Decker
Glass Ceiling for Female Professionals, Executives, and Managerial Employees in Japan: 30th Anniversary of the EEAO and Prime Minister Abe's Womenomics, Setsuo Miyazawa
Glass Ceiling or Iron Weight: Challenges for Female Employees on Their Path to Becoming Managers and Executives in Japan, Hiroya Nakakubo
Glen Canyon Park Sunshive, San Francisco, Joanna Hossack
Global Climate Change: Water Supply Risks and Water Management Opportunities, Brian E. Gray
Globalization of Business Lawyering in Japan, Yoshimichi Makiyama
Globalization of Japanese Lawyers: Achievements,Challenges, and Expectations of American Law Schools, Setsuo Miyazawa
Globalization of Japanese Lawyers: Achievements,Challenges, and Expectations of American Law Schools, Akira Kawamura
Globalizing Representative Democracy: The Emergence of Multilayered International Parliamentalism, Davor Jancic
Global Responsibility and the United States: The Constitutionality of the International Criminal Court, Shannon K. Supple
Godel and Langdell--A Reply to Brown and Greenberg's Use of Mathematics in Legal Theory, David R. Dow
Going Strong--A Hastings Tradition, Marvin J. Anderson and Sue Diamond Lifschiz
Going to England: Irish Abortion Law and the European Commnuity, David Cole
Going Toe to Toe: President Barak's and Chief Justice Rehnquist's Theories of Judicial Activism, Amos N. Guiora and Erin M. Page
Golden Gate Park, Brooke Wangsgard
Golden Gate Park Squirrel, Brian King
Golden Gateway and the Search of a Fairer Application of California's Constitutional Right to Free Expression, Eileen K. Chauvet
Goldstein v. California: Validity of State Copyright under the Copyright and Supremacy Clauses, Dane J. Durham
Gone Today, Here Tomorrow: Policies and Issues Surrounding Wildlife Reintroduction, Craig R. Enochs
Good Business Sense: Changing Practices in the People's Republic of China, Steven K. Hazen
Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Insurance Contracts: Gruenberg v. Aetna Insurance Co., William H. Gilardy Jr.
Good Faith Purchase and Warehouse Receipts: Thoughts on the Interplay of Articles 2, 7, and 9 of the UCC, John F. Dolan
Good Kids, Bad Kids: A Revelation about the Due Process Rights of Children, Cecelia M. Espenoza
Good Neighbor Agreement - MSMC, UC Hastings College of the Law
Good Science Gone Bad: How the Criminal Justice System Can Redress the Impact of Flawed Forensics, Jessica D. Gable and Margaret D. Wilkinson
Good Science in the Public Interest: A Neutral Source of Friendly Facts?, Lynn E. Dwyer
Gordon v. Justice Court: Defendant's Right to a Competent Tribunal, Lynda D. Nelson
Governance of the Elephant: Constitutional Theory on the Overland Trail, John Phillip Reid
Governing Nature Conservation in Political “Hotbeds”: A Contractual Approach, Taufik Haryanto and Kai P. Purnhagen
Government by Judiciary: What Price Legitimacy, Louis Lusky
Government Regulation of Condominium in California, Herbert E. Wenig and Royce H. Schulz
Government Regulation of Religiously Based Social Services: The First Amendment Considerations, Carl H. Esbeck
Government-Sponsored Chaplains and Crisis: Walking the Fine Line in Disaster Response and Daily Life, Mary Jean Dolan
Government-Sponsored Enterprises are Too Big to Fail: Balancing Public and Private Interests, Carrie Stradley Lavargna
Gramm-Rudman and the Capacity of Congress to Control the Future, Paul W. Kahn
Grand Juries, Grand Jurors and the Constitution, Peter W. Sperlich and Martin Jaspovice
Grand Jury Indictment Versus Prosecution by Information--An Equal Protection-Due Process Issue, Richard P. Alexander and Sheldon Portman
Grant Lake, Sierra Nevada, Fred Jay